Sadly .. The post of the year.

Don’t like someone or what someone says then mute them. Problem solved.

You all think your point of view is the only one that should be heard. Get over yourselves. I’m here for a bit of fun but enjoy a good argument as well.

Don’t carry the grudge. Water off a ducks back. Move along.

I just have never understood how posters who support the same team can get so argumentative with each other. If people disagree with what I say then that's their right. I've disagreed with plenty of what's been posted here over the years but never felt then need to attack the person who posted it. Geezus can't we all just comment on the team and club either positively or negatively and curb the personal abuse.
It's human nature to fight similarly not difference
If someone said they thought 2023 was a great, well coached team and are excellent, no problem.
Mark aside, he truly is a gentleman.

What I find funny is that many (not all) of the people moaning in this thread are guilty of the things they are complaining about. They are the ones posting fcuk off you pr1ck etc, then act all righteous and upstanding, whining how toxicity is taking over these boards.

It's a strange old world we live in.
I find the constant negativity & repetitive personal insults a bit much.

How many times do we need to tear that “Spoonbold” has no idea & is going to take us to our first wooden spoon?

How many times do we need to hear that “Spoonbold is proud” of the boys? I’ve read that on here more times than he has actually said it.

Constructive criticism is fine, but thread upon thread containing page upon page of the above & similar is just sickening.
Yeah, they are usually a sentence long and quick to read, I just don't respond to them. Some I have to question, are they actually Manly supporters or just people looking to stir the pot to provoke a reaction/reactions.
Interesting topic, have just stumbled across it, as generally I don’t bother much after a couple of losses as it’s pretty much same old same old, and just click on the topics that seem they may have some interest in them

Sad to read Mark, understand where you are coming from, as I’ve been in a similar boat, have posted a bit more this year, and have enjoyed some of the debates, but went many years barely posting after being on here every day for a decade

Apart from real life getting in the way, My enjoyment factor fizzled, and I found that I was enjoying the footy more without it, and it reminded me a bit of going back to the 90s when you didn’t know this and that, journos weren’t spouting their agendas relentlessly, and just tuned in for 80mins each week and enjoyed the game.

It’s probably just the way the world has gone these days, with social media etc, rather than decent reasoned posts and debates, which was what the site was built on, it just goes down the “so and so is crap” hole, and it offers absolutely nothing when you read it over and over and over, and there are certain posters that offer nothing but those sort of sentiments. It’s why I don’t really bother at all with the game day stuff, same posters/trolls over and over with comments offering nothing

Ryan, reading through I see you’ve taken this to heart a bit, don’t. In your specific case, your longevity speaks for itself, and you at least always have something to back it up, whether I agree or disagree with you, it has more depth to it. There are a couple of others as well in this thread who fall into the same boat.

It’s the Johnny come latelys who are obviously just here to bag relentlessly that royally ruin the experience for others, not your type of views
Ok so if Mark has taken a break than how about EVERYONE go through his posts and hit a reaction on each one so whenever he logs back on next year he has 6500 notifications to see.

You know it makes sense.
It appears that he is still viewing. He is just not posting which is a shame. 🙁
Ok so if Mark has taken a break than how about EVERYONE go through his posts and hit a reaction on each one so whenever he logs back on next year he has 6500 notifications to see.

You know it makes sense.
Good thought, but I've done one better

As soon as he said he was gone, I blocked @Mark from Brisbane, yes that's right I blocked @Mark from Brisbane, I repeat I blocked him, I must be the first person to block @Mark from Brisbane .

Now if he comes back I will never know, how fking good is that 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I reckon we should all block @Mark from Brisbane , and when he announces his triuphant return, sitting there with a thread with no replies......(need @davohan123 to insert a dissapointed gif.....)

That'll cause him to go bush, no internet and we win the bloody premiership.

Of course we will need an @Woodsie poll before we can kick that off but you get the drift.

Finally all this is tongue in cheek, just to be clear for the sensitive types.

And one last thought
now that I have mentioned him multiple times, he not only gets the 6500 reaction notifications, he gets the "mentioned" notifications as well

Sucked in Mark enjoy reading nothing 🤣🤣

Unless of course I'm on his block list
Then I'm Fkd.

Go Manly !
This is such a silly thread. It isn't the saddest post of the year. Not even close. I was sadder when I read that Mark was struggling with cancer and happier when I heard he had conquered it or sadder when I read that some of our long term posters had passed on. This is just a good bloke and well regarded long term poster who is frustrated and has the ****s that there are differing and some negative opinions expressed on a footy thread of a losing club that he doesn't like the vibe of and so for his own (what I presume) very valid reasons decides to talk a break from a footy forum awhile? @Mark from Brisbane is not woke and this makes it seem like he is? He would hate that. The title of this thread is an insult to him. It is almost a Betoota Advocate article. Ridiculous and insulting.

