Tom Waterhouse told to go

Michael Jordan was well on his way to the major leauge when the players strike hit MLB. He was asked to play in place of striking players in the bigs but refused. His numbers sucked early in his minor leauge days but by the end was a vastly improved player and that is evident by his increases in average. His manager at the time terry francona now with Cleveland by way of word series winning Boston Red Sox says with no doubt that MJ would have been a star in the MLB as does some of the top baseball writers even the ones who initially wrote him off are on record as saying such and admitting they got it wrong. Failed miserably to be anywhere near average? You are way off the mark on this call.
Don't facts just ruin a good story.
lovefooty said:
Daniel said:
Im starting to wonder if lovefooty does in fact love footy

Are you trying to bait me Dan.
I attend all manly games including N S W cup. I even get to the matt games and S G ball.
I also put 20 grand into the club a year in sponsorship.
I have followed this club all my life and so has my father and grandfather.
Other than this site Dan what do you do for the place.
All know how I feel about Zorba and his family, I don't think I hide it.

Just because you are in a position to pour a bit of money into the club doesn't make you a better supporter than the bloke who battles all week to buy a hill ticket on the weekend. Good on you for supporting the club that way and putting the money in though

Tbh I think Dan has a fair point, most of your posts are based around the board politics, or having a crack at George Rose. Outside of that I don't see you post much about the actual games of footy
Kiwi Eagle said:
lovefooty said:
Daniel said:
Im starting to wonder if lovefooty does in fact love footy

Are you trying to bait me Dan.
I attend all manly games including N S W cup. I even get to the matt games and S G ball.
I also put 20 grand into the club a year in sponsorship.
I have followed this club all my life and so has my father and grandfather.
Other than this site Dan what do you do for the place.
All know how I feel about Zorba and his family, I don't think I hide it.

Just because you are in a position to pour a bit of money into the club doesn't make you a better supporter than the bloke who battles all week to buy a hill ticket on the weekend

Tbh I think Dan has a fair point, most of your posts are based around the board politics, or having a crack at George Rose. Outside of that I don't see you post much about the actual games of footy
So in all what I said about the Nsw cup games you think I have something personal about George. So its O K for him to play like that. I don't seem to be the only one that thinks George has had it and having a big bluge on the club.
When did I have a go at the people on the hill. I sat there albeit the last 3 years.
Dan questioned my love of the game and while I read this forum every day
I don't post all the time. I will when something gets me going.
I have a wide range of people that I speak to who come to my shops.
Players, management, former players and board members.
I know sometimes I get a bit fired up on things that I hear but that's the way I am and I don't need to apologize to you or Dan for it.
All I said is that it is all I really see from ya

Your post came across as a touch of 'I do this for the club and it is better than what you do' type of thing. Probably not intentional on your behalf but that's how it comes across

All the times I have said you should change your name from lovefooty to something else it has been tongue in cheek mate, not questioning your love for it or anything. You do love your boardroom politics too though 😉
The Who said:
Ralphie said:
My daughter achieved 94.75 in the HSC, whilst my son achieved 68. Why, because she chose to study hard, do her homework and he chose chose to chase skirt.

Hs is your son's decision going to get into the fashion industry?

He is now an Officer in the Army and doing just fine.

Rex said:
Ralphie said:
Our lives consist of a series of decisions made on a daily basis. Our station in life is the sum of those decisions. Sometimes things beyond our control will happen to us, but what we can control is our response.

I have always taught my kids that the drunk in Hyde Park has chosen to be there. Not a single choice, but thousands of choices over years has led them there.

My daughter achieved 94.75 in the HSC, whilst my son achieved 68. Why, because she chose to study hard, do her homework and he chose chose to chase skirt. Neither decision was right or wrong as long as he is happy to accept the consequences of his actions.

I make the same connection to gambling decisions. Personal responsibility seems to be a virtue that is foreign to Rex and others.

