Tony Mestrov

Good points.
It was a lot easier to get around the salary cap back then and we could certainly afford too.
On the whole I still put Bozo ahead of Des because he was more a club man imo…. I do still hold Des in very high regard. He coached post the Northern eagle mess….very tough days indeed..

It's such a shame the leagues club stopped financially backing the team as much as it once did. I have no idea of the politics there of course. That said, on a corporate front (and I may be wrong), but we definitely look pretty strong as sponsors go these days. I think Humphreys did an absolutely wonderful job on that front (I really liked him tbh).

I raise that based on you saying we used to be able to afford to.

But agree, everything about that period (early on), when we were bringing in the 1-2 marquee players a year, all the current coaching staff were younger and hungrier, the team were taking haircuts to remain together, it absolutely felt like constant growth (culminating in the 2008 & 2011 GF's) & community.

And honestly mate? I really think if people saw that same level of consistent (doesn't HAVE to be dramatic) growth year on year as a club, they'd be happy. Give people some hope Manly - as it stands, next year looks abysmal. I feel absolutely no connection to any of our players bar 2-3
If any of you have teenage kids struggling to understand the meaning of Irony, get them to read this thread......

Oooh, ouch ! You got me good ! Crawled outta of the cave, makes an appearance, stealth bombs, and disappears. You showed me, mate ! Put me RIGHT in my place @:D
Zzz Ok GIF by Jim Gaffigan
Still reeling after being proven 100% completely and unquestionably wrong about your original stance in this thread? Haha. Are you okay? I'm serious - I hope you're all good.
You tell yourself whatever you need to - still awaiting evidence a CEO in waiting should front a media conference or make a statement about the job they are yet to come in to.

But you do you - enough well adjusted people recognise what you are.
You seem to want to twist it and include haslers time at the bullldogs in the stats. To be honest I couldn't give a flying ---- what happened at the dogs.

Des has coached manly 300 times for 170 wins rounding up thats a 57% win rate at manly.

In all honesty win percentage means Sweet f all if you can't win the 1 game that matters. Brian Smith perfect example 52% over 620 games how many premierships 0.

As it stands as I have said countless times.
In the last 40 years our club has had 8 coaches.

Only four of the 8 have been able to get the side in to a GF and only Des and Fulton have been able to win Premierships at Manly during that time 2 eacb. For that alone the man deserves a big more respect than you are showing him@Merchant Of Doom
Attention admin. I have edited the above post and the Personal attacks have been removed. In hindsight they weren't needed. the points in my argument speak for themselves.
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Lol, I do get that. There was plenty of hyperbole in my post, but it was framed to highlight a LOT needs to be done to turn this failing club around.

I do get that subtle sarcasm is beyond a few here, and I should be simpler and clearer.

The media (even today on Fox) are tearing apart our culture, performance and brand. Even Ben Ross said that this all stems from the top, one person can change it, but it would take an off season (although he was talking about the Knights at the time).

Find it funny that the people ripping into anyone wanting change, are the same ones who tried to bully me out if this thread before I proved them all completely wrong ( @cc eagle , you, @Sheikheagle , @Cameron @mave & others).

Hey, don't lump me in with those guys 😄

I want change as much as you do, but perhaps a little slower than your push everyone off the cliff approach 🤔😉
Hey, don't lump me in with those guys 😄

I want change as much as you do, but perhaps a little slower than your push everyone off the cliff approach 🤔😉
I doubt it would happen. But I'd love to see toovey back as an assistant. I think des has been light on in support staff since he's been back. No offense to Monas and chad but neither are experienced assistants
You tell yourself whatever you need to - still awaiting evidence a CEO in waiting should front a media conference or make a statement about the job they are yet to come in to.

But you do you - enough well adjusted people recognise what you are.

I provided evidence, by possibly the most informed and educated master of the topic of the day.

Anne has a bachelor of science International Economics. She worked at Crain's New York Business as an Executive Inbox Columnist (educating others on the best practices and failures of CEO's / business owners), then as an executive writer on CNN on entrepreneurs and small business, then a columnist for Fortune, expressly teaching others these exact behaviors (how to succeeed as a CEO).

That, and her book is often provided to Bankers, to understand and learn about one of the key C's of lending: being character.

Now of course, you'll attempt to belittle her work (or somehow try and explain how a university lecturer teaching the skills of what to do as soon as someone's made CEO in small business is wrong - or at best not fitting), because you want to both attempt to make me look foolish (to get those likes from the Shiekeagle, ,mave, Cambo types), and also big note yourself in the process.