I am just the pregame safety LUBE guy but at the moment until it changes that only feel good positive messages can be posted then I still have the privilege to come on here and complain and vent about the **** direction of our historically successful club. That's not negative. It's not personal against players or other posters. It's fact, our club is a mess. **** me our main source of recruitment is the double wooden spooners. Name a successful team that recruits from the ****en Tigers? We don't even have a proper hooker?

Kumbuya my lord. **** the Penn family. They are solely to blame for this mess that we are.

Mark, in all sincerity I like reading you posts but lately you've definitely seemed different. Anyway, enjoy the break from here. I hope you and your Mrs have great adventures in our great country, that you catch heaps a fish and that Manly are back next year and we can all sit here and circle jerk each other off and say only positive stuff.
Last edited:
I don't know if it's mentioned but why don't you guys just make a private sub forum for your what appears to those on the outside of it, a frankly exclusionary clique in its own rights. It's fair enough too, a lot of you were MWTS.

If I can be honest though it's the internet, you literally know what you're in for when you "login". But please forgive me if I'm wrong but you're close to, if not closing in on your 70's. Given that, and probably some shared experiences with other demographically similar users who have been here since the "official" forum days - sorry was only a lurker, too young then - but I know there's a few "older" members getting around now. Is it not unreasonable to give yourselves a space in the forum - because everyone should be, and is welcome - allowing you to more pick and choose when you make contributions which might illicit the devious response of a (not so) anonymous keyboard warrior such as myself?

I think most people who jump on here occasionally enough from the toxic (@The Royal Soup, kidding love it) to the average Joe enjoy most people's contributions to an extent. If not merely as another digital content distraction which actually allows this forum to exist (monetarily) but a sometimes thought provoking place, especially when someone like @Mark from Brisbane, or even @Woodsie (up the Woods!) posts the occasional gem, who I have both called a boomers on numerous occasions. Personally he has been an obvious mainstay and masthead to a casual contributor like me as a fan coordinator, leader, inside man for rumour threads, and most importantly just a normal supporter with an opinion, like myself and everyone else here. As a nearly 30 (****) year old brought up in the digital age, opposed to the pub or wherever else you guys trolled each other.

There's first and other highly graded and experienced people here whilst my claim to fame is playing for school and on the weekend with and against future NRL stars William Hopoate and Clinton Gutherson. I "retired" at 15 after getting steamrolled by Will in a semi against Manly Cove, faked an injury in a game we eventually lost - I think you guys would call that being a cat haha. I'd respond with saying I was a footy smart, yet to fill out kid starting to take on physically developed Pasifika boys, I know you guys had it tough but fuark those boys could f**k your year up - it's on another level now and statically it's a fact, I ain't generalising. I then briefly took up the relatively light pastime of Oztag and retired as a captain, with as many trophies as seasons played, a couple of dislocated fingers, but most proudly having representing Manly-Warringah in a key ballplayer position, the dream of any wannabe superstar halfback. I guess apart from my fond trip down memory lane, our experiences are relatable in their own way to some point 🤷‍♀️

If anyone's being directly denigrating I reckon it's not out of line to start kicking people off for the day or week with a temp ban, then weed out the repeat, vitriolic people over time who just can't help themselves. I think with a simpler, more defined set of contributing rules and maybe a few more mods outside the very real clique which exists, who can moderate discussion to a point and temp ban could help bring a more inviting environment.

Personally I've administrated many internet communities on many platforms from early to mid 2000's vBulletin forums with over 100K registered members, to 2020's Discord servers with tens of thousands at anytime, active, real-time contributors on an Australian focused ASX stock and options trading, financial and business analysis and other degenerate discussions that have attracted enough mainstream (AFR, SMH, etc) coverage and reporting that I'll actually rescind that claim for legal reasons 😂 I guess my point is they all took a diverse inner sanctum of sorts that remained aligned in what community they wanted to participate in and help maintain. There are probably other relatively mature, rehabilitated terminally online people here like myself that could make more of a contribution to content and progressing the site into a safe and sustainable (let's face it) niche environment, which is essential for the place to survive long term, we all know it ain't cheap. Personally I like checking in and worry if the way things are now will end when @Dan and whoever else hang up their mice with no plan for succession, there won't be a chance to re-establish a place like this against the reddits (🤢) and other social media hubs which lack the authenticity a place like this provides on the internet today.

