Toddy McFukkface GreenTurd has just released the findings of a special report he commissoned .... that has found that there has been a 4/5 % disconnect from fans and the public ...... This he says will affect sponsorships etc etc bulldust bulldust ......
And the reason for all this fan disconnect ..... wait ...... wait for it ..... is the behavour of the players ......
Yes it is now official .... the problem with the game is the players ...... no mention of the real issues that have been covered extensively right here .... headlined by the arrogant corruption of said GreenTurd .... no .. it is the players that are the real problem ...
And I suspect next step will be to announce that the only solution will be to give ... wait for it .... GreenTurd more power .....
Talk about playing everybody off a break and making fools of all of them .......