**********************No Open Season on Wingers! *******************
A winger drops one ball - it is under pressure and usually puts the other team on attack deep in one's own territory-Looks worse.. A forward drops a ball - often different impact.
A winger misses a tackle - usually on a player at full pace with room, often a try or long metres. A forward misses a tackle - another one there to do the job (often).
Wingers are meant to finish off tries, return kicks, assist on hit-ups in early tackles, drop back on late tackles and assist the forwards when they are tired. Ours do that and usually do it well.
We have a few Seagulling forwards who go missing for a while or are experts on flopping in on second tackles. Donald made a few bad errors against the Broncs as did Hicks and Brett Stewart but they aren't thre reason we lost.
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Thu May 05 2005, 10:39AM ]</span>