Who knows but I think the website could always do with a shakeup since it's an obviously uniquely valuable platform that seems to exist solely within this subforum. I don't think a place where like-minded people can get together and shoot the **** should die a slow death through people giving up. Full credit to @Dan on the technical improvements implemented over the years (fr impressive stuff) but I think with some fresh discussion and ideas taken with a more collaborative approach between disrespectful youth like myself (I'm not 30, yet!) and the older, genuinely knowledgeable and by virtue, interesting members could revitalise the place a bit, if not at least churn out a bit more content and influence the media narrative which we all know they trawl places like this to form.

I'm not proposing myself personally because I feel that would be a bit arrogant and uncalled for given my relative obscurity, but I wouldn't be against the idea of members of more diverse demographics having an opportunity to seriously engage with and guide this website to the next stage. I think the truth is a lot of us agree with the sentiment and are about as rusted on as it gets about the joint, given that I reckon we could find at least a few reasonable members to hammer out some new ideas which might revitalise the place.

Just a small IMO but a few more active mods with a metaphorical list of 10, straight forward commandments (rules) they're allowed to enforce to prevent people from feeling like they can't express themselves without abuse which is what this is all about might be an idea? Call them janitors til they've demonstrated they're responsible enough to earn the title of moderator or staff, such as the existing prestigious council of Silvertail overlords 🦅

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This is such a silly thread. It isn't the saddest post of the year. Not even close. I was sadder when I read that Mark was struggling with cancer and happier when I heard he had conquered it or sadder when I read that some of our long term posters had passed on. This is just a good bloke and well regarded long term poster who is frustrated and has the ****s that there are differing and some negative opinions expressed on a footy thread of a losing club that he doesn't like the vibe of and so for his own (what I presume) very valid reasons decides to talk a break from a footy forum awhile? @Mark from Brisbane is not woke and this makes it seem like he is? He would hate that. The title of this thread is an insult to him. It is almost a Betoota Advocate article. Ridiculous and insulting.

I am just the pregame safety LUBE guy but at the moment until it changes that only feel good positive messages can be posted then I still have the privilege to come on here and complain and vent about the ** direction of our historically successful club. That's not negative. It's not personal against players or other posters. It's fact, our club is a mess. ** me our main source of recruitment is the double wooden spooners. Name a successful team that recruits from the ****en Tigers? We don't even have a proper hooker?

Kumbuya my lord. **** the Penn family. They are solely to blame for this mess th

Mark, in all sincerity I like reading you posts but lately you've definitely seemed different. Anyway, enjoy the break from here. I hope you and your Mrs have great adventures in our great country, that you catch heaps a fish and that Manly are back next year and we can all sit here and circle jerk each other off and say only positive stuff.

Which brings us to the most important question of the year .....
When this happens, are you going in dry ?
I don't know if it's mentioned but why don't you guys just make a private sub forum for your what appears to those on the outside of it, a frankly exclusionary clique in its own rights. It's fair enough too, a lot of you were MWTS.

If I can be honest though it's the internet, you literally know what you're in for when you "login". But please forgive me if I'm wrong but you're close to, if not closing in on your 70's. Given that, and probably some shared experiences with other demographically similar users who have been here since the "official" forum days - sorry was only a lurker, too young then - but I know there's a few "older" members getting around now. Is it not unreasonable to give yourselves a space in the forum - because everyone should be, and is welcome - allowing you to more pick and choose when you make contributions which might illicit the devious response of a (not so) anonymous keyboard warrior such as myself?

I think most people who jump on here occasionally enough from the toxic (@soup) to the average Joe enjoy most people's contributions to an extent. If not merely as another digital content distraction which actually allows this forum to exist (monetarily) but a sometimes thought provoking place, especially when someone like @Mark from Brisbane, or even @Woodsie (up the Woods!) posts the occasional gem, who I have both called a boomers on numerous occasions. Personally he has been an obvious mainstay and masthead to a casual contributor like me as a fan coordinator, leader, inside man for rumour threads, and most importantly just a normal supporter with an opinion, like myself and everyone else here. As a nearly 30 (****) year old brought up in the digital age, opposed to the pub or wherever else you guys trolled each other.

There's first and other highly graded and experienced people here whilst my claim to fame is playing for school and on the weekend with and against future NRL stars William Hopoate and Clinton Gutherson. I "retired" at 15 after getting steamrolled by Will in a semi against Manly Cove, faked an injury in a game we eventually lost - I think you guys would call that being a cat haha. I'd respond with saying I was a footy smart, yet to fill out kid starting to take on physically developed Pasifika boys, I know you guys had it tough but fuark those boys could f**k your year up - it's on another level now and statically it's a fact, I ain't generalising. I then briefly took up the relatively light pastime of Oztag and retired as a captain, with as many trophies as seasons played, a couple of dislocated fingers, but most proudly having representing Manly-Warringah in a key ballplayer position, the dream of any wannabe superstar halfback. I guess apart from my fond trip down memory lane, our experiences are relatable in their own way to some point 🤷‍♀️

If anyone's being directly denigrating I reckon it's not out of line to start kicking people off for the day or week with a temp ban, then weed out the repeat, vitriolic people over time who just can't help themselves. I think with a simpler, more defined set of contributing rules and maybe a few more mods outside the very real clique which exists, who can moderate discussion to a point and temp ban could help bring a more inviting environment.

