I agree Bradza, it definitely wasn't against the Tigers as Foz and DCE were not looking at a laptop, they were cacking themselves laughing in the sheds at half-time at something 2V or Killer said.
You're right Hamster Huey it probably does explain why Will Badel didn't follow Des. He's done a Zuckerberg and developed a programme that he's selling to every club who wants it. Good luck to him and I hope he makes a motza out of it.
It's a shame (commercially) the club didn't have him under an iron clad contract of owning what he developed, but then they would have probably kept it close to their chest rather than releasing it.
Video can't be underestimated as to it's worth and we're obviously structuring plays a lot with it.
1) The Newcastle game where we attacked via Wolf's wing on the kick-off. They tried it once and it didn't come off but tried it again and it did with a 50m gain for Wolf.
2) The Broncos game where Gift cut back into the centre where Brett was, catching lazy markers and forwards on the opposite side of the supposed attack. They tried this once and the first time it didn't work due to a poor pass and the second time Brett scored.
3) No doubt the drop out against Newcastle was also something they'd seen on videos and were waiting for it.