Alternate Eagles - Round 6 - Match up Stats


UFO Hunter
Alternate Eagles, Game Matchup:

All positions have stats 'Average' appart from Tries and Points.



Brett Stuart v Clinton Shifcofske

Tries: Shifcofske 4 - 2
Points: Shifcofske 62 - 8
Tackles: Stuart 5 - 3.5
Offloads: Shifcofske 2.8 - 0.5
Kicks: Shifcofske 2 - 0.3
Try Assists: Shifcofske .8 - 0
Line Breaks: Shifcofske 1.5 - 0.5
Hitups: Shifcofske 19.8 - 9.3
Metres Gained: Shifcofske 200 - 79.5
DH Runs: Shifcofske 3.3 - 1.8
Errors: Shifcofske 1.8 - 2.3
Mistackles: Stuart 1 - 1.3

Clinton Shifcofske - 10
Brett Stuart - 2


Scott Donald v Phillip Graham

Tries: Tied 2 - 2
Points: Tied 8 - 8
Tackles: Graham 8.8 - 4
Offloads: Graham 0.8 - 0
Kicks: Graham 0.3 - 0
Try Assists: Tied 0 - 0
Line Breaks: Graham 0.5 - 0
Hitups: Graham 7.8 - 5.5
Metres Gained: Graham 63 - 56.8
DH Runs: Graham 2.5 - 2.3
Errors: Graham 0.5 - 0.8
Mistackles: Donald 0.5 - 1.5

Phillip Graham - 9.5
Scott Donald - 2.5

Chris Hicks v David Howell

Tries: Howell 1 - 0
Points: Howell 4 - 0
Tackles: Hicks 6 - 4.5
Offloads: Tied 0 - 0
Kicks: Howell 0.3 - 0
Try Assists: Howell 0.3 - 0
Line Breaks: Howell 0.5 - 0
Hitups: Hicks 10 - 8
Metres Gained: Howell 74.3 - 50
DH Runs: Hicks 6 - 2.3
Errors: Hicks 1 - 1.3
Mistackles: Howell 0.8 - 2

David Howell - 7.5
Chris Hicks - 4.5


Steve Matai v Craig Frawley

Tries: Frawley 1 - 0
Points: Frawley 4 - 0
Tackles: Matai 17.5 - 7.3
Offloads: Frawley 1.7 - 0
Kicks: Frawley 0.3 - 0
Try Assists: Tied 0 - 0
Line Breaks: Tied 0 - 0
Hitups: Matai 12.5 - 6.7
Metres Gained: Matai 83 - 52
DH Runs: Matai 5 - 1.3
Errors: Matai 0 - 0.7
Mistackles: Frawley 0.7 - 4

Craig Frawley - 6
Steve Matai - 6

Paul Stephenson v Adam Mogg

Tries: Mogg 1 - 0
Points: Mogg 4 - 0
Tackles: Mogg 15.8 - 8.8
Offloads: Mogg 0.8 - 0
Kicks: Tied 0 - 0
Try Assists: Tied 0 - 0
Line Breaks: Mogg 0.5 - 0
Hitups: Stephenson 15 - 13
Metres Gained: Mogg 118 - 87.3
DH Runs: Stephenson 7.3 - 3.5
Errors: Stephenson 0.8 - 1.3
Mistackles: Mogg 0.8 - 2.3

Adam Mogg - 8
Paul Stephenson - 4


Michael Witt - Jason Smith

Tries: Smith 4 - 0
Points: Smith 16 - 0
Tackles: Witt 19.3 - 17.5
Offloads: Smith 1.8 - 1.5
Kicks: Smith 8.3 - 6.8
Try Assists: Smith 0.5 - 0.3
Line Breaks: Smith 0.8 - 0.3
Hitups: Witt 5.3 - 3.3
Metres Gained: Witt 36.5 - 22.5
DH Runs: Smith 0.8 - 0.3
Errors: Witt 1.3 - 2.3
Mistackles: Witt 2 - 2.3

