The EPL 2014 / 15

RiverEagle said:
Mals said:
Been to the UK & Ireland do you mean @RiverEagle?

Yep 5 times mate. My Dad is Welsh so I've gone over to see my extended family quite a bit. Only been to one EPL game though cause I usually go in their summer. Saw Chelsea play a 0 - 0 draw against Aston Villa up in Birmingham back in 2010.

Yes mate, that's what I was asking. With my heritage I want to get over there at least once.

Typical of life sometimes hey mate...The only game U get to see thus far is a scoreless draw! (Was that experience still a good one @Mals and are you planning any further trips that way?)

And @mozgrame

Not found the book yet (I bloody will though mate)!

I've read reviews and got more interested. I've literally just been so crook this past 10 days or more now, just getting the basics done brother is enough.

I will get it; along with a book recommended by @KOMORI (Frankie Boyle's autobiography). Strictly for light relief and sh^t and giggles though, that one.

With the footy season nearing it's end, I'm keen to get back into reading more (I used to). *But thanks for asking, AND recommending it to me to begin with.

EDIT: Do you follow the EPL @mozgrame (and any particular club??)

No mate, I don't follow it at all. I'll try to source you a copy of the book. It's no miracle "cure all" by any means, but it's well worth a read. If I can't find a copy, PM me your address and I'll send you mine.
Wow, that is very generous @mozgrame

I will still have a go at getting onto it here mate, hopefully this weekend, but will keep your offer in mind; I'm that keen to get into the book and it's advice.

I realize it's not meant to be a "miracle-cure", just more an overhaul of your life-stuff. Like most things mate, you usually get back what you're prepared to give (or put in).

And if you're looking for a starting point with the EPL "do yourself a favour" and give Manchester United a look. (AND, remember I got in 1st there, ahead of all others, lol!)
RiverEagle said:
Wow, that is very generous @mozgrame

I will still have a go at getting onto it here mate, hopefully this weekend, but will keep your offer in mind; I'm that keen to get into the book and it's advice.

I realize it's not meant to be a "miracle-cure", just more an overhaul of your life-stuff. Like most things mate, you usually get back what you're prepared to give (or put in).

And if you're looking for a starting point with the EPL "do yourself a favour" and give Manchester United a look. (AND, remember I got in 1st there, ahead of all others, lol!)

It was a nice gesture wasnt it River!

There are many good articles out there but you can also Google Nutrition or Nutrionists and do a search under their site and find some remedies for general health and wellbeing. Check out Mens Health (and associated sites) as well and search from there.
However, exercise and diet play a big part in any wellbeing.
I am 6ft 3" and I weigh around 85kgs (in old terms), so those BIG footy jerseys wont fit me.
I dont drive (wife drives - I just drive her crazy with sport even though she supports Newcastle Knights) but walk to work each day and return and down the street when I go and return.

Gee, maybe we should start a Silvertails Wellbeing thread or folder.
Even Donny Singe might come on board with us.
I wonder if Rosemary Stanton (nutrionist) supports Manly.
Moderators might see some benefit in it!

Just read the article, HA HA HA!!!!!
Excellent on inviting "mozgrame" to support The Mighty Red Devils of Manchester United.
He (mozgrame) might read this (I'm still finding my way with blogs and multiple posts in one), but if he has English UK origins or family bases and comes from around Birmingham area, I can see that his family might have things to say in supporting either Aston Villa or Birmingham - different leagues/divisions of course.

Cheers - catch ya and GO MANLY.
Big Pete C Eagle said:
RiverEagle said:
Wow, that is very generous @mozgrame

I will still have a go at getting onto it here mate, hopefully this weekend, but will keep your offer in mind; I'm that keen to get into the book and it's advice.

I realize it's not meant to be a "miracle-cure", just more an overhaul of your life-stuff. Like most things mate, you usually get back what you're prepared to give (or put in).

And if you're looking for a starting point with the EPL "do yourself a favour" and give Manchester United a look. (AND, remember I got in 1st there, ahead of all others, lol!)

It was a nice gesture wasnt it River!

There are many good articles out there but you can also Google Nutrition or Nutrionists and do a search under their site and find some remedies for general health and wellbeing. Check out Mens Health (and associated sites) as well and search from there.
However, exercise and diet play a big part in any wellbeing.
I am 6ft 3" and I weigh around 85kgs (in old terms), so those BIG footy jerseys wont fit me.
I dont drive (wife drives - I just drive her crazy with sport even though she supports Newcastle Knights) but walk to work each day and return and down the street when I go and return.

Gee, maybe we should start a Silvertails Wellbeing thread or folder.
Even Donny Singe might come on board with us.
I wonder if Rosemary Stanton (nutrionist) supports Manly.
Moderators might see some benefit in it!

