I suspect your reputation will preceed many of your comments. For whatever the reason your posts tend to attract controversy and when the name Matabele appears as the author, human nature takes over. You of course have your self proclaimed disciples and they will read your ramblings half knowing what will next be written and generally will be in total agreement with your opinion.
When you buy a novel based on the author, or read a column by Phil Gould or Rebecca Wilson most people (or certainly I) will already (to a point) will have already formed a defence against Goulds pro Easts comments or how he invented the football, Wilson's lack of credibility as a serious journalist or if it is a book by a favoured author I will be expecting a certain style of writing.
People tend to accept that if something walks like a duck, looks like a duck & quacks like a duck it probably is a duck., without ever fully investigating. I suspect that when the name Matabele appears then many people expect a duck without fully reading the article. Sometimes there may be a swan there or often just a scraggy water fowl.
Reputations are hard to earn, it is difficult to expect that they should be easily forgotten.