Yep it's the personal responsibility of the people born with cerebral palsy that they don't score 99.7% on the HSC and represent Australia in gymnastics.

And it sooths Ralphie's damaged ego to think this so all's good.

Seriously, you are clutching at straws.

Napper said:
Ralphie said:
I have always taught my kids that the drunk in Hyde Park has chosen to be there. Not a single choice, but thousands of choices over years has led them there.

What if the drunk in Hyde Park was actually a non-medicated schitzophrenic who just wants to be 'normal' but sadly, doesn't have this 'choice' you speak of?

You really are a goose mate.

I sincerely hope your kids don't grow up with your attitude.

Wow, of course he has choices. I personally know two people who suffer from the disease. They chose to seek help. Sure they fall off periodically, but they get up, dust themselves off and push on.

You and Rex have really bought into the Nanny State haven't you. By all means have compassion for the people who need it, but give them help to be the best that they can be, not pity.

This whole debate is about people being the best that they can be, not about being the best. You seem to have completely missed the point of my posts. Do you really believe that those living in Hyde Park are being the best that they can be.
lovefooty said:
Daniel said:
Im starting to wonder if lovefooty does in fact love footy

Are you trying to bait me Dan.
I attend all manly games including N S W cup. I even get to the matt games and S G ball.
I also put 20 grand into the club a year in sponsorship.
I have followed this club all my life and so has my father and grandfather.
Other than this site Dan what do you do for the place.
All know how I feel about Zorba and his family, I don't think I hide it.
unknot your knickers dude.

My comment, clearly tongue in cheek, was about the fact that 9 our of 10 of yours posts and threads are in some way related to the board politics and not often about football.

Good on you for whatever you do for the club, however I don't remember seeing where that was the point, questioned or otherwise mentioned anywhere.

Hopefully someone is throwing rose petals at your feet though
Rex said:
Daniel said:
Are you caught in prejudiced thinking world Rex?

Moat people with CP have normal or above average intellect. Theor disability is a palsy whcih has nothing to do with how smart you are.

Disabilities and prejudice against people with them, how they are viewed and how they are treated in our society is sickening.

How did you jump into talking about intellect Dan? Try to stay with the conversation.

What I spoke about was representing Aust in gymnastics or scoring 99.7 on the HSC.

Oh please you are clutching, don't try to change the context of your plain text. You clearly meant that cerebral palsy sufferers are somehow less able academically, if that isn't what you meant, then your example is a poor one at any rate.
Which is why, for example, when someone plays the game of postponing the revelation of the content to which he is referring, repeatedly giving hints and the withdrawing, we can accuse him of playing a sexualized game even if the content whose revelations endlessly postponed is quite commonplace and asexual.
DSM5 said:
Which is why, for example, when someone plays the game of postponing the revelation of the content to which he is referring, repeatedly giving hints and the withdrawing, we can accuse him of playing a sexualized game even if the content whose revelations endlessly postponed is quite commonplace and asexual.
This is exactly why we shouldn't let Tom into our sheds. 😀
Daniel said:
Rex said:
Daniel said:
Are you caught in prejudiced thinking world Rex?

Moat people with CP have normal or above average intellect. Theor disability is a palsy whcih has nothing to do with how smart you are.

Disabilities and prejudice against people with them, how they are viewed and how they are treated in our society is sickening.

How did you jump into talking about intellect Dan? Try to stay with the conversation.

What I spoke about was representing Aust in gymnastics or scoring 99.7 on the HSC.

Oh please you are clutching, don't try to change the context of your plain text. You clearly meant that cerebral palsy sufferers are somehow less able academically, if that isn't what you meant, then your example is a poor one at any rate.

Still not following the conversation Dan? Try to keep up.

Or inconvenient to acknowledge that your simplistic and misdirected outrage was purely for superficial show?

