Yeah I thought it would all be different with Tratovenko as our owner so hopefully this hiccup will be just that & we'll continue our smooth sailings in the post-Lowy era.

There is a lot of talk that Barlow is behind it all (Being that he is Tratovenko's son in law) but that is just speculation. I have heard that the only signing that Lavicka has wanted & got this year was Carle. If that is true then it is worrying, I'd like for the manager to be at the forefront of football operations.

We can only hope that things look up from here though & just have faith, we have been good in the Tratovenko era so far.
Well I hope Lavicka stays manager well after the champs league. But guess that depends on how we go. Who knows they may have already made the decision to replace him.

Looking forward to the champs league game next Wednesday. Been a few years since we were there last.
I can't wait either. Going to be very interesting to see how we stack up against the best of Asia.

The boys beat Sydney Utd. 1-0 tonight, Joel Chianese got the winner. Very promising young midfielder & I hope that he gets a run at some point early next year. One thing you can't fault SFC for is their junior development, best in the league by a wide margin.

Also during the game, Brendan Gan was stretchered off after a rough tackle. I know I give him plenty but hoping that he's okay. He may be the s***house lovechild of a giraffe & a Malaysian but I'm sure he's a good bloke.
I thought maybe you were playing for Sydney United Mark and got out there and did a 2 footed tackle studs up ??? :🙂. Just Kidding of course. But obviously like you say hopefully he is ok. He will be needed during the acl.

This Joel Chianese kid sounds promising. Look forward to watching him.
Good news finally, Lavicka has resigned to lead SFC through the 2011/12 season! Stability is something we've needed for a long time & we finally have that with Vitja. I'm stoked that he's back but he does need to improve on this years performance or there will be no option to bring him back for another year.

I also found a nice article on SFCU about The Cove & the A-League from the perspective a foreign football fan.

By Max Helyer

Whilst travelling in Sydney recently I decided I ought to take in some football. Would I enjoy a temporary summer romance before I returned to the Riverside (my spiritual home)? Or would I be left disappointed by the A-League’s quality?


It’s the 92nd minute inside the Sydney Football Stadium and Sydney FC are holding onto a deserved but delicate 1-0 lead against Gold Coast United. Eighteen-year old Dimitri Petratos scored his first senior goal for the Sky Blues on 33 minutes, a blinder, after long spells of pressure from the home team. As Gold Coast push further forward trying to find an equaliser, they leave themselves increasingly exposed at the back, and after they lose the ball on the halfway line, Sydney full-back Sebastian Ryall bombs forward and plays a peach of a ball into the six-yard box, new boy Juho Mäkelä (Hearts fans may remember his unspectacular time at the club) duly obliges and bundles it in at the back post.

Cue effing insanity. It starts raining beer from all the pints (sorry, schooners) that get thrown in the air. People who don’t have a beer at hand are recycling people’s empty cups and throwing them back at each other. I’m dripping wet. It’s like a Slipknot gig. I start chucking whatever I can get my hands on into the air: beer holders, crisp packets, burger buns, half a Mars bar – I don’t care.

Next, I find myself part of a crowd that’s legging it towards the pitch, jumping over seats two rows at a time. Ryall and Mäkelä – who are enjoying a proper blokes’ hug with each other in front of the crowd – are suddenly surrounded by a swarm of fans, with other players running the length of the pitch to join in this obviously glorious event. Everyone is going crackers. More and more of the ‘Sky Blue Youth’ start throwing themselves onto the massive pile which has now began to form. I’m covered in limbs and I’m doing nothing but kissing everyone and yelling at the top of my lungs. This is brilliant. I could die and I don’t mind.

The view from The Cove, Sydney FC

I’m going deeper into the mass. But ****, the advertising boards are snapping and collapsing and fans are pouring onto the pitch like fish out of Captain Birdseye’s nets. Some poor bastard is trapped underneath the heap, his leg is stuck under a Pulsar Watches board and there are at least a hundred nutters on top of him. It turns out to be Matt Jurman and he is screaming in agony and the stewards and fans who aren’t caught up in the madness are trying to free him from certain death. Amazingly, he wriggles free and hobbles off, leaving the celebrations early while we all continue to go berserk, not fussed that we just nearly killed one of our heroes.

I’ve got my arms around some bloke in a string vest with a dodgy beard and a cowboy hat on – is he my soul mate? My mind is bent to ****. I’m nearly in tears. I’m ringing up our lass to share this defining point in my life with her. It was at this moment that I stopped and began to wonder what the hell was actually going on. Have Sydney FC actually just become the first club team to win the World Cup? Have they won the league? Am I witnessing a historic side guarantee their place in history?

