Graham Eadie is the best all round player I have ever watched at Brookie.
His youth, speed, strength and ball skills were on show in an era without trainers/rehab.
1977 Eadie even won The Superstar award beating all other athletes from different sports.
Truly a natural athlete
Cliffy's magic was making other players look like they were running through inpenetrable walls.
I used to watch the replays in order to find the moment where Cliffy first saw the gap - rarely did

He would pop the ball into it, then a Manly player appeared and picked it out of that spot.
Hard to explain, but it always looked like Cliffy was the only one animated in a freeze frame of a field of 26 players - awesome
These 2 stand put for me as freaks of nature but there have been dozens of Manly players who feature in my Brookie Faves, albeit briefly