Family friends when I grew up had a son with cerebral palsy - he was called a spastic in those enlightened times. As a youngster I pretty much ignored him assuming he wasn't all there based on the stereotype that was accepted as the truth at the time. Then one day I said something about Manly and his eyes lit up. He was a committed Manly fan, which I didn't know. And as we communicated it became very clear to me that the lights were indeed on. In our conversations it became apparent he was intelligent and understood a lot more about the game than I could have ever imagined.

Cerebral palsy is an injury to the cerebrum, in particular to the connections between the cortex and the cerebellum, and is a disorder of movement. So there is a faulty connection between the desire to action and the ability to take action. To automatically assume that cognition is unaffected by cerbral palsy is also false. It depends.

To equate intelligence with performance on a motor task (99.7 HSC result) Dan, as you are attempting to do for cerebral palsy sufferers, is fundamentally discriminatory.

manlyfan76 said:
Michael Jordan was well on his way to the major leauge when the players strike hit MLB. He was asked to play in place of striking players in the bigs but refused. His numbers sucked early in his minor leauge days but by the end was a vastly improved player and that is evident by his increases in average. His manager at the time terry francona now with Cleveland by way of word series winning Boston Red Sox says with no doubt that MJ would have been a star in the MLB as does some of the top baseball writers even the ones who initially wrote him off are on record as saying such and admitting they got it wrong. Failed miserably to be anywhere near average? You are way off the mark on this call.
Don't facts just ruin a good story.
lol. Very funny reading mf76.

Michael Jordan baseball star - woulda, coulda, shoulda.

In Fatty terms, a Neville nobody.

Jordan played MINOR LEAGUE baseball. At his peak, he developed to play in an off-season league (summer camp) designed for baseball prospects - not actual baseball players.

It's sort of like saying a Toyota cup player who never played top grade would have been a star. Put simply, Jordan saw he wasn't going to make it, quit and returned to his competencies.

So much for Ralphie's theory of everything being mental.

Ralphie said:
Seriously, you are clutching at straws.
The sort of detailed response I'd expect from you Ralphie when you're under challenge.

Superficial diversions and one-liners, like classifying all others into Nanny staters, solely because they express a supported and different opinion to yours.
Rex said:
Daniel said:
Rex said:
Daniel said:
Are you caught in prejudiced thinking world Rex?

Moat people with CP have normal or above average intellect. Theor disability is a palsy whcih has nothing to do with how smart you are.

Disabilities and prejudice against people with them, how they are viewed and how they are treated in our society is sickening.

How did you jump into talking about intellect Dan? Try to stay with the conversation.

What I spoke about was representing Aust in gymnastics or scoring 99.7 on the HSC.

Oh please you are clutching, don't try to change the context of your plain text. You clearly meant that cerebral palsy sufferers are somehow less able academically, if that isn't what you meant, then your example is a poor one at any rate.

Still not following the conversation Dan? Try to keep up.

Or inconvenient to acknowledge that your simplistic and misdirected outrage was purely for superficial show?

Family friends when I grew up had a son with cerebral palsy - he was called a spastic in those enlightened times. As a youngster I pretty much ignored him assuming he wasn't all there based on the stereotype that was accepted as the truth at the time. Then one day I said something about Manly and his eyes lit up. He was a committed Manly fan, which I didn't know. And as we communicated it became very clear to me that the lights were indeed on. In our conversations it became apparent he was intelligent and understood a lot more about the game than I could have ever imagined.

Cerebral palsy is an injury to the cerebrum, in particular to the connections between the cortex and the cerebellum, and is a disorder of movement. So there is a faulty connection between the desire to action and the ability to take action. To automatically assume that cognition is unaffected by cerbral palsy is also false. It depends.

To equate intelligence with performance on a motor task (99.7 HSC result) Dan, as you are attempting to do for cerebral palsy sufferers, is fundamentally discriminatory.

manlyfan76 said:
Michael Jordan was well on his way to the major leauge when the players strike hit MLB. He was asked to play in place of striking players in the bigs but refused. His numbers sucked early in his minor leauge days but by the end was a vastly improved player and that is evident by his increases in average. His manager at the time terry francona now with Cleveland by way of word series winning Boston Red Sox says with no doubt that MJ would have been a star in the MLB as does some of the top baseball writers even the ones who initially wrote him off are on record as saying such and admitting they got it wrong. Failed miserably to be anywhere near average? You are way off the mark on this call.
Don't facts just ruin a good story.
lol. Very funny reading mf76.

