@globaleagle ... small footnote in the telecrap today says that Toronto at risk of folding at the end of the year ???
Must be true then! lol
I dunno. It's above my (lack of) pay grade. If they can't fulfill their responsibilities - whether hard done by by the esl or not, then they should lose their licence.
I see the esl came out today and said they were going to remove 'all evidence' of toronto in the 2020 season. IE: Teams who had beaten them will have those 2 points deducted, etc.
What happens next year...if there is one...is something I dunno about.
I guess I can follow the newly formed Ottawa aces who will be attempting to do the same thing as Toronto.
Not privy to all info but the esl haven't been supportive of this expansion ever. I'd like to see Nth america start up their own...and have it the number 2 comp behind the nrl (irony) as it wouldn't be hard to do in the esl.
that said...I certainly don't like hearing about late payments (I guess the players hate it even more!)
My guess is that while it can happen (to anyone) it'll be determined more from the esl's response to Toronto in 2021 then them pulling out now.

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