Three players set to be targeted by ASADA over use of banned peptide CJC-1295

Of course not. But the drugs this all seems to be about are well and truly on the very edge of being ok or not ok. They aren't apparently accusing NRL players are taking what are named, listed, banned and unquestionably performance enhancing drugs.

No evidence has been presented that any of the named drugs give any performance enhancing & are just helpful with recovery.

My point is if this goes the full distance it will end up in a court where an appeals court with 5 justices or whatever is voting whether the drugs named were banned or not.

I can't accept we are going through all this pain for drugs that in the end may well turn out to be ok to use in sport.

It is just insane to punish the 2013 NRL season & future NRL seasons over something from 2011 that went on (apparently) for a month and didn't do anything to impact who was in the top 8 and who won the grand final.

ASADA aren't allowed by WADA to offer a code wide amnesty for a sport. The parade of the past few months has made its point. We all now get that drug awareness is an important issue. So just issue a game wide warning that no further instances will be tolerated & move on.

If I was running the NRL or AFL I would rip the ASADA agreement up. The AFL especially, as it has no international competitions to worry about. WADA can't damage their code if they tell them to rack off.
lsz said:
So as long as you do not get caught / are not successful it is okay to cheat?

If the Sharks get done by ASADA they should be stripped of their 13th place in 2011 and the NRL/ARL/NSWRL should take away all their premierships.
manlyfan76 said:
Essendon circus seems to be much bigger than nrl one is at the moment. Alledged forged letters from WADA saying that drugs are approved provided shown to club by dank. But no one has the letter and dank can't / won't be interviewed because he does not work for a sports club. What a mess. And no afl players have been interviewed yet.

Same story on 7:30 Report tonight.

Connect the dots.

I should be a little worried by this story, but I recall we got the all-clear from NRL at that time.
Jatz Crackers said:
manlyfan76 said:
Jatz Crackers said:
No it wont 🙂

Do you "know" something?

The ARLC have been busy & are working from a much better position now.

"NRL chief executive Dave Smith said this week that the doping scandal could drag on until well into the season"
Maybe David knows something as well.
Nudgee college student busted selling steroids.

No wonder they were hard to beat at rugby.
Scientists hopeful peptides might lead to baldness cure

😛 Finally. The lawyers have finally worked out what is actually in the ASADA NRL agreement & basic legal rights. It's over for ASADA.

Interviews between Cronulla and the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority could be scrapped altogether after independent legal advice to several players that they are not contractually obligated to participate in the process.

Just as it appeared the respective legal teams were close to resolving their impasse, Fairfax Media understands that a star player is considering pulling out of interviews, which could prompt his teammates to follow suit. The development could have huge ramifications for all 31 NRL players of interest to ASADA.

The Sharks are increasingly frustrated with the drawn-out saga, which has proved to be an unwelcome distraction to their premiership campaign. Wade Graham was the first NRL player to be grilled by ASADA, although his interview was abandoned after three hours over a legal argument about how much assistance he was required to provide. The players have been told they do not have to answer any questions that might incriminate them, but ASADA insists they must provide information about their teammates. However, the players' legal representatives believe they could implicate themselves should they, for example, admit they were in the same room as a teammate who was administered with a performance-enhancing substance.

The legal team of one of the players believes they do not need to submit to interview requests after studying documents including the NRL's code of conduct and the standard playing contract.

A separate legal source, lawyer Zali Burrows, prepared her own statement also questioning the NRL's agreement with ASADA.

''The players are under no compulsion or a contractual obligation to participate in ASADA interviews,'' Burrows wrote. ''[The] NRL is ascribing to make it a compulsive investigation yet the ASADA Act does not provide to compel a player to a coercive examination. An ASADA interview is voluntary, it is not under oath and without caution. ASADA cannot compel witnesses to attend or waive privilege against self-incrimination. In that context, if the player is a non-attendee and it is deemed to be a contract breach, then that is nonsense.

''It could be challenged that the NRL cannot hold to contract the erosion of a basic human right by forcing players to participate in an ASADA interview. If there are allegations of a criminal nature, the players are entitled to privilege against self-incrimination and the s89 of the Evidence Act 1995 precludes an unfavourable inference being drawn from an accused choosing to exercise their right to silence.''

