Winging it
Texas Hold'em
Interesting to read the exploits of Nutz and The Gronk playing in tournies with good success.
I thought I would get a thread going on anyone interested in poker.
I played as a youngster almost every day after school for years and love the game. It is a great measure of understanding people and their motivations. I must admit to losing some friends when i discovered their real personalties playing poker (ie tightarses, plain mean etc) but in general it is a fantastic game for challenging the brain and forming friendships.
I only became involved with Texas Hold'em online about 1 year ago and it really is a great game. My wife has finished 2nd and 5th in tournies with over 1400 people and I have got to the last table a few times and usually make the top 50 with those sorts of numbers playing.
For those that play online which sites do you like best? I joined the WPTonline and they have basically ring games and one day when they crashed a few times i signed up with Pokerstars which plays 10 man table tournies and is really a fantastic site. I have also joined PokerPages but the software doesn't seem as good but they sure have a lot of players.
I would also be interested in anyone's thoughts on playing real life tournies as i have never done that and how it compares with online.
Interesting to read the exploits of Nutz and The Gronk playing in tournies with good success.
I thought I would get a thread going on anyone interested in poker.
I played as a youngster almost every day after school for years and love the game. It is a great measure of understanding people and their motivations. I must admit to losing some friends when i discovered their real personalties playing poker (ie tightarses, plain mean etc) but in general it is a fantastic game for challenging the brain and forming friendships.
I only became involved with Texas Hold'em online about 1 year ago and it really is a great game. My wife has finished 2nd and 5th in tournies with over 1400 people and I have got to the last table a few times and usually make the top 50 with those sorts of numbers playing.
For those that play online which sites do you like best? I joined the WPTonline and they have basically ring games and one day when they crashed a few times i signed up with Pokerstars which plays 10 man table tournies and is really a fantastic site. I have also joined PokerPages but the software doesn't seem as good but they sure have a lot of players.
I would also be interested in anyone's thoughts on playing real life tournies as i have never done that and how it compares with online.