Swimming on TV does anyone really care?


Kim Jong Dan
Staff member
Tipping Member
Seriously, why do they show Swimming on TV.

Golf and Swimming are 2 sports that should be kept well and truly away from TV especially prime time TV.

Put it on at times that most peole arent watching after a hard days work.

This is just another YADW
Yeah it is a joke.....i'm in the not interested catagory. I suppose the kids like watching it though......I notice there flogging the chicks atm.
Those into swimming like it, the more sport on tele the better.

Beats law and order and other crap like that.
bull**** I would rather watch law and order than watch people splashing about in water.

It is just **** to watch. Its not really a spectator sport. Ian Thorpe was right
I agree Fluffy, I'm not a huge swimming fan, but Law and Order and CSI are taking over the screens. Sunday nights now have Law and Order and CSI: Dunedoo instead of movies.

Swimming beats those crappy shows hands down.
CSI is the best show on telvision. Dont knock it. actually CSI new york is a bit crap. gary sinese just is not good as mr big detective science guy.
The original CSI is ok.

The others are crap.

I dont mind watching the swimming - Hopium loves it because she used to swim and was very good at it (im talking 5am starts - 20km a weekstuff) . She use to race the longer distances.

She watches the styles and everything - in a similar way to how we break down rugby league here
but rugby league is interestesting and translates to TV.

Swimming is just bloody splashing around.

If I want to ee that, i will throw a fly into a glass of water
I take it you don't like watching the 100m sprints in Athletics, after all they are just running around a track.

No I do not.

I hate all athl;etics sports, they should be kept off of tv.

TV sports should remain as contact sports only.

Rugby League, AFL, Union

occasionally Soccer.
Ok... I came on this site to see that fluff had really posed up the 2 penises thing I sent him as a laugh and I find this???

You bloody hypocrites!!

Swimming IS a spectator sport... I know may who love it. I find cricket, soccer and AFL boring as all hell but I would never knock those who watch it for fun. I'd be glad for them not being on TV at all let alone the amount of airtime they have. But good for the sports, players and fans that it's up there.

And swimming is not on often at all.

Watching swimming helped me with my grasp of the sport... it's how we got to know new stroke techniques etc. It was the only way really.

Alot of people like it on cause it will replace some second showing of a bloody awful American sit com.

So there. And now back to the drudge that is personal tax law.

Cricket is hardly a contact sport, i said contact sports only.

Although I will allow a few 1 day test per year to be shown.

The problem is Swimming is on in prime time. any other time is good, but prime time
Swimming is just bloody splashing around.

If I want to see that, i will throw a fly into a glass of water
This comment is definitely A-grade GOLD! :lol:
(Not that I have anything against flies that a couple of spiders wouldn't fix...)

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