Burrows, the partner of former Cronulla great Mark McGaw, has offered legal advice to at least one Sharks player. ''Article 4 of the ICCPR [International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights] provides a State may take measures derogating from its obligations in time of public emergency which threatens the life of the nation,'' Burrows wrote. ''Allegations of illegal drug use in Sport are arguably not a threat to the nation despite what the tabloids scream. ASADA is not afforded coercive powers as to conduct coercive questioning. Requests for interview are merely an invitation only. If this is a criminal investigation then the police should be conducting the investigation.''

Fairfax Media has been told that some players might consider granting interview requests even if they are not legally required to do so.
WADA boss looks down on NRL and favours AFL
Article says this could go on for years and says that ACC phone taps and video can not be used as evidence in ASADA doping cases.
Odds of AFL's Essendon players getting penalised with nothing more than a whipping from a limp wet lettuce shortening by the day.

Demetriou also wouldn't be drawn into too much detail about what penalties Essendon players could face if ASADA finds they took the banned anti-obesity drug AOD-9604.

"I don't know the answer to that because there are in the policy exemptions .... you can have reduced sentences, for example, for no-fault, no liability .... or for giving assistance. They're the issues that are being worked through with ASADA," Demetriou said.

"There's a zero tolerance policy. This is a very complex situation. There are extenuating circumstances as this investigation continues to unfold. I think ASADA are learning more. They are now interviewing the players, who are fully cooperating, as have the officials and the coaches.

"You've heard me say on many occasions that it's impossible to give a running commentary, but I would say is I think ASADA and the AFL are pleased with the way the investigation is unfolding."
ASADA have declared that NRL players are no longer required for interviews.

THE drugs in sport investigation has taken a dramatic twist with ASADA terminating all future interviews with players.

Cronulla Sharks officials learned of the shock development yesterday through their lawyers.

The decision by ASADA to declare players will no longer be required for interview has brought the investigation to a stunning halt, with players and officials in the dark as to what ASADA's motive is.

However, it's understood the tactic is in direct response to the belief that the players will refuse to share information about their team mates by providing information during the interview process.

A source close to the Cronulla legal team accused ASADA of "making the rules up as they go."

It's believed that by cancelling any further interviews that ASADA will now rely on the information they already have in order for the NRL to issue a breach notice against any player or official.
I spotted this from Weedler and laughed that hard I almost swallowed my tongue:

Wade Graham turned up to his ASADA meeting looking like an extra from Wayne's World but I can guarantee you his Sharks teammates truly think he's excellent.

Graham is the only Sharks player to appear before ASADA, and the way things are headed, it will remain that way.

From the moment Graham fronted for questioning, ASADA knew they were going to struggle to get too much out of him and the other Cronulla players.

The investigators employed a tactic of trying to loosen up the Sharks forward - dare we say it, a softening-up period. They asked him to paint a picture of his career to this point.

Graham snapped back: ''I'm not here to paint a f---ing picture.''

Leaving aside the drugs issue Wade Graham is a clown.

This club is bereft of any sponsors and teetering on the edge and he turns up with a baseball cap backwards(for which he should receive a life ban) and dressed like a 16 year old punk. Just the look all major corporates are after. Who advises these clowns!

Exercise your rights for sure,all for that and he should exercise them to the full, but is it really too hard to look decent when representing what is a proud club and the game. And Ive no doubt the fool will be revelling in weidlers little story above.Working class hero,our Wade. Does anyone seriously think a cashed up enterprise would want anyone to do with that image or those comments.Geez this game at times surprises me with its amateurism.

And there will be those who bag what i say as being politically correct bla bla bla.That is rubbish,It is simply a case of showing some damn respect for your club and the game that supports your lifestyle by showing some personal responsibility and presenting yourself with a bit of pride.

This club may well fold without major sponsorship going forward but Im sure all the boardrooms around town will now be beating a path to the Sharks door.
Future captain they said, well not if you don't have a club moron. So much for protecting the brand.
susan said:
Leaving aside the drugs issue Wade Graham is a clown.

This club is bereft of any sponsors and teetering on the edge and he turns up with a baseball cap backwards(for which he should receive a life ban) and dressed like a 16 year old punk. Just the look all major corporates are after. Who advises these clowns!

Exercise your rights for sure,all for that and he should exercise them to the full, but is it really too hard to look decent when representing what is a proud club and the game. And Ive no doubt the fool will be revelling in weidlers little story above.Working class hero,our Wade. Does anyone seriously think a cashed up enterprise would want anyone to do with that image or those comments.Geez this game at times surprises me with its amateurism.