I mean, if I'm proven wrong, I'd be humble about it, apologise (particularly if I was being a smart arse to the person involved like you and those others were), and move along. But you do you. I'm sure those same few that rallied to tell me how stupid my stance was will like your B.S. now (and have already started - see Cambo haha - like clockwork).

SECONDLY, I provided you with a direct example that I've personally experienced which you ignored in your mouth frothing exercise to demean me, and my experiences (and work expertise).
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I doubt it would happen. But I'd love to see toovey back as an assistant. I think des has been light on in support staff since he's been back. No offense to Monas and chad but neither are experienced assistants

Now Cambo, that is something I definitely WOULD be on board with. The bloke exudes passion, hard work and dedication. Wouldn't take a backwards step. The only issue may be Penn here though - did they part on bad terms? I don't know.
I doubt it would happen. But I'd love to see toovey back as an assistant. I think des has been light on in support staff since he's been back. No offense to Monas and chad but neither are experienced assistants

That is never going to happen after Tooves sided with Quantum/Manly Leagues when the club was part owned.

The Penns were totally against getting rid of Glen Stewart but Tooves agreed with Quantum.

The rest is history, as soon as the Penns gained majority share they sacked Tooves at the first possible moment. When they missed the semis.

Tooves backed the wrong horse and screwed up big time back then.
I provided evidence, by possibly the most informed and educated master of the topic of the day.

Anne has a bachelor of science International Economics. She worked at Crain's New York Business as an Executive Inbox Columnist (educating others on the best practices and failures of CEO's / business owners), then as an executive writer on CNN on entrepreneurs and small business, then a columnist for Fortune, expressly teaching others these exact behaviors (how to succeeed as a CEO).

That, and her book is often provided to Bankers, to understand and learn about one of the key C's of lending: being character.

Now of course, you'll attempt to belittle her work (or somehow try and explain how a university lecturer teaching the skills of what to do as soon as someone's made CEO in small business is wrong - or at best not fitting), because you want to both attempt to make me look foolish (to get those likes from the Shiekeagle, ,mave, Cambo types), and also big note yourself in the process.

I mean, if I'm proven wrong, I'd be humble about it, apologise (particularly if I was being a smart arse to the person involved like you and those others were), and move along. But you do you. I'm sure those same few that rallied to tell me how stupid my stance was will like your B.S. now (and have already started - see Cambo haha - like clockwork).

SECONDLY, I provided you with a direct example that I've personally experienced which you ignored in your mouth frothing exercise to demean me, and my experiences (and work expertise).


In summary I agree with her work - just that it does not substantiate a CEO in waiting to front a press conference before they are employed - but you do you. Again that is all I disagreed with you on (oh and the troll post about timing for appointing Mestrov), however it is evident you have a severe case of re-writing history

Your experience that you reference was a business owner in waiting that had purchased a franchise giving instruction that produce must be purchased from supplierA and not B (only due to your magnificence as you humbly advised). No fronting of a press conference and speaking on behalf of a business they are yet to have a full interest in. Never have I sought to denigrate your well advertised standing as a leader of Bankers, just disagreed that Mestrov should front a press conference before his tenure began......

I am sure you have the mental capacity to process that - sometimes you go down into the trenches and fight whatever fight you perceive without really taking the time to consider the true thrust of a post
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Still reeling after being proven 100% completely and unquestionably wrong about your original stance in this thread? Haha. Are you okay? I'm serious - I hope you're all good.

Hi Ryan,

I am unsure if this post and other posts prior to this post are directed at me, amongst other people, however, I am not a person who rests easily upon reading a post indicating [that] what I wrote and [on] which others have commented is "100% completely and unquestionably wrong...".

My post was a proposition, a reply to your opinion/post as to how an incoming CEO should have acted in response to circumstances faced by the Club and in no way did I express it as fact.

You demonstrable a high degree of intelligence with respect to business and the function (the totality of) business as a fluid organisation, so I decided to post a "time-line" in response to your concern that the time taken to appoint Tony Mestrov was, somehow, inordinately long; unless my post was "fact" and we all know it was not fact I can not see why you are so adamant in proving that you need to be right.

I appreciate your passion, your hyperbole to get a point or points across is great and I get a laugh and often nod in agreement; at the same time I hope you can respect that others on this forum may, in their own lives, owned/run businesses that may not be publicly-listed but turned over tens of millions (even hundred of millions) and across the globe.

I love this forum and it provides a great refuge from my business, so thank you Ryan and the countless others who post.

