So who here works for a company that they don't get along with senior management or CEO or board memebers. I bet more than half of companies and organisations world wide have people from CEO's to board members to employees who dislike,disagree and just plain hate each other yet most suck it up, try to change things or move on. I would respect Haslers decision to go if we had heard of all these problems and even Des threatening to quit when he started to talk to the dogs 3 months ago but in reality it is only now after he has bolted that we hear of all this dysfunction and to do it less than a week after a GF triumph is piss poor form. If you truely loved this club you would move heaven and earth to try and solve the problems wouldn't you. If you truely believed that 1 entity running the place was the only answer wouldnt you fight to change things. I know I wouldn't run out the door knowing that my actions will create a chain reaction that may end up destroying the place. Money wasn't the object Des could have got as much by staying he just didnt want to fight to save this club instead he leaves and will take a huge part of the winning team with him to the Bulldogs a team we hate with a passion and always have. Is Des going there because he has a passion to make the Bulldogs a winning club......NO he is going there out of spite and distrust of a portion of the Manly board. You're kidding yourself Des if you think going to that place is any less devisive than the Manly board. You make up your mind about these actions I have and it ****ing well stinks.