[quote author=Duff]
It's a battle of two peoples & two differing sets of values. I compare it to the American civil war. The free-minded liberal thinkers v the red necks (to over-simplify).
There is more going on than just a footy game.
LMFAO. If we're going to talk in vague and generic characterisations .........
The only thing the average Sydney sider (and let's face it, Sydney people think Sydney IS NSW) is the size of their bank balance and the next round of cosmetic surgery. This is not only conservative (aka neo-redneck) it is shallow, empty and exceedingly vacuous.
Free minded? Your mob are a slave to your jobs, bank balances and hefty mortgages.
Queenslanders may seem "simpler" becuase they have fewer cares. This is called lifestyle choice and judging by how pent up you are on this issue, I suggest you think seriously about getting help.
The only thing I can say in your defence is that you are the first person from NSW I have met that comes close to Queensland passion.
Firstly, NSW stands for Newcastle, Sydney, Woolongong.
Cosmetic surgery ? Maybe ask on the Roosters forum about that one.
We're not struggling with mortgages, none of us can afford a house.
I'm sure that most of those in QLD who aren't on the dole have jobs, it tends to be the way of the world.
Sir Joh & Pauline Hanson are two examples of the Christian conservative nature of the place. I don't know that their more simple appearance is necessarily by choice, anyone with half a brain can't be relaxed in this world. The whole world has gone to pieces in so many ways that to not let it get to you is only to not notice.
I don't really know how many people other than yourself would consider Sydney a conservative city, with the poof parade (not that there's anything wrong with that) and the heavy influence of the Greens (especially in the inner city suburbs) and so on.
I don't know why people think that QLDers have more passion, they simply have a bigger chip on their shoulders.