To my labor voting friends

I was born and raised in country NSW so am conservative to the hilt (and yes Eagle I HAVE voted the same way my entire life) but I am the first to admit that until now there really hasn't been that much difference between Labor and the Liberal....Labor and the Nationals yes but Labor and Liberal not much really.

However when they stabbed KRudd in the back, and dealed with the devil (The Greens) to keep themseleves in power this curent mob are so far off track they deserve to be derailed.

As is always the case there will be winners and losers with Carbon being in middle Australia and in Business will be a loser, one daughter and husband (high income earners) will also suffer. My other daughter and husband (low income earners two kids mortgage stress etc etc) will probably be winners.

I don't have a huge problem with having to pay more taxes BUT ONLY IF what we were doing was going to change the world.

Sadly it won't, and in fact will make absolutly **** all difference....but no we have to have it, not China, not India, not Europe, not North America where it would make a huge difference....just Australia.

And bitchface can stand up and say "look at me look at me see how good am I!!!!"

Labor has sold out to the Greens, Labor will never be the same again and just like Labor in Queensland and NSW they will be screwed to the wall and left there to rot when the federal election comes about, and to be honest I can't wait...they say there won't be a single Labor pollie left in Queensland if Gillard runs all the way through.....and even if they change maybe Rudd only.

Even arseclown Bob Brown knew when to desert a sinking ship, he could see the writing on the wall and jumped ship before he suffered also.

But Bob and I agree on one thing, Turnbull is the man....a moderate...just like Howard.

Interesting times indeed.

Now....just need to prepare myself for the cannonfire that will come!!
I think anyone EXCEPT Abbott is a laydown misere to knock off Gillard. Abbott is a clown, and frankly scares me more than the Labor fools do.

I don't have a particular allegiance either way, hated Howard with a passion, was disappointed in Rudd, was hopeful for Turnbull. Current mob on both sides are pathetic, that's why I laugh at those party loyalists (like the OP here) that seem to think their bunch of fools are, or could, be doing a better job than the other bunch of fools.

Politics in this country is in dire straits. Maybe Bobby Katter can go all the way 😉
I have met Turnbull...good guy, deep thinker plus he's pro climate change (which would appease the Greens to an extent). He's also a very smart savvy businessman who has made a fortune so really is in the political area for the right reason (not like that goose Palmer).

Bob Katter is far too radical.

I have a sneaking suspicion that behind the scenes in the LNP people are aware of your very thoughts (well not yours so much as in a lot of people like you)....they want to win and ditch Labor more than anything so don't be surprised to see a change before next year.

Abbott is doing a "good" job as the "attack dog"....but I seriously doubt he'll be there in 12 months
Chip and Chase said:
I think anyone EXCEPT Abbott is a laydown misere to knock off Gillard.


that's why I laugh at those party loyalists (like the OP here) that seem to think their bunch of fools are, or could, be doing a better job than the other bunch of fools.

Could not agree more.

I am a swinger (including voting). In my opinion, loyalists to poltical parties are fools who have been brainwashed (by their parents most likely) into thinking that 1 party is always superior, regardless of their policies. These people seem incapable of forming their opinions.

Much like religious folk.
Chip and Chase said:
I think anyone EXCEPT Abbott is a laydown misere to knock off Gillard. Abbott is a clown, and frankly scares me more than the Labor fools do.

I don't have a particular allegiance either way, hated Howard with a passion, was disappointed in Rudd, was hopeful for Turnbull. Current mob on both sides are pathetic, that's why I laugh at those party loyalists (like the OP here) that seem to think their bunch of fools are, or could, be doing a better job than the other bunch of fools.

Politics in this country is in dire straits. Maybe Bobby Katter can go all the way 😉

Couldn't agree more

Mark don't take that to harshly, my parents only vote one way and that ****s me

Both are changing next the imbecile who I wouldn't trust to run a chook raffle
clontaago said:
Could not agree more.

I am a swinger (including voting). In my opinion, loyalists to poltical parties are fools who have been brainwashed (by their parents most likely) into thinking that 1 party is always superior, regardless of their policies. These people seem incapable of forming their opinions.

Much like religious folk.

I totally agree with this.

The problem we have (as others have said) is that both sides of politics are just pathetic at the moment.

Personally I would have liked to see Peter Costello running the Libs and the Country, but he got screwed over by Howard.