Jason Smith - 7
Michael Witt - 5


Michael Monaghan v Lincoln Withers

Tries: Tied 3 - 3
Points: Monaghan 13 - 12
Tackles: Withers 20.5 - 17
Offloads: Monaghan 1.3 - 0.5
Kicks: Monaghan 9.3 - 4.5
Try Assists: Monaghan 1 - 0.3
Line Breaks: Withers 1.8 - 0.8
Hitups: Tied 6.5 - 6.5
Metres Gained: Withers 78.8 - 36.3
DH Runs: Withers 0.8 - 0
Errors: Withers 0.5 - 3.5
Mistackles: Monaghan 2 - 4.8

Michael Monaghan - 6
Lincoln Withers - 6


Chad Randal v Simon Woolford

Tries: Randall 1 - 0
Points: Randall 4 - 0
Tackles: Randall 21 - 17.5
Offloads: Woolford 0.8 - 0
Kicks: Woolford 3.3 - 0.3
Try Assists: Woolford 0.5 - 0
Line Breaks: Randal 0.3 - 0
Hitups: Woolford 5.8 - 3.7
Metres Gained: Woolford 54.5 - 15.3
DH Runs: Woolford 3.8 - 2.7
Errors: Tied 0.3 - 0.3
Mistackles: Woolford 2.3 - 2.7

Simon Woolford - 7.5
Chad Randal - 4.5

Second Row:

Steve Menzies v Matt Adamson

Tries: Menzies 2 - 1
Points: Menzies 8 - 4
Tackles: Menzies 26.5 - 13.3
Offloads: Menzies 1.8 - 1.3
Kicks: Menzies 0.3 - 0
Try Assists: Tied 0.3 - 0.3
Line Breaks: Adamson 0.3 - 0
Hitups: Adamson 9 - 8.8
Metres Gained: Adamson 83.3 - 66
DH Runs: Menzies 1 - 0
Errors: Adamson 0 - 1.5
Mistackles: Adamson 0.5 - 2

Steve Menzies 6.5
Matt Adamson 5.5

Anthony Watmough v Kris Kahler

Tries: Watmough 3 - 1
Points: Warmough 12 - 4
Tackles: Kahler 27.5 - 23
Offloads: Kahler 1.5 - 1.3
Kicks: Tied 0 - 0
Try Assists: Tied 0 - 0
Line Breaks: Tied 0.3 - 0.3
Hitups: Kahler 17 - 14.3
Metres Gained: Watmough 121 - 116.5
DH Runs: Watmough 1.5 - 0.3
Errors: Kahler - 1 - 1.3
Mistackles: Kahler 2.3 - 2.8

Kris Kahler - 6.5
Anthony Watmough - 5.5

Front Row:

Brent Kite v Tyran Smith

Tries: Kite 1 - 0
Points: Kite 4 - 0
Tackles: Kite 22.3
Offloads: Smith 2 - 1.3
Kicks: Tied 0 - 0
Try Assists: Tied 0 - 0
Line Breaks: Kite 0.3 - 0
Hitups: Kite 14.8 - 14
Metres Gained: Smith 121 - 110.8
DH Runs: Tied 0 - 0
Errors: Smith 0 - 1.3
Mistackles: Smith 2 - 3

Brent Kite - 6.5
Tyran Smith - 5.5

Daniel Heckenberg v Troy Thompson

Tries: Heckenberg 1 - 0
Points: Heckenberg 4 - 0
Tackles: Thompson 22 - 20
Offloads: Thompson 1 - 0.3
Kicks: Tied 0 - 0
Try Assists: Tied 0 - 0
Line Breaks: Heckenberg 0.3 - 0
Hitups: Thompson 16 - 12.8
Metres Gained: Thompson 108.3 - 102
DH Runs: Heckenberg 0.3 - 0
Errors: Thompson 0.3 - 0.5
Mistackles: Heckenberg 1 - 1.5

Daniel Heckenberg - 6
Troy Thompson - 6

Lock Forward:

Ben Kennedy v Jason Croker

Tries: Croker 1 - 0
Points: Croker 4 - 0
Tackles: Kennedy 25.8 - 21.3
Offloads: Croker 2.3 - 1.3
Kicks: Croker 0.7 - 0
Try Assists: Tied 0.3 - 0.3
Line Breaks: Croker 0.7 - 0
Hitups: Kennedy 12.3 - 10.7
Metres Gained: Kennedy 104 - 81.3
DH Runs: Tied 0.3 - 0.3
Errors: Kennedy 1 - 1.3
Mistackles: Kennedy 1 - 1.7