Just read the article, HA HA HA!!!!!
Excellent on inviting "mozgrame" to support The Mighty Red Devils of Manchester United.
He (mozgrame) might read this (I'm still finding my way with blogs and multiple posts in one), but if he has English UK origins or family bases and comes from around Birmingham area, I can see that his family might have things to say in supporting either Aston Villa or Birmingham - different leagues/divisions of course.

Cheers - catch ya and GO MANLY.

It is a very nice gesture and offer for sure Pete.

Things like that happen regularly here mate (@Shoe1 for example sent me a spare Manly v Roosters flag not long ago). They were free initially, but he still took the time and paid modest postage to send it my way. One member even sent a flag to @globaleagle all the way to Canada.

You'll find @mozgrame very much like me: Speaks his mind (sometimes before thinking it through); unafraid to stand his ground, but also man enough to admit when wrong, or apologize if need be. (He's also as funny as hell and smart as a whip, just quietly!) *And YES. We need to convert him to Man Utd ASAP; before those other wretches get their tentacles around him here!*

Your idea on a Men's Health/Well-being Thread is actually a very good, and realistic idea. We have the General Discussions Forum for anything and everything we'd like to discuss. And as far as I know, I can't see a problem with it (being formally started) and really feel it could be worthwhile (especially once the Rugby League season's over).

Go have a look in there when you've some time to spare Pete (General Discussions). *Do you like Boxing for one? *Or belive in God(Fate or Destiny)? *Did Robin Williams "passing" affect you at all? *Or simply enjoy a diversion and heaps of photos from all over, in "Postcards from Home". You can even add pics to share from in and around Bathurst if you feel inclined. And so on.

Regarding "Health"...For a variety of reasons I won't go into openly just yet (may well in PM as we've discussed) I'm about 6 foot-tall with-boots-on, lol. But my weight has steadily increased this past 2 years (from approx. 78 to currently 103kgs) which is a lot; is unacceptable; and it is time to get things back-on-track in the right direction. *So U should now see how a 2XXL jersey was too tight for me (and from that blurry pic). At 85kilos yourself U might fit into a 2XXL, depending on your frame, or body-structure, as you are a tall bloke. And, some people are OK with tighter clothes too, I know. I'm not. I hate tight clothes (T's, shorts, jerseys or jeans and jackets etc.) It's all such an individual thing and ultimately best to "try before you buy" when possible. *As far as I know, there's none left of any size anyway now.

Have a good weekend (with a Manly win of course), Man Utd too.
I've already got my AFL team comfortably into the Grand Final after tonight (the Sydney Swans).

Your "serve". lol.
mozgrame said:
You blokes aren't crook. You just need sleep. 😛

I literally just woke up (after taking 400mgs of metronide and an Endone for pain) with the little bit of food I could keep down at tea-time.

I'm crook. No doubt. No BS.

I did get a bit of sleep tho', thanks Dr. Moz.

A few hours at least.

Will probly be awake long enough now to have a look at the EPL games tonight (after Manly's game is over).
lsz said:
I would be crook if my club spent 150mil to lose away to 5-3....

"Bugga' off" mate!

lol. *Some superb goals for Man Utd, and I was feelin' OK at 3-1 up.

Then the same old issues at the back, in defence, cruelled it all!

How did the Hammers go? (I haven't seen or heard all results yet).
Chelsea were looking good 1 zip up away to Man City but then Super Frank Lampard came on to score against his old club... Ouch!!! 🙁
At your home, or at Liverpool, you mean @lsz ?

Congratz either way. Liverpool will finish top 10 minimum!

So that's impressive, either way.

And @Mals

I didn't even know Frank had moved to Man City (must've been a VERY good deal all round, to get him away from Chelsea!)

So that wound-up 1-all then, you mean?

Better than a loss; especially on their turf, mate.
RiverEagle said:
At your home, or at Liverpool, you mean @lsz ?

Congratz either way. Liverpool will finish top 10 minimum!

So that's impressive, either way.

And @Mals

I didn't even know Frank had moved to Man City (must've been a VERY good deal all round, to get him away from Chelsea!)

So that wound-up 1-all then, you mean?

Better than a loss; especially on their turf, mate.

Yes River et al.

Frank was going to play here in Oz (A-League) with Melbourne City (now owned by Man City), instead he was transferred off to USA sister club of Man City again.

Then Pellegrini saw more value in Frank (like many that like him as a "long toothed" player) in EPL and whammo he shot down Jose. Now Jose says that when Frank left to join Man City - the romance was over.
Of course it is now, Frank belted the equaliser against Chelsea and Jose didnt like that.
Too early to retire Frankie mate as he still adds value, even off the bench as a fresh sub. Hope they manage at some time to send him Down Under so we can see some of his skills in A-League.

