Engorged member
For the year. Based on whatever you like. Brains, brawn, creativity, niggle. I'd have to go with
1. Jamie Lyon - Mr 100% Always on, best palyer in the world.
2. Brent Kite - Best i've seen Kitey since 08. Would have looked great
in a captains role. Role model value for young blokes
3. Joe Galuvao - Mr Consistant. You always know what you'll get with Joe. He'll get through his runs, make his tackles and get the job done. Inspirational bloke and a dependable war horse.
1. Jamie Lyon - Mr 100% Always on, best palyer in the world.
2. Brent Kite - Best i've seen Kitey since 08. Would have looked great
in a captains role. Role model value for young blokes
3. Joe Galuvao - Mr Consistant. You always know what you'll get with Joe. He'll get through his runs, make his tackles and get the job done. Inspirational bloke and a dependable war horse.