Go the mighty Sea Eagles.
Now Cambo, that is something I definitely WOULD be on board with. The bloke exudes passion, hard work and dedication. Wouldn't take a backwards step. The only issue may be Penn here though - did they part on bad terms? I don't know.
Check your private messages

In summary I agree with her work - just that it does not substantiate a CEO in waiting to front a press conference before they are employed - but you do you. Again that is all I disagreed with you on (oh and the troll post about timing for appointing Mestrov), however it is evident you have a severe case of re-writing history

Your experience that you reference was a business owner in waiting that had purchased a franchise giving instruction that produce must be purchased from supplierA and not B (only due to your magnificence as you humbly advised). No fronting of a press conference and speaking on behalf of a business they are yet to have a full interest in. Never have I sought to denigrate your well advertised standing as a leader of Bankers, just disagreed that Mestrov should front a press conference before his tenure began......

I am sure you have the mental capacity to process that - sometimes you go down into the trenches and fight whatever fight you perceive without really taking the time to consider the true thrust of a post

No, it shouldn't have got to that point. Yes, it's embarrassing Des and DCE had to prepare a press conference and cop marketing questions. But my point is it shouldn't have got to that point. Mestrov (in my view), even during that I'll fated week should have intervened. Got everyone together and sorted this out. For the benefit of Des, the 7, the other players, the club, himself, the marketing people, the brand, everyone and everything - and sorted it out.

For example, and I know people can say anything, Trent Robinson right after the blowup said he had a meeting with his players, and they all agreed they'd wear a jersey if asked. One meeting sorted it out.

My opinion, is Mestrov should have manufactured an event like this, whatever it was. Simple as that.

My view is he'd be across all this stuff well and truly before it happened. And I hold to that.
Hi Ryan,

I am unsure if this post and other posts prior to this post are directed at me, amongst other people, however, I am not a person who rests easily upon reading a post indicating [that] what I wrote and [on] which others have commented is "100% completely and unquestionably wrong...".

My post was a proposition, a reply to your opinion/post as to how an incoming CEO should have acted in response to circumstances faced by the Club and in no way did I express it as fact.

You demonstrable a high degree of intelligence with respect to business and the function (the totality of) business as a fluid organisation, so I decided to post a "time-line" in response to your concern that the time taken to appoint Tony Mestrov was, somehow, inordinately long; unless my post was "fact" and we all know it was not fact I can not see why you are so adamant in proving that you need to be right.

I appreciate your passion, your hyperbole to get a point or points across is great and I get a laugh and often nod in agreement; at the same time I hope you can respect that others on this forum may, in their own lives, owned/run businesses that may not be publicly-listed but turned over tens of millions (even hundred of millions) and across the globe.

I love this forum and it provides a great refuge from my business, so thank you Ryan and the countless others who post.

Go the mighty Sea Eagles.

Absolutely mate, and you put your point across respectfully. I'm sorry I didn't respond immediately, or when voicefromthehill demanded I should because I was in a tizzy about the way mave, xv-1, shiekeagle, voicefromthehill and others were ridiculing my stance and going all in , so left it for a bit.

I 100% get your timeline of events, and it all made sense. But I also feel some of those events overlapped , and Mestrov would have been consulted and in consultation with the business stakeholders.

Sorry if you felt I was being flippant. Hope you can see why I needed a break. Look at voicefromthehill's last post in this thread - the passive aggressive pokes and jibes about my life and opinion.

Cheers mate
It's such a shame the leagues club stopped financially backing the team as much as it once did. I have no idea of the politics there of course. That said, on a corporate front (and I may be wrong), but we definitely look pretty strong as sponsors go these days. I think Humphreys did an absolutely wonderful job on that front (I really liked him tbh).

I raise that based on you saying we used to be able to afford to.

But agree, everything about that period (early on), when we were bringing in the 1-2 marquee players a year, all the current coaching staff were younger and hungrier, the team were taking haircuts to remain together, it absolutely felt like constant growth (culminating in the 2008 & 2011 GF's) & community.

And honestly mate? I really think if people saw that same level of consistent (doesn't HAVE to be dramatic) growth year on year as a club, they'd be happy. Give people some hope Manly - as it stands, next year looks abysmal. I feel absolutely no connection to any of our players bar 2-3
Agree mate next year is not looking good atm. But these days a lot can can happen between now and next season. Around 7 months.. I am hoping for the best…it will be an interesting off season. I am hoping like you for some astute buys. We will have a modest amount to play with especially with Marty likely leaving… will be interesting

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