You know SER8 that conspiracy theories ,jumping to conclusions ,drawing long bows ,adding 2 and 2 and getting 7 ,not letting the truth get in the way of fiction, is the red meat of discussion here on ST's.Come on man,,,, you know this to be true !
I mean in every story , we are looking to open that Pandora's box ,and kick over that can of worms hopefully opening the floodgates of fiction,fallacy and fantasy and to let the concoctions of our mind run free to maybe a 100 pager of fabulous forum fabrication !!
Let the games begin.
There is nothing better than starting on page 1 of a breaking Manly story as it quickly runs up to 12 or 13 pages ,absolute gold .!!
I am sorry to see AFB go but it maybe for the better in the long run