West Ham won at home River. 1 all draw City and Chelsea.

RiverEagle said:
Big Pete C Eagle said:
RiverEagle said:
Wow, that is very generous @mozgrame

I will still have a go at getting onto it here mate, hopefully this weekend, but will keep your offer in mind; I'm that keen to get into the book and it's advice.

I realize it's not meant to be a "miracle-cure", just more an overhaul of your life-stuff. Like most things mate, you usually get back what you're prepared to give (or put in).

And if you're looking for a starting point with the EPL "do yourself a favour" and give Manchester United a look. (AND, remember I got in 1st there, ahead of all others, lol!)

It was a nice gesture wasnt it River!

There are many good articles out there but you can also Google Nutrition or Nutrionists and do a search under their site and find some remedies for general health and wellbeing. Check out Mens Health (and associated sites) as well and search from there.
However, exercise and diet play a big part in any wellbeing.
I am 6ft 3" and I weigh around 85kgs (in old terms), so those BIG footy jerseys wont fit me.
I dont drive (wife drives - I just drive her crazy with sport even though she supports Newcastle Knights) but walk to work each day and return and down the street when I go and return.

Gee, maybe we should start a Silvertails Wellbeing thread or folder.
Even Donny Singe might come on board with us.
I wonder if Rosemary Stanton (nutrionist) supports Manly.
Moderators might see some benefit in it!

Just read the article, HA HA HA!!!!!
Excellent on inviting "mozgrame" to support The Mighty Red Devils of Manchester United.
He (mozgrame) might read this (I'm still finding my way with blogs and multiple posts in one), but if he has English UK origins or family bases and comes from around Birmingham area, I can see that his family might have things to say in supporting either Aston Villa or Birmingham - different leagues/divisions of course.

Cheers - catch ya and GO MANLY.

It is a very nice gesture and offer for sure Pete.

Things like that happen regularly here mate (@Shoe1 for example sent me a spare Manly v Roosters flag not long ago). They were free initially, but he still took the time and paid modest postage to send it my way. One member even sent a flag to @globaleagle all the way to Canada.

You'll find @mozgrame very much like me: Speaks his mind (sometimes before thinking it through); unafraid to stand his ground, but also man enough to admit when wrong, or apologize if need be. (He's also as funny as hell and smart as a whip, just quietly!) *And YES. We need to convert him to Man Utd ASAP; before those other wretches get their tentacles around him here!*

Your idea on a Men's Health/Well-being Thread is actually a very good, and realistic idea. We have the General Discussions Forum for anything and everything we'd like to discuss. And as far as I know, I can't see a problem with it (being formally started) and really feel it could be worthwhile (especially once the Rugby League season's over).

Go have a look in there when you've some time to spare Pete (General Discussions). *Do you like Boxing for one? *Or belive in God(Fate or Destiny)? *Did Robin Williams "passing" affect you at all? *Or simply enjoy a diversion and heaps of photos from all over, in "Postcards from Home". You can even add pics to share from in and around Bathurst if you feel inclined. And so on.

Regarding "Health"...For a variety of reasons I won't go into openly just yet (may well in PM as we've discussed) I'm about 6 foot-tall with-boots-on, lol. But my weight has steadily increased this past 2 years (from approx. 78 to currently 103kgs) which is a lot; is unacceptable; and it is time to get things back-on-track in the right direction. *So U should now see how a 2XXL jersey was too tight for me (and from that blurry pic). At 85kilos yourself U might fit into a 2XXL, depending on your frame, or body-structure, as you are a tall bloke. And, some people are OK with tighter clothes too, I know. I'm not. I hate tight clothes (T's, shorts, jerseys or jeans and jackets etc.) It's all such an individual thing and ultimately best to "try before you buy" when possible. *As far as I know, there's none left of any size anyway now.

Have a good weekend (with a Manly win of course), Man Utd too.
I've already got my AFL team comfortably into the Grand Final after tonight (the Sydney Swans).

Your "serve". lol.

Yes River dont mind all sports in part.

Manly was robbed on Saturday night and no doubt about it. Did you happen to read FOXSPORTS report stating that same line.
Man Utd cant be allowed to have a roaming defence. 3 - 1 up with 30 minutes to go.
Then all hell broke loose and LVG is back where he started.
However, a weekend of upsets in EPL. Palace (away) def Everton, WBA (away) def Spurs. Long way to go and a lot of experimenting to be done - BY ALL CLUBS.
LVG is after CR7, but I doubt Madrid will release him in Summer as they want their version of Messi to remain so they have attack and a crack at La Liga title.