Michael Jordan baseball star - woulda, coulda, shoulda.

In Fatty terms, a Neville nobody.

Jordan played MINOR LEAGUE baseball. At his peak, he developed to play in an off-season league (summer camp) designed for baseball prospects - not actual baseball players.

It's sort of like saying a Toyota cup player who never played top grade would have been a star. Put simply, Jordan saw he wasn't going to make it, quit and returned to his competencies.

So much for Ralphie's theory of everything being mental.

Ralphie said:
Seriously, you are clutching at straws.
The sort of detailed response I'd expect from you Ralphie when you're under challenge.

Superficial diversions and one-liners, like classifying all others into Nanny staters, solely because they express a supported and different opinion to yours.

Rex, Im glad you found what I wrote funny. Please refer to our previous chat about jokes . Michael Jordan did play in the fall league which is for the top prospects in baseball and hit .252 ( in a pitchers ballpark)which was 20 points above the team batting average, these AA baseballers are the players who are knocking on the door of the MLB. Your comment that Jordan failed miserably to be even an average baseball player is very misguided. Do you think that average players are the stars of Major League? He only played one year and was above average in his team and was asked to play in the big leagues because of the players strike but refused on moral grounds. With one more year of slight improvment - not the great improvment he made in his first year he would have made the MLB on merrit( according to 2 time World series winning manager Terry Francona - Jordans AA manager). You say he was a neville nobody and say he quit because he saw he was not going to make it but he had been already asked to play in the bigs. and he hit above average in the fall leauge. Perhaps the rumors that he went back to the bulls because his unofficial suspension was over are true. But his determination and mental approach turned him into an average ball player in 1 season.
Failed miserably? Neville Nobody? well that does contradict a .252 ave and 30 stolen bases.
Dan, in more logical terms, We confuse external and internal negation. The fact that the majority of the population does not share the will to build a new society, that it is simply indifferent, can be read as active negative willing, in other words, not willing is turned into willing the no, the active negation of the known order. Get it? Now we can all move on.
DSM5 said:
Dan, in more logical terms, We confuse external and internal negation. The fact that the majority of the population does not share the will to build a new society, that it is simply indifferent, can be read as active negative willing, in other words, not willing is turned into willing the no, the active negation of the known order. Get it? Now we can all move on.

Well I know I will sleep better tonight.
manlyfan76 said:
Rex, Im glad you found what I wrote funny. Please refer to our previous chat about jokes . Michael Jordan did play in the fall league which is for the top prospects in baseball and hit .252 ( in a pitchers ballpark)which was 20 points above the team batting average, these AA baseballers are the players who are knocking on the door of the MLB. Your comment that Jordan failed miserably to be even an average baseball player is very misguided. Do you think that average players are the stars of Major League? He only played one year and was above average in his team and was asked to play in the big leagues because of the players strike but refused on moral grounds. With one more year of slight improvment - not the great improvment he made in his first year he would have made the MLB on merrit( according to 2 time World series winning manager Terry Francona - Jordans AA manager). You say he was a neville nobody and say he quit because he saw he was not going to make it but he had been already asked to play in the bigs. and he hit above average in the fall leauge. Perhaps the rumors that he went back to the bulls because his unofficial suspension was over are true. But his determination and mental approach turned him into an average ball player in 1 season.
Failed miserably? Neville Nobody? well that does contradict a .252 ave and 30 stolen bases.

So what you're saying mf76 is that when I said Jordan failed miserably to be even an average baseball player, I should have said

"Jordan failed miserably to be even an average MAJOR LEAGUE baseball player". I had assumed that was understood.