Jason Croker - 6
Ben Kennedy - 6


Luke Williamson v Michael Weyman

Tries: Tied 0 - 0
Points: Tied 0 - 0
Tackles: Williamson 21.5 - 7.5
Offloads: Willaimson 0.5 - 0
Kicks: Williamson 0.8 - 0
Try Assists: Tied 0 - 0
Line Breaks: Tied 0 - 0
Hitups: Weyman 9.3 - 4.5
Metres Gained: Weyman 86 - 28
DH Runs: Williamson 0.5 - 0
Errors: Williamson 0 - 0.3
Mistackles: Williamson 0.8 - 1.3

Luke Williamson - 8
Michael Weyman - 4

Shayne Dunley v Matthew Gafa

Tries: Dunley 2 - 1
Points: Dunley 8 - 4
Tackles: Dunley 17.3 - 8
Offloads: Gafa 0.3 - 0
Kicks: Dunley 0.3 - 0
Try Assists: Dunley 0.3 - 0
Line Breaks: Dunley 0.5 - 0
Hitups: Gafa 6.8 - 6
Metres Gained: Dunley 58.5 - 56.5
DH Runs: Dunley 5.3 - 2
Errors: Gafa 0.5 - 0.8
Mistackles: Gafa 0.8 - 2

Shayne Dunnley - 8
Matthew Gafa - 4

Kylie Leului v Ian Hindmarsh

Tries: Tied 0 - 0
Points: Tied 0 - 0
Tackles: Hindmarsh 15 - 12.5
Offloads: Tied 0 - 0
Kicks: Tied 0 - 0
Try Assists: Tied 0 - 0
Line Breaks: Tied 0 - 0
Hitups: Tied 7 - 7
Metres Gained: Hindmarsh 62 - 56
DH Runs: Hindmarsh 1 - 0
Errors: Hindmarsh 0 - 0.5
Mistackles: Hindmarsh 1 - 1.8

Ian Hindmarsh - 8.5
Kylie Leului - 3.5

Jason King v Marshall Chalk

Tries: Tied 0 - 0
Points: Tied 0 - 0
Tackles: Chalk 27.7 - 17
Offloads: Chalk 0.3 - 0
Kicks: Tied 0 - 0
Try Assists: Tied 0 - 0
Line Breaks: Chalk 0.3 - 0
Hitups: King 9 - 8.3
Metres Gained: King 73 - 63.3
DH Runs: Chalk 0.7 - 0
Errors: King 0 - 1.3
Mistackles: King 0 - 1.7

Jason King - 6
Marshall Chalk - 6

Canberra - 113.5
Manly - 90.5
yeah but interesntingly if you match up opposite centres, wingers, props and second rowers you get different.

Eg watmough Vs Adamson

Watmough = 7.5 (beaver 6.5)

Beaver Vs Kahler

Beaver = 7

So our total in the second row could have been 14.5 instead of 12

Which alone make the totals 93 vs 111
You can't stuff with the books fluffy to make us look good. Its comparrison with the players exact oposite.
Well done Flipper......some good stats.

I think the points one isn't required the goalkicker would always win that stat.
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Fri Apr 15 2005, 12:45PM ]</span>
Exact opposite??

Do Hecks and Kite always stand one to each side??

And think about this - the player playing opposite to you is not on the same side of the field - ie left plays on right. Hence the left side is easier to pass to for right handers naturally so should get more ball.

So match left Vs left or player Vs player - they are both legit reasons.
I thought about that byso. I choose to go with a player who can slot a field goal or has goal kicking ability realy does have the better all round game than one who doesnt so they deserve the point.

Its just stats though guys, lets not get to serious with them.
Fluffy, when talking your opposite on a football field, it is refering to position, not who is standing dirrectly opposite you.

Thats dancing.......
But thats who you are matching up against - if your left winger it doenst worry you who is playing on the opposite wing, its the person you are playing against.

Have it your way - our wingers and centres stay but its hardly messing with the books in the forwards

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