Sea Eagles extend contract of Paseka

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  • Apologies all our server was runing rogue. I managed to get us back to a point from 2:45 today though there is an attachment issue i will fix shortly. Things should be smooth now though


Apropos of bugga all but do you remember when Des signed Josh Perry and most of us thought we were picking up a lame dog. I can now clearly recall that I thought all along that he was a good player and an astute pick. Senility has an upside.

Captain Moondog

Absolute Superstar
Apropos of bugga all but do you remember when Des signed Josh Perry and most of us thought we were picking up a lame dog. I can now clearly recall that I thought all along that he was a good player and an astute pick. Senility has an upside.
That's OK, I said the same thing about Joe Galuvao......has been, he was good five years ago......


Tipping Member
That's OK, I said the same thing about Joe Galuvao......has been, he was good five years ago......
I think most of us are happy to get our negative player predictions wrong. Maybe that is why some here are negative nellies more generally - they are conditioning themselves so that there can only be upside or satisfaction in getting something right!

castle eagle

Tipping Member
Apropos of bugga all but do you remember when Des signed Josh Perry and most of us thought we were picking up a lame dog. I can now clearly recall that I thought all along that he was a good player and an astute pick. Senility has an upside.
that was my thoughts on the ben kennedy signing all those years ago

Smokin Joe

FXXX you all.I said way back that that Paseka,Tanginoa and Sipley would be massive pick ups for us.Get Toff signed up Des and I will be happy for our big boppers......

manly al

First Grader
That is good and positive news . Probably he is more mobile then many realize , was occasionally selected as a lock and back rower when he was in the 20 "s and a few times for the Workers too i think . Every chance to go to a better level next season with the natural attributes that he does have and some hard love coaching and training . Wonder if his previous nick name of Tent is still appropriate . hopefully Marquee can be a fitting reference soon for him as a longer term Sea Eagle now .

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