Mate, hope Swans win big in AFL. They are my second team as Swans only came about from South Melbourne move interstate (same as Fitzroy move to QLD to become Bris Lions).

lsz said:
I would be crook if my club spent 150mil to lose away to 5-3....

Hey Isz - now, now buddy.
Its all experimentation (in the early stages) but LVG knows too well that many of the lower rated clubs have players who are going to lift themselves - especially against Man Utd. This EPL League 2014/15, might be closer than many think.

But on another note champ - West Ham play Man Utd this weekend at OT.
Man Utd has defensive issues and Jones was injured against The Foxes.

On another stage - the EPL Loan situation can be used as a rort at times.
Jose (Chelsea) does it so well and he will do it more when the big end of Euro season matches (ECL, Europa Cup etc) land in his lap.

Still getting over Manly's great comeback and getting robbed.
Still, in Finals Footy you dont give top teams 16 points start because you have your ring hanging out the entire match - catching up.
All good stuff boys (just catching up on today).

Will come back later to add my two-cents worth on things.

Still not 100% but on the right (just slow) track.

(Grieving heavily over Manly, of course).

(A 1 point win will do for my Swans!).

Then looking forward to Man Utd v West Ham on Sunday.

The way we're both going @lsz it could well be entertainingly close!

Is it at Old Trafford at least??
RiverEagle said:
All good stuff boys (just catching up on today).

Will come back later to add my two-cents worth on things.

Still not 100% but on the right (just slow) track.

(Grieving heavily over Manly, of course).

(A 1 point win will do for my Swans!).

Then looking forward to Man Utd v West Ham on Sunday.

The way we're both going @lsz it could well be entertainingly close!

Is it at Old Trafford at least??

Hey River - hope u r ok mate.
I have been quiet on the scene lately.
Grieving over Refs and Golden Point defeat of us (we woz robbed).

Man Utd play Hammers this week at OT. Defence in tatters with injuries and LVG bringing up some youth. That certainly wont hurt and it will give the lads a tatste of their future wherever it be at.

Chelsea rumoured with 118 million pound lure for Mmessi. Yet Man Utd expected to pay 200 million for CR7 to have him return to OT.
Bugger me mate, we need defence not attack at the mo.

Got to choof off - will be great to see two new teams in NRL GF seeing we cant be there with Sea Eagles to do it. Go Panthers they deserve it and so does our former in Ivan Cleary.
Big Pete C Eagle said:
RiverEagle said:
All good stuff boys (just catching up on today).

Will come back later to add my two-cents worth on things.

Still not 100% but on the right (just slow) track.

(Grieving heavily over Manly, of course).

(A 1 point win will do for my Swans!).

Then looking forward to Man Utd v West Ham on Sunday.

The way we're both going @lsz it could well be entertainingly close!

Is it at Old Trafford at least??

Hey River - hope u r ok mate.
I have been quiet on the scene lately.
Grieving over Refs and Golden Point defeat of us (we woz robbed).

Man Utd play Hammers this week at OT. Defence in tatters with injuries and LVG bringing up some youth. That certainly wont hurt and it will give the lads a tatste of their future wherever it be at.

Chelsea rumoured with 118 million pound lure for Mmessi. Yet Man Utd expected to pay 200 million for CR7 to have him return to OT.
Bugger me mate, we need defence not attack at the mo.

Got to choof off - will be great to see two new teams in NRL GF seeing we cant be there with Sea Eagles to do it. Go Panthers they deserve it and so does our former in Ivan Cleary.

Hi Pete. Whilst still grieving still over Manly, I don't see it as harshly as Us "being robbed". Closer to cruelly unlucky for mine.

Totally agree on Man Utd. We've already shown we can score goals this season (Di Maria and Hererra added to a hopefully fit Van Persie and of course, Rooney) all looks promising.

We NEED to do something at the back mate! (I'm still prepared to give LVG more time to get the formations and/or combinations right) but it's clearly still an issue. Once we lose a few heads will drop and all gets worse again.

I'm glad it's at Old Trafford tonight. (I've just had a few hrs sleep; on heavier medication now) so I may be able to make it to watch Us at midnight. If not, I'll record and watch in the morning.

(Yes. I hope the 'Riff win it now. Or Souths. Either before the Dogs).

(And,no comment to add about my Swans for now, mate).
Well I made it (just) to the end of a substandard match (which even Man Utd's skipper got sick of!).

Rooney, sent-off for an outrageously poor foul!

Apologies @lsz for the scrappy loss (to Us).

A draw might've been a preferable result; then off for as many pints of lager necessary to erase the whole affair

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