Commentators are always sprouting that to remove too much in the way of contact or risk in the game is to sanitize it and they are correct.
Removing spear tackles & coathangers improved the game but even back then people thought that was going to far.
But there is a great difference between that and tampering with the basic component of physicality of the sport and the administrators know that. Removing shoulder charges in my book tampers with the basic physicality of the game and shouldnt be considered.
I dont think the current administrators will change too much. Just from a marketing perspective thats too bloody risky, and its being too much like a \"girl\"
Blokes everywhere on this planet are being subjected to corrupting feminists ways and I say fellas, that's to our detriment .
Time to stand up and say.....\"WE WANT OUR SHOULDER CHARGES\"
Say NO to feminist, girls blouse wearing, squat to pee, knitting & sewing ideology.
Be proud of your love of & interest in sport and be a man. Be a rugby league man.