"Done a besmirch on him" is top notch and has immediately entered my vernacular. Thank you JoeI 100% agree about not bringing a persons character or besmirching (lol,what a word) them,I have not read every post in this thread and will not say that no one has done a besmirch on him.
I think you are doing an Abe Simpson and are going off on a tangent here,people are discussing his exploits on the footy field from what I have seen.
In regards to socal media and the internet you are always going to have comments from people,I try and hope I have never brought someones personal life and character into the discussion.(although I may have lost patience with an occasional poster and done a besmirch job here and there)
Can you look through all your posts and say you have never besmirched anyone?(Des maybe a little....)