All Seaeagles supporters know for a fact BK bought an intensity that had been lacking at Manly.
In actual fact the coaching staff feel he was the Biggest factor in the lift that produced a dominant period and record 40 - 0 GF in 2008.
Will also add through from all the coaching staff back in that time, when questioned on the amazing transformation into such a formidable 2008 side, the response was "Ben Kennedy" who had retired 2 years earlier, but left a legacy of commitment that the players all bought into.
Training went to another level and there was no BS accepted.
These are the lofty standards the side needs to replicate again, but I see no leader in the mould of BK at this stage.....hopefully the coaching staff have lifted the dwindling expectations of recent times and the intensity levels can again rise high.....I feel Flanagan is that tough old head that just may add something in this department.