And there will be those who bag what i say as being politically correct bla bla bla.That is rubbish,It is simply a case of showing some damn respect for your club and the game that supports your lifestyle by showing some personal responsibility and presenting yourself with a bit of pride.

This club may well fold without major sponsorship going forward but Im sure all the boardrooms around town will now be beating a path to the Sharks door.

Here here, and I think Peter Fitzsimons agrees.

I said as much when it first happened, you can bet if he was fronting the NRL judiciary to argue his innocence he would be wearing a suit. It was a great big, and ill advised, **** you to ASADA. The kid is a clown.
The anti ASADA sections of the media etc need to realise that the drug issue is irrelevant here. This is simply and solely about representing your club and employer in the best light possible especially given the parlous state of the club.What they do in their own time is up to them and unless they commit some heinous crime I couldn't care less.But when in the public forum as a representative of their club and its supporters surely this bloke can show some respect.

I refuse to read Weidlers rubbish but please tell me Flanagan didn't use this as an example of why he is future captain material? Ive always thought Flanagan is both overrated as a coach and not particularly savvy but that is just ridiculous.No wonder the place is a basketcase in almost all areas.

Imagine Jason King,our captain,in a similar situation.Wouldnt happen and that is why he is our captain.
From Peter fitzsimmonds SMH. Com
This week, via Danny Weidler, we learnt more.
Once inside the room with the ASADA officials and their investigators, they tried to ease him into the process of working out what went on at Cronulla in 2011 by asking him to paint a picture of his career . . .
"I'm not here to paint a f- - - ing picture . . .," the young man snapped back.
This occasioned more lionising, even from officials, as revealed by Weidler. "It is, "[because of this attitude]," Weidler wrote, that Sharks coach Shane Flanagan has no hesitation in saying that he'll be a future captain of the club."
So what are the Essendon players wearing to their interviews? Anyone know?

Answer: you don't know because the media don't know where & when the interviews are or have chosen not to cover it.

How come the media knew where Graham would be & when?

Graham should have got the same respect of confidentiality as the Essendon players.

Bag him if you want but if the interview had not been made so public this would not be an issue & NRL players would not yet again be portrayed as bogans.
Just because Wades employer is a footy club make little difference. If this was a bank or supermarket acting like the sharks have, we would all be up in arms.Respect has to be earnt these days and not expected and its possible there is very little respect in the whole joint

As we are led to believe the cronulla club may or may not have put these players in a possible situation and possible ignored the duty of care

The board initially tried to distance themselves at the expense of the player and one even claimed they may have been injected with horse steroids

They may or may not have an Income for some years in there chosen field and have families and mortgages to support

The club sacked the coach and support staff conceivably with little knowledge or reason other than to protect there own arse

And now Emails directly from the club have been leaked to the media which may implicate the players further.Wades interview was released to the media as well

A [players union which seems to have gone on holidays

Add to that other clubs/players are presumably involved but the cronulla team has been forced to carry the can solo for 2 months now

To suggest the players have a duty of care to the club and owe them and should respect them is a bit rich. Its possible this club is full to the brim with disgruntled employees and the ones with most to lose should probably start to look after themselves and care less about the sharks long term history.

Dress code to front a kangaroo court. pffft. To be honest he gave them the respect they gave him

And who are we really to jump to these conclusions about what kind of a man he is because he didnt live up to our expectation.
The drugs have nothing to do with it.Look at this outside the agendas re the drug issue which is a perfectly fine position to take but is not the issue here.

Cronulla have financial and other issues well beyond this drug mess.

Blind Freddy knows the club has an image problem and no sponsor and may very well fold yet this bogan gets around like a street hood. It is simply a matter of showing a bit of respect.Is it that hard to ask people to simply dress appropriately and respect their club.Thong ffs!Would anyone here go to any meeting like that,let alone one that might effect their whole career.

If people think this helps the Cronulla Sutherland Sharks in any way shape or form or qualifies this idiot as a future captain,then all I can do is shake my head.If they think it advances his or their cause re the future of their club please enlighten me.

And if anyone seriously thinks the Essendon Football Club would allow their players to turn up there like that they are dead set kidding themselves. That is an absolute joke and anyone who has seen how these massive clubs operate even for simple things like after match functions would know this.
This is just another shambolic example of the lack of professionalism at the Sharks and once again outlines the gulf between how the AFL and League administer their games.

And finally, who do people think told Danny boy about his little expletive laden line about colouring in his career.ASADA? Your kidding! Big joke amongst the boys and then "lets tell Danny"- and for what reason is anyone's guess.

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