EOL now nesting on the GC
Official NRL commentator of the UK Royal Family
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Give me some rope on this one as i go down a rabbit hole. Im Australian. Im 47 and my background as far as i know is predominantly white.Sam Kerr's words were alledgedly racially based.
Given historical events, and some not all that historical, racially based words will hit harder than calling someone short (for example).
Clearly there is some sort of law Kerr has broken. I highly doubt there is a don't laugh at short people law, although anything is possible.
My first wife was White British and my current Wife (last one cause if this marrage fails im not going again that's for sure) is of Asian decent born in northern England.
Having lived in London for 20+ years I do think it's hard for Australians in general to get the race issue that places like the UK have gone through are going through. Now please understand im not saying all Australians don't get it but having returned here 15 months ago it's pretty easy to see we are 15 - 30 years behind the UK on the matter at least. Modern technology like social media will make the process happen quicker over time but there is still a big difference IMHO.
As a Niaive country white kid It's take many years to get it and try to understand the hurt racial abuse can cause. Of course I will never understand completely but seeing my Brown skinned wife profiled and abused by usually racist white scum hurts.
My Wife has 3 degrees, speaks 5 languages and has a British accent that would make the royal family sound thick but she knows no matter what's done she won't really be British in the eyes of many.
Now the Sam Kerr thing might be nothing but if she has thrown a racially charged slur the way of a policeman then she will need to answer the charge. Just as Leinu will.
To many of us White folk the idea "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" may be true but for others it's a long way from the truth.