The answer to all of these questions was of course, no. They’ve simply gained three points in an inconsequential match late in the season that sees them remain ninth in the table. “Ah well”, I thought; I was having a brilliant time, and continued in a stirring performance of “Sydney ‘til I die” until long after the final whistle peeped, minesweeping for scabs of beer, conducted the whole time by our marvellous leader, the ‘fella with the megaphone’. He’s a lunatic who would scream at the 500 or so fans who gathered in ‘The Cove’ for an hour before the game, throughout half time, and well after the final whistle. If this lad turned up at the Riverside armed with a megaphone he would receive a balti pie straight between the eyes. Someone might even sacrifice their parmo in a bun.

* * *

I came over to Australia in September last year to do a bit of travelling, and wanted to get in as much sport as I could. I went to the first Sydney FC home game I could get to, against Adelaide United, and was very unsure what to expect. I didn’t anticipate much from the quality, and to be frank I was right not to. I was also unsure of what to expect from the crowd. Sydney’s stadium holds over 45,000, and last year they won the league, so I was expecting a decent turnout, comparable at least to a crowd at the Boro. What a surprise it was when barely 7,000 made the trip to see high-flying Adelaide in what I was told was going to be one of the better games of the season.

The first half was alright – scrappy football and not much flair, but I’m pretty immune to that, and embrace it as a luxury when it happens in Teesside. I also enjoyed the luxury of sipping a few beers from my seat. Sydney took a 1-0 lead and all was well, but I couldn’t help being distracted by a group of fans behind the goal to me right. They had some massive flags, a section of drums, and were jumping and singing non-stop. It was like a scene straight out of an Istanbul derby – I was just waiting for a goat’s head to be chucked at Adelaide’s keeper, who was getting plenty of stick.

Half-time came and a combination of curiosity and loads of empty seats led to me having a wander round to see ‘The Cove’ close up. The queuing system at the bar was ruthlessly efficient and the songs were catchy (a fair few ripped-off English chants), and before I knew it I was right in amongst it. The second half was ****e though; Sydney threw away a 1-0 lead, conceding two shocking goals in the last five minutes to lose 1-2. The scenes which followed shocked me at first, and then disgusted me. As a Boro fan I am well used to witnessing such atrocities, and usually by the time the goal that has nailed our coffin shut has been announced, thousands of Smoggies have scarpered the crime scene and are well on their way to the pub. Not in Sydney. They didn’t even respond to the goals. They just kept bloody singing. Did they not notice their team’s demise? Where was the abuse directed at their beloved team? Where was the booing at full-time? Who was going to run on the pitch and chuck their season ticket at the manager? What’s more, the mad bastards stayed back late singing songs such as “We’re gonna win the A-League, we’re Sydney, Sydney!” They weren’t; they were rock bottom of the bloody A-League.

So why were they all so goddamned happy? Was it a cultural thing? I didn’t think so, as Rugby League and Aussie Rules games I had taken in had been flatter than a Shrove Tuesday breakfast. I made the trip to see Australia take on Paraguay in a friendly, a game that the Socceroos won 1-0. It was a poor game, barely more than a runabout for some of the country’s benchwarmers, and the atmosphere in the ground was very similar to Sydney FC – most fans were quiet, and there was a section of fans grouped together who fancied singing; only at internationals they got a complimentary flag too! But at the final whistle, a fella who seemed pretty sound of mind turned to me and said that “it was the finest game of soccer he had ever seen”.

Soccer! That said it all. I needed no more explanation. He might have enjoyed the game for personal reasons, but calling it the S word? They were a bunch of clueless, Yank-wannabe, bandwagon jumpers.

I did depart the Paraguay game writing off Australian football fans as tits, and I did assume the role of the condescending football snob. I swore I’d never go again and would save my money for beer and surfing lessons. But a fascination began to develop with those committed singers, and I found myself making the trip back to Sydney for the Gold Coast game, and this time enjoyed the whole thing from within ‘The Cove’. What was interesting was that there was a few Nottingham Forest fans at the game, left over from The Ashes and keen to take in some footy. They were as sceptical as I was against Adelaide, but by the end of the second half, they were loving it, especially the beer bathing. In fact, there’s some footage kicking round in the Fox Sports archives of them acting just like I did at the final whistle.

It is the pure love and dedication for their team which I admire about Sydney’s hardcore fans. They might not have any deep culture in the sport just yet – the A-League is less than ten years old – but I am willing to ignore these facts in exchange for enjoying a beer in the stands and not getting told to sit down by jobsworth stewards. In fact, the more I learn about Australian football, the greater my admiration becomes. For example, each team must have a squad of between 20 and 23 players, and are allowed a maximum of five overseas players. While this might be a policy that is synonymous of Australia’s strict immigration policies and insular political outlook, I feel that this is a stance that within the confines of sport can be admired – particularly coming from a country where homegrown players are fast falling out of favour to unheard-of, uninspired and unexciting foreign imports.

