SeaEagleRock8 said:
So how many opinions do you want?
And precisely which scientists do you accuse of falsifying their research in order to gain more funding? (It appears you are not accusing those who are paid by the fossil fuel industry.)
In answer to your points:
I am accusing no one. I simply do not believe it. I simply believe that the warming is natural and while mankind may be contributing to it he is not the cause of it. Just remember we are talking about carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide. These are different and should not be mutually inter changeable. Which they seem to be at the moment.
With regard to the fuel companies - its interesting to note that originally a lot of cars were powered by electricity. But for some reason they were never developed when Henry Ford started mass production of the T model ford. I wonder why.
I have seen compressed air cars that can do around 50 klms an hour for 200 klms. I wonder why these cars are not mass produced for city driving.
Also there are several types of cheap wind-mills that can power houses with electricity along with solar panels that could reduce the cost of electricity to almost nil. So if there was a desire to reduce our carbon footprint we could do it by wind and solar and electric cars.
But where is the money for large industry in that? So I say follow the money trail and if you are more successful than I you might find an 'inconvenient lie' is behind all of this. How much money did a certain US presidential candidate make on his whirl-wind lecture tour when talking about global warming? I bet he didn't do it for nothing.
I cite the CFC and the ozone layer back in the 80's for my skepticism. CFC's were okay while ever the manufacturing company had the royalty to manufacture them. But as the royalty was coming to an end it appeared that CFC's were indeed harmful to the environment and were outlawed now replaced by HFC's. I wonder who has the patent on that now? And I wonder if the patent is finished will HFC's be seen as harmful to the environment in the future?
Further to the holes in the ozone layer at both poles - is it a natural occurrence? I say yes. But for many years scientists said they were caused by CFC's.
Are you a scientist SeaEagleRock8? If so I'd like to debate it with you on a more convenient forum than this. And if you are a scientist SeaEagleRock8 you'd probably run rings around me and I apologise if I seem to be running you profession down. But I say what is today's truth is often tomorrows lie.
But alas I may be seen as a heretic a non-believer for not simply accepting the modern climate change mantra.