I stand corrected. And when included in the grouping of all weekend park players, I agree that Jordan did exceptionally well at baseball. A star.

Like Jordan, Falou is an absolutely amazing athlete, likewise with highly transferable skills, into other sports, seemingly ideally suited to AFL. Yet he was solely recruited for promotional purposes, not because of outstanding talents. And it was outstandingly successful in those terms. Much like Jordan would have been for baseball if Jordan had made the jump up. The successful team would have paid absolutely top dollar for the marketing coup in securing Jordan, and wouldn't have worried whether he could actually play the game. I'm sure many "experts" sucked up to his ego as best they could to help their game. But Jordan was too smart and saw where it inevitably led. Full marks to him. Smart play.

Is it just possible that success in sport (or anything else) is dependent on a combination of talent, determination and luck? Not just willpower?
As this thread should be headed towards a diff forum (siting lack of footy talk), I'm posting a pic.


Rex said:
manlyfan76 said:
Rex, Im glad you found what I wrote funny. Please refer to our previous chat about jokes . Michael Jordan did play in the fall league which is for the top prospects in baseball and hit .252 ( in a pitchers ballpark)which was 20 points above the team batting average, these AA baseballers are the players who are knocking on the door of the MLB. Your comment that Jordan failed miserably to be even an average baseball player is very misguided. Do you think that average players are the stars of Major League? He only played one year and was above average in his team and was asked to play in the big leagues because of the players strike but refused on moral grounds. With one more year of slight improvment - not the great improvment he made in his first year he would have made the MLB on merrit( according to 2 time World series winning manager Terry Francona - Jordans AA manager). You say he was a neville nobody and say he quit because he saw he was not going to make it but he had been already asked to play in the bigs. and he hit above average in the fall leauge. Perhaps the rumors that he went back to the bulls because his unofficial suspension was over are true. But his determination and mental approach turned him into an average ball player in 1 season.
Failed miserably? Neville Nobody? well that does contradict a .252 ave and 30 stolen bases.

So what you're saying mf76 is that when I said Jordan failed miserably to be even an average baseball player, I should have said

"Jordan failed miserably to be even an average MAJOR LEAGUE baseball player". I had assumed that was understood.

I stand corrected. And when included in the grouping of all weekend park players, I agree that Jordan did exceptionally well at baseball. A star.

Like Jordan, Falou is an absolutely amazing athlete, likewise with highly transferable skills, into other sports, seemingly ideally suited to AFL. Yet he was solely recruited for promotional purposes, not because of outstanding talents. And it was outstandingly successful in those terms. Much like Jordan would have been for baseball if Jordan had made the jump up. The successful team would have paid absolutely top dollar for the marketing coup in securing Jordan, and wouldn't have worried whether he could actually play the game. I'm sure many "experts" sucked up to his ego as best they could to help their game. But Jordan was too smart and saw where it inevitably led. Full marks to him. Smart play.

Is it just possible that success in sport (or anything else) is dependent on a combination of talent, determination and luck? Not just willpower?

You said that in baseball he was the equivalent of an under 20's player that never made it would of could have should have, a better analagy would be a kid who played half back for his high school team and gave up when he left high school and went on to play cricket for Australia and be at the top of that sport then 13 years later returned to rugby leauge for one season in a different position say second row and in that season of nsw cup ran better meters than the team average and was on track to play on the nrl as a 32 yo rookie.
To say he failed miserably to be even an average baseball player is just a wild statement, would you expect anyone to be straight into the major leauge with no experience since high school? Your comment reminded my of a tabloid headline to be honest.
The journalists and experts all hounded MJ when his minor leauge baseball career started because he was so far off the standard and by the end of his time when he was up to standard and sports illustrateds lead baseball wrote a story on how MJ had become a good player sports illustrated refused to publish the story because it would makethem look wrong, so no the experts didn't suck up to him, baseball is a numbers game probably more than any other. You either have the stats or you don't.

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