you saved monaghs, now look at the drama that has caused, we have the 20th best half back in the comp signed for another 2 years soaking up 240K you tried to save the duck, now a thousand dropped passes later he will dissapear into the english wilderness.
cant we let sleeping dogs lie, Let Hoppa finish his career with some dignity, lets not bring more bad publicty to the club, its almost guaranteed to happen and let him join the ranks of ex player!
now reports suggest petitions on manly web sites want hoppa back! thank god on this web site where the posters can use words greater than 5 letters thats not the case.
Take your red necks and placards, get back on your boat and sail to Paris , theyw ill love you over there. :bdh: :bdh:
cant we let sleeping dogs lie, Let Hoppa finish his career with some dignity, lets not bring more bad publicty to the club, its almost guaranteed to happen and let him join the ranks of ex player!
now reports suggest petitions on manly web sites want hoppa back! thank god on this web site where the posters can use words greater than 5 letters thats not the case.
Take your red necks and placards, get back on your boat and sail to Paris , theyw ill love you over there. :bdh: :bdh: