Canteen Worker
First Grader
It is hard to believe that it is getting close to one year birthdate of Alternate Eagles.
The foundation of AE brings back images of the heady days of the Jye Mullane chip kicks, the Club Mullanic, passes to Mr Nobody,chip kicks out onto Pittwater Rd, the absolute thrashing at the hands of the Panthers, the ravings of that 'lunatic' The Oracle on OEE and the savage criticism made by some of the Manly faithful towards the founders of this site. It was a crazy, satirical, hilarious, fun and sarcastic and miserable all at the same time.
Glad to see that all has settled down and more importantly, the Sea Eagles have surpassed all expectations in 2005.
Many thanks to Danny for all his hard work in getting htis off the ground and well done to the other original founders of this site. Byso's photos, Six'x downloads, Mata's alternate views, Ryans YARTs, the quick quips of Pepsi, the ascerbic acid wit of Sue and Vegas, the meanderings of Fluffster, the plain sense of Wheel, the passion of ManlyBacker, the silly stuff, the arguments and the drivel of so many has been very much appreciated. (I am sure I have missed many) Some of you had your parentage questioned by the 'True Supporters' and have taken all sorts of flak from other supporters due to the forthright and sometimes controversial stands that have been taken on all sorts of issues. Funnily enough the place was originally a haven for exiles and banne posters from other sites which didn't help the view of the place from some outsiders.
In my view (and I am biased) the site has gained credability though from the excellent various features of the sites, the forum opportunity to say what you think and the fact that the Manly fans who frequent this site love the Manly Sea Eagles with a passion.
I have wasted massive amounts of time but it has been very enjoyable and a good support through last year's winter of discontent, as I had to face up last year to the possibilityl of Manly earning its first wooden spoon. I have met some great blokes (both actual and cyberwise) and the enjoyment of our club has certainly been enhanced!
It is only a coincidence (and it sounds like an egotistic comment) but the formation of this site marked the renaissance of Manly as a team and our climb up the ladder has been distinct since then.
Go you Sea Eagles and well done to all who have made AE what it has become today!!

The foundation of AE brings back images of the heady days of the Jye Mullane chip kicks, the Club Mullanic, passes to Mr Nobody,chip kicks out onto Pittwater Rd, the absolute thrashing at the hands of the Panthers, the ravings of that 'lunatic' The Oracle on OEE and the savage criticism made by some of the Manly faithful towards the founders of this site. It was a crazy, satirical, hilarious, fun and sarcastic and miserable all at the same time.
Glad to see that all has settled down and more importantly, the Sea Eagles have surpassed all expectations in 2005.
Many thanks to Danny for all his hard work in getting htis off the ground and well done to the other original founders of this site. Byso's photos, Six'x downloads, Mata's alternate views, Ryans YARTs, the quick quips of Pepsi, the ascerbic acid wit of Sue and Vegas, the meanderings of Fluffster, the plain sense of Wheel, the passion of ManlyBacker, the silly stuff, the arguments and the drivel of so many has been very much appreciated. (I am sure I have missed many) Some of you had your parentage questioned by the 'True Supporters' and have taken all sorts of flak from other supporters due to the forthright and sometimes controversial stands that have been taken on all sorts of issues. Funnily enough the place was originally a haven for exiles and banne posters from other sites which didn't help the view of the place from some outsiders.
In my view (and I am biased) the site has gained credability though from the excellent various features of the sites, the forum opportunity to say what you think and the fact that the Manly fans who frequent this site love the Manly Sea Eagles with a passion.
I have wasted massive amounts of time but it has been very enjoyable and a good support through last year's winter of discontent, as I had to face up last year to the possibilityl of Manly earning its first wooden spoon. I have met some great blokes (both actual and cyberwise) and the enjoyment of our club has certainly been enhanced!
It is only a coincidence (and it sounds like an egotistic comment) but the formation of this site marked the renaissance of Manly as a team and our climb up the ladder has been distinct since then.
Go you Sea Eagles and well done to all who have made AE what it has become today!!