It is precisely for this reason that England’s national team is beginning to suffer. And while Australia might not be a team of comparable quality, they certainly have options who are playing every week at their country’s highest level. Beyond this, each club has an annual salary cap of $2.3 million – around £1.4 million. There’s arseholes in the Premier League using bigger piles of cash than that to wipe last night’s… well, use your imagination.

It’s after studying those stats that you realise those lads on the pitch must really love the game, and the fans must love coming to see them play. The football might be mediocre, relative to what is offered in Europe, and enjoyed by small crowds, but at least the league is run in a responsible and sustainable way. When I’m back in England I will look forward to monitoring the A-League next season. Just stop calling it soccer, eh lads.

Forza The Cove!
Looking forward to the Gold Coast vs Central Coast game now!

I still don't think the Roar will take out the A League trophy this year.
While I'd like to see the Sea Bogans win it (if only because I wanted them to beat Newwy back in the day) I can't see the Roar not taking out the double. They are just playing far superior football to the rest of the competition atm.

Fold Coast are pretenders, so I think CCM should do them but I'm just not sure if CCM have the strike power up front to down the Roar. Sure the Roar's defence isn't that great but when the oppositions best striker is Danny McBreen it doesn't need to be anymore than adequate.

The second leg of the Roar CCM final was entertaining. Great job by the Roar to claw it back. 27 games undefeated for them  😱

I just read that Marcos Rojas is leaving the Nix to join MV. If true he is a right little c***. The only reason he's even in the A-league is because the Nix fans gave him a scholarship from their own pockets to get him involved. Disgusting act to do what he is doing, he'll fit in well with the Tards.

Also, Bruno!  😀
Going to try & get out there, not sure if I'll finish in time to get there though. Will be doing my best, should be a great game.
So the Fury are gone... doesn't the FFA realize that 10 teams do not make a viable competition, and that they will want to go back to Nth Qld one day, so burning good will like this is a poor idea.
Rusty link said:
So the Fury are gone... doesn't the FFA realize that 10 teams do not make a viable competition, and that they will want to go back to Nth Qld one day, so burning good will like this is a poor idea.

This a real shame, In the long run the Fury will no doubt be a good investment for the a-league. I'm sure a Nth Queensland side will be back in the league in the future.
On the plus side should mean we keep David Williams. And maybe try to get a couple of other players?
Very sad about the Fury, boneheaded move by the idiots at the FFA. Word is that they will retain a NYL squad & will be re-assessed for entry into the A-League in season 8.

The silver lining is of course that we have first crack at Dave Williams. I'd be very surprised if we don't make a big run at Mark Hughes as well, he's a decent player for a scouser.

Loved the Daily Terror reporting that SFC has 'axed' Makela. Apparently they can't get it through their heads that he can still be a SFC player despite not joining the AFC squad. Tricky stuff, I know.

Update for tomorrow is good, I should be out there so I'll send you a text when I get there Ben. Until then, forza Gamba!
CC were the right team to go through and the game did open up in the second half - BUT, there is no way I will watch that level of ****e. Haven't watched an A-Leaguer for a year and it still stinks if that is the standard to be expected.
The 2 best teams have made it though. Which is usually the case.
Just have to work out where in Melbourne to watch the game. If we have recovered by then
ManlyBacker link said:
CC were the right team to go through and the game did open up in the second half - BUT, there is no way I will watch that level of s**te. Haven't watched an A-Leaguer for a year and it still stinks if that is the standard to be expected.

It was a s**te game for sure. CCM aren't exactly known for playing attractive football either, GCU were very disappointing though, Smeltz really went missing when needed. Culina was missed also.

Don't care who wins the GF, it's a win-win situation for us. Either the Marinators lose their third GF (probably without scoring in any of them as well haha) or the Roar choke it up in front of the Brisbane bandwagon.

Not too happy with the rumor that Ange is leaving Brissie to join the Tards, I don't see why the Roar would release him from his contract. If it does happen it will make the FFA look very suspect.
Not a bad grand final really. Certainly one heck of an ending.
Watch the game in a pub in Melbourne without sound and due to bad weather the satellite kept cutting out for pretty much all of the 1st half. As it was for bits of the Riaders Sharks game earlier on. Luckly after that it was fine and we got to see the rest of the game.
Thoroughly enjoyed the GF, I felt for the CCM fans but at the same time it was hilarious, those poor buggers will never win a thing 😀

SFC's game in Kashima has been postponed due to obvious reasons. I've heard that it may be moved to 29-30th of March but the AFC hasn't confirmed anything yet.

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