advice from silvertail dad's?


advice from silvertail dad's?

found out yesterday that my Partner and I are expecting a bub 🙂 . Visited the doc today and she told us that my partner will "experience emotional highs and lows'? How much trouble am I in? !pray:
advice from silvertail dad's?

saying a woman will experience emotional highs and lows is hardly ground breaking information is it?

Its like saying ants are small.
advice from silvertail dad's?

saying a woman will experience emotional highs and lows is hardly ground breaking information is it?

Its like saying ants are small.

good point Dan. I'm worried they may be even more high and low than usual. Is that possible?
advice from silvertail dad's?

oh and congratulations
advice from silvertail dad's?

[quote author=Daniel]
saying a woman will experience emotional highs and lows is hardly ground breaking information is it?

Its like saying ants are small.

good point Dan. I'm worried they may be even more high and low than usual. Is that possible?


My experience is that they level out a bit. There's no PMT to survive for the next 9-24 months (also while breastfeeding) and they tend to get that "glow" in the second trimester (weeks 13-26) where they are exceedingly happy.

If she gets morning sickness the next 10 weeks will be pretty **** ty and you'd better be on hand as a good servant. But this patch is easiest with the first child. Morning sickness and toddlers are not a good mix.

The last trimester they get uncomfortable (particularly in summer as yours will be) and you become a eunich.

The only reason to say there may be more highs and lows would be if she didn't want the baby or you have problems with the pregnancy.

that's my experience anyway.
advice from silvertail dad's?

It does play havoc with their hormones, but if you trust that the human body has evolved to the point that it is well and truly capable of giving birth, than you will accept that these hormonal changes are for a reason.

Enjoy the ride, the next 7 or 8 months will be a blip on the radar when you look back anyway. Don't stress and if you get some grief in the lead up, cop it on the chin. You will develop profound respect for your partner when you watch her go through child birth (presuming that you end up going the natural birth route).

Congrats, your life is about to change and you are about to get a persepective you never had before.
advice from silvertail dad's?

found out yesterday that my Partner and I are expecting a bub 🙂 . Visited the doc today and she told us that my partner will \"experience emotional highs and lows'? How much trouble am I in? !pray:

Expect this Nodd:
Phase 1: first few weeks is excitement at the thought of telling all her family and girlfriends and people she hasnt met yet
Phase 2: novelty wears off. Morning sickness sets in
Phase 3: its all your fault
Phase 4: make time to take her to 437 medical appointments
Phase 4: prepare for a retail buying frenzy
Phase 5: start the nesting syndrome including increased visits to mother in laws house for emotional support
Phase 6: argue over colour of painting the babys room
Phase 7: You may now investigate larger tits than you are used to
Phase 8: Its all still your fault
Phase 9: nesting turns into increased sexual appetite designed to bring on birth. Enjoy.
Phase 10: birth......nothing can prepare you and by the way, prior to an epidural inducing sleep, its all very much your farking fault
advice from silvertail dad's?

Congrats, nodd. We just had our second a month and a half ago, but I won't go into that with you 🙂

We didn't have any real emotional swinging and once the morning sickness was over, there was an amazing amount of 'Phase 9' as defined by Jatz above!

I think the one thing that you can depend on is that no two pregnancies are alike. We had our two within 12 months of each other and they were both very different from start to finish (we had a doula and only basic pain killers for the first and an epidural for the second).

Oh yeah, and let that '12 months' note be a lesson to you... don't for one minute think "there's no way we could do it again the first time...."
advice from silvertail dad's?

how are little ella and Finley mate?
advice from silvertail dad's?

great news and congrats Nodd.

No advice here, the less little fluffy's in the world the better i think
advice from silvertail dad's?

Congrats Nodd best part of your life is only months away

My missus is a gem and I really only got to experience Jatz's phase 9

You have ultra sounds and crap to look forward to until it gets exciting

Remember to take a book with you to the hospital for the birth as it can get a bit boring waiting for it all to be over with.
advice from silvertail dad's?

thanks for the advice and congratulations all. I'm extremely excited and looking forward to the experience :yeah: . looking forward to phases 7 and 9 🙂
advice from silvertail dad's?

Congratulations! As a father of 4, may I say that your life as you know it now is about to change for ever (for the better!).
The 1st pregnancy is the one that is filled with wonder & excitement of all things new. Don't listen to the birth horror stories that all & sundry will want to tell you. Just enjoy the wonderous journey together!
I found that the 1st pregnancy was filled with more up than down times. The subsequent ones are harder, as you not only have to deal with just the 2 of you, but also any other kids you may have.
advice from silvertail dad's?

The main thing I learnt from having a child is that no matter how many birth classes you go to or how much advice your friends and family give you nothing prepares you for the first few weeks at home. However once the bub settles down with their sleeping and feeding it is great rewarding experience.

Your wife/girlfriend will have a lot of highs and lows during pregnacy and after birth. The best thing to do is support them even when they are being 'difficult' with you, swallow your pride and take a few hits to calm things down was a good option for me (and her).

As Matabele said the 'morning sickness' can be quite hard for them, in my wife case it was all day sickness and there is not much you can do to help.

Additionally after you come home after the birth and you return to work they can feel isolated and stressed having to keep a baby amused & fed etc. My advice would be to get her out of the house for a few hours per day everyday whether it is going shopping, going to friends/family place etc. Also a mate of mine with 4 kids told me that generally there are only 2 things that upset a baby & that is they are either hungry or have a dirty nappy. The nappy has an obvious solution but a hungry baby can be challenge - to overcome this we supplemented breastfeeding with a bottle/formula from basically week 2. The was necessary because my wife was not producing enough milk to keep my daughter happy especially at night after a long day. We had problems early on but once we did this ( at a suggestion of a mothercraft nurse) it was relatively plain sailing. So my final piece of advice is to buy some formula and get the baby use to it early becasue leave too late and they might reject the bottle/formula.

Good luck and enjoy the ride, when he/she is born and when you both hear the first cry it is an amazing experiece.

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