However, whilst Abbott is the leader of the Libs they will not get my vote.
Yeah I was brainwashed as a kid, just the way I am BUT I can form my own opinion and do so on many occasions.

It's just I have never agreed with anything put up by Labor or the Greens.

I do have (as strange as it may seem) a good deal of respect for some Labor politicians, I always (and still do) admired Bob Hawke, and currently I like Stephen Smith.

My aversion to Labor is their ties with the Union movement, my aversion to the Greens is that they are a bunch of radical dickheads.

But I certainly can make my own judegement and do so on a very regular that ties in with how I vote is irrelevant.
Brookie4eva said:
clontaago said:
Could not agree more.

I am a swinger (including voting). In my opinion, loyalists to poltical parties are fools who have been brainwashed (by their parents most likely) into thinking that 1 party is always superior, regardless of their policies. These people seem incapable of forming their opinions.

Much like religious folk.

I totally agree with this.

The problem we have (as others have said) is that both sides of politics are just pathetic at the moment.

Personally I would have liked to see Peter Costello running the Libs and the Country, but he got screwed over by Howard.

However, whilst Abbott is the leader of the Libs they will not get my vote.

Unless you are in Abbott's electorate you won't be going to the ballot box & voting for the current leader of the Libs.

I don't form my vote on which Party figure head is the less evil/stupid, they can replaced at the click of a finger e.g. Rudd, Turnbull etc. I vote on policy/party lines.
I think the bigger dilemma we have here, is that so many people continue to vote on shows like the X-Factor.

Worse still we now have Big Brother coming back to stain our TV
Byso there is a real issue

There is no incentive for politicians to take an unpopular stand, one that is in the best interests of the nation

Regardless of what you think about the tax the amount of spin doctoring, and pure politicing, has been a joke. I would vote for any goverment that took long term decisions in the best interest of the nation rather than short term vote gathering decisions (much like the boat people "problem")
When you learn to appreciate the true reasons why we are having a carbon tax and not brainwashed into the mentality that it's for global warming it's a no brainer.

Gillard is a great PM behind closed doors in the wheeling and dealing just not a great conveyor of a message through the media.

Libs have core and non core promises what Gillard did is make a compromise to create a Govt---remember we the voters could not give a clear majority so have to accept compromises.

In the end Labour was always going to introduce an ETS and pushed this version before the election---we ended up with a variation of what they promised but the Libs are best at manipulating mainstream attitudes to make it appear as a lie when it was a compromise.

We are still getting an ETS as promised so what is the big deal. If it remains as a carbon tax no big deal either just different mechanisms used to encourage a different business mix in Australia to ensure growth into the new economies and improved efficiencies.
In the final days of the 2010 election campaign Gillard said:

"There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead."

She promised to have the now abandoned and laughable Citizens' Assembly to work out a deep and lasting community consensus for tackling climate change
There's only one thing this labour government is good at and that turningeverything they touch to ****.

They are a joke
BER (rorts for union mates in construction industry)
Insulation Bats scheme
Carbon tax
ILLEGAL boat people coming by the 1000s don't be fooled they are not refugees they are economic immagrants.
New taxes are like governments they will come and go and never be popular.

The carbon tax is nothing to be afraid of. Prices will go up, consumers are being compensated, let's hope it's enough,

Let's also hope big polluters cut emissions and this thing works. If it doesn't and we go down Abbots path and will be just heading for the same results but going a different way about it.

The real issue is the price, $23 is the minimum he greens would accept, Yes we have a government with no real power but that what you get when we voted the way we did.

Can these buffoons do something about the boat people, and have them stop risking heir lives at sea in dodgy vessels. I don't care if they come here, I am against off shore processing but maybe it's the way to go. But whatever happens please help these desperate people, who are just trying to do what we all do our whole lives, give their families and themselves the best life possible, yes that's their crime.

Cameron said:
There's only one thing this labour government is good at and that turningeverything they touch to s**t.

They are a joke
BER (rorts for union mates in construction industry)
Insulation Bats scheme
Carbon tax
ILLEGAL boat people coming by the 1000s don't be fooled they are not refugees they are economic immagrants.

Be fair and give credit for the

Low unemployment
Low interest rates
High standard of living
Best formed country in the world under the GFC.

