Just getting back to the Hilltop Hoods: have they had any releases lately that I should be looking up? Being over here, I'm very quickly losing touch with the Australian / New Zealand hip hop scene, which I totally love.
On top of all of that, I probably hvae about 20G of dance, about the same with more chilled tracks, over a dozen Soulwax mashups albums, plus the normal rock / pop stuff.
My current fave is almost 10G of John Coltrane: I used to work with a guy who's a Jazz pianist (he has his own albums). Even he hadn't heard of some of the Coltrane stuff I had which is nice.
Yep, and now with my 10Mbps connection, it will be hard to keep my harddrives clean 🙂
First step, I'm setting up a fileserver network (as in multiple computers): that will be my media collection.
If I can say anything, though: be sure to try out the free music sites. They have some great tunes and you don't have to feel guilty about downloading them. Others are around, too, where you get to decide how much you will pay for an album and the artist gets almost half of the money (as opposed to normal recording industry released CDs where if they see a dollar for each CD they're lucky).
Add to that the whole Sony fiasco... well, you get the picture. We need to support these independents that have realised that the new industry is here.
Plus, keep an eye out: my 'free music' site / forum should be up soon and I'll need guys to come in and help me breathe life in to it!!