Top End Eagle
I don't understand why an extra level if subjective decision making (does it or does it not warrant a sin bin? How will that affect the game? Am I inline for an origin opportunity as referee that will triple my pay as a professional over the next five years? It's a Brisbane game, how will that affect my post refereeing career and the chance to be on 'dancing with he ice skaters? Lisa needs be braces?
Stupid subjective rule. Report should equal free interchange.
PS I just learnt how to clip YouTube.
I'd love to learn more about some simple efiti g and screen casting stuff if anyone can pm some tutorial vids.

âï¸ Jimmy G
54 seconds · Clipped by SamMacInnes · Original video "Origin II Teams Reaction, Cheese Responds To A Week Full Of Rumours & Round 15 Review!" by James Graham...

Stupid subjective rule. Report should equal free interchange.
PS I just learnt how to clip YouTube.
I'd love to learn more about some simple efiti g and screen casting stuff if anyone can pm some tutorial vids.