Be a decent human being and don't call boat people Illegal, I have explained above what their only crime is. Illegal sounds like a term Hadley or Jones might use to me.
bob dylan said:
New taxes are like governments they will come and go and never be popular.

The carbon tax is nothing to be afraid of. Prices will go up, consumers are being compensated, let's hope it's enough,

Let's also hope big polluters cut emissions and this thing works. If it doesn't and we go down Abbots path and will be just heading for the same results but going a different way about it.

The real issue is the price, $23 is the minimum he greens would accept, Yes we have a government with no real power but that what you get when we voted the way we did.

Can these buffoons do something about the boat people, and have them stop risking heir lives at sea in dodgy vessels. I don't care if they come here, I am against off shore processing but maybe it's the way to go. But whatever happens please help these desperate people, who are just trying to do what we all do our whole lives, give their families and themselves the best life possible, yes that's their crime.

Cameron said:
There's only one thing this labour government is good at and that turningeverything they touch to s**t.

They are a joke
BER (rorts for union mates in construction industry)
Insulation Bats scheme
Carbon tax
ILLEGAL boat people coming by the 1000s don't be fooled they are not refugees they are economic immagrants.

Be fair and give credit for the

Low unemployment
Low interest rates
High standard of living
Best formed country in the world under the GFC.

Be a decent human being and don't call boat people Illegal, I have explained above what their only crime is. Illegal sounds like a term Hadley or Jones might use to me.

Unemployment was lower in 07 than it is now.
The interest rates are low because their trying to encourage retail spending which is at an all time low.
High standard of living compared too what, I think you would find the standard of living has dropped in the last 5 years.
They only beat the GFC because their inherited a multi billion dollar surplus and since then have wasted billions on failed schemes and rorts.
Our ecomny isn't that good its a false economy because of the mining boom. Retail land and small business has been smashed by these halfwits.

Don't tell me to be a decent human those boat people are que jumpers pure and simple they are not real refugees. The Howard government stopped the boats the Rudd/gillard governments rolled out the red carpet for them.

Labour is so out of touch it's not funny and theirs a good reason. I watch question time a fair bit and if I don't know who a member is I google them and read up on their background.

The majority of labour mps and senators have never had real jobs the have done arts degrees then gone straight into union roles or poltical aid roles. They have no understanding of business and managing budgets they are idealist who have become drunk on power and will do what ever it takes to stay in government.
Dylan, So you dont care about the hundreds dieing on these sinking vessels?

Totally agree Cameron.
byso said:
Dylan, So you dont care about the hundreds dieing on these sinking vessels?

Totally agree Cameron.

Did you even read my post.

I dont one bit care about who fixes the boat issue, either side of parliament.

I care even less about heir legal status.

I only care these people are looked after and treated decently and compassionately.

Go back and read my last sentence or two.

Oh yeah and small business is dying because of the government is rubbish. Small business is doomed no matter who is in power. Do you know why small business is small business. Remember things like corner stores and local butchery and milk vendors. Ever heard of greedy companies called Coles and Woolworths, you know the ones that manipulate fel prics. Small business can't compete it's over for many of them except in small towns.
This (from Cam) is pretty spot on.....I'll adjust the spelling as LABOR isn't LABOUR

"Labor is so out of touch it's not funny and there's a good reason. I watch question time a fair bit and if I don't know who a member is I google them and read up on their background.

The majority of Labor mps and senators have never had real jobs the have done arts degrees then gone straight into union roles or poltical aid roles. They have no understanding of business and managing budgets they are idealist who have become drunk on power and will do what ever it takes to stay in government."

This is 110% correct....I was sent an interview from a Labor backbencher on TC, can't remember her name but she's married to ABC Journo Chris was about the increase in the Super Guarantee from 9% to of the funniest (and scariest) interviews I have heard...she had not a clue what she was speaking about.

Most of them just are not from "the real world".

As I said above that's my arguement with the Labor movement.....the ties to the Union movement.

Don't know if this is true but I was told that all of the "Industry Super Funds" (who suggest they are "free free") actually make a motza...and are apparently owned by the Unions (Keating set this up this way)...the profits go to the Unions, the Unions donate the money to Labor.

IF that is true then it's nothing but a con (what you see on TV).

I can't wait until the next Federal Election to see these parasites wiped from the political map!!

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