Just curious, but to save going back through Silvertails where I'm sure I've read the answer about this scenario........
What is the risk to the club if we sign him and he does another ACL in the same knee? Is that treated as a pre-exisitng injury? Surely not?
You would think that there would be a full medical clearance before signing which is possibly lodged with the NRL/Insurer.
If it isn't deemed pre-existing and it's career ending then we get the cap space back?
I guess the issue then is, if it isn't career ending, then he's an expensive accessory on the sideline.
Also, two things.........
I think it's a shame to hold a talented player back from opportunities on the basis of what may never happen. Probably reduces his value by $50K a year.
Secondly, it's an unusual business where you have to continue to pay an employee when they cannot, what's the old term, complete the exertions they were contracted to perform.
Surely this can be improved for both parties? Thoughts?