My comments we not specifically directed at those 'volunteers' in general. Good luck to them, I personally volunteered in the running of cricket club with 16 teams and I know the committment required etc.
My view is the club perceives that many of these good meaning people who donate their time is a reflection of the Sea Eagle supporter base. They are continually around a lot of our officials at functions etc and I doubt they have ever said a negative thing against the club in their lives & that is their perogative. In fact more often they lavish praise on the club, management, performances etc etc. Despite our dubious recent on field record, bumbling efforts with Monasgate, poor football club member recruitment, massive reduction in season ticket holders, club 'media' personel getting on forums and basically telling supporters (& members in Snoz's case) to bugger off etc etc
As a result certain elements of the club feel they are in 'touch' with the community, understand what the supporters think etc etc. They are lapsed into a false sense of security in their own performances and contribution to the club and the supporters.
Lets face facts us 'internet' supporters also represent a small portion of the paying public who turn up each weekend to Brookie.
Pete you say sport is more than about winning - I hate to tell you this but in a professional sporting competition winning should be the only thing important to the club. Sport is now a big business, and now rigthly or wrongly the supporters that pay their way through the turnstiles, buy their sponsors products, pay their membership fees, buy the merchandise are the ones who count. They are paying the players and Management wages and more effort should be applied to see what counts with them rather relying on a few pats on the back from 'well meaning' supporters and getting a good cosy feel from it.
Please be ensure my comments were not directed at the volunteers personally, I just used them as an example to portray why some involved at the club have performed incredilbly poorly in their interactions with members/supporters.
Hope this clairifies my opinion