Personally I've administrated many internet communities on many platforms from early to mid 2000's vBulletin forums with over 100K registered members, to 2020's Discord servers with tens of thousands at anytime, active, real-time contributors on an Australian focused ASX stock and options trading, financial and business analysis and other degenerate discussions that have attracted enough mainstream (AFR, SMH, etc) coverage and reporting that I'll actually rescind that claim for legal reasons 😂 I guess my point is they all took a diverse inner sanctum of sorts that remained aligned in what community they wanted to participate in and help maintain. There are probably other relatively mature, rehabilitated terminally online people here like myself that could make more of a contribution to content and progressing the site into a safe and sustainable (let's face it) niche environment, which is essential for the place to survive long term, we all know it ain't cheap. Personally I like checking in and worry if the way things are now will end when @Dan and whoever else hang up their mice with no plan for succession, there won't be a chance to re-establish a place like this against the reddits (🤢) and other social media hubs which lack the authenticity a place like this provides on the internet today.

Who knows but I think the website could always do with a shakeup since it's an obviously uniquely valuable platform that seems to exist solely within this subforum. I don't think a place where like-minded people can get together and shoot the **** should die a slow death through people giving up. Full credit to @Dan on the technical improvements implemented over the years (fr impressive stuff) but I think with some fresh discussion and ideas taken with a more collaborative approach between disrespectful youth like myself (I'm not 30, yet!) and the older, genuinely knowledgeable and by virtue, interesting members could revitalise the place a bit, if not at least churn out a bit more content and influence the media narrative which we all know they trawl places like this to form.

I'm not proposing myself personally because I feel that would be a bit arrogant and uncalled for given my relative obscurity, but I wouldn't be against the idea of members of more diverse demographics having an opportunity to seriously engage with and guide this website to the next stage. I think the truth is a lot of us agree with the sentiment and are about as rusted on as it gets about the joint, given that I reckon we could find at least a few reasonable members to hammer out some new ideas which might revitalise the place.

Just a small IMO but a few more active mods with a metaphorical list of 10, straight forward commandments (rules) they're allowed to enforce to prevent people from feeling like they can't express themselves without abuse which is what this is all about might be an idea? Call them janitors til they've demonstrated they're responsible enough to earn the title of moderator or staff, such as the existing prestigious council of Silvertail overlords 🦅

Love the length of the post. Love the passion. My old boomers eyes struggled a bit, but It got there in the end.

What you're proposing is censorship. We've been to war over **** like that.

This is public forum and but rights free speech should be encouraged. If you don't like a poster's view then ignore it or argue the case. Don't censor them. We do not need more censorship. With the woke generation there is already too much of that **** going on. My kids are brain washed by the virtue signalling world we are in.

Mate, one day you'll be old and you look back and realise that you didn't know everything and that old people aren't useless cxnts whose views are always out date.
Which brings us to the most important question of the year .....
When this happens, are you going in dry ?
I do chose to "person" or whatever letter you are to "man" up and now face the music of our decade of disappointment and I chose to go in dry to more games these days.

I wear the ring of fire pain as a sense of pride and penitence. Like that guy in one of those ****ty Tom Hankes movies about that boring as **** Professor Langdon.
Love the length of the post. Love the passion. My old boomers eyes struggled a bit, but It got there in the end.

What you're proposing is censorship. We've been to war over **** like that.

This is public forum and but rights free speech should be encouraged. If you don't like a poster's view then ignore it or argue the case. Don't censor them. We do not need more censorship. With the woke generation there is already too much of that **** going on. My kids are brain washed by the virtue signalling world we are in.

Mate, one day you'll be old and you look back and realise that you didn't know everything and that old people aren't useless cxnts whose views are always out date.
I get what you're saying but I'm not saying censorship. I'm saying put a rule in like stay on topic and avoid unreasonable personal insults; and actually enforce it while using some discretion and if someone needs to be removed for a day to at least walk away for long enough, then maybe people like @Mark from Brisbane won't be over the abuse.

Specifically I'm referring to the kind of **** that was described in the OP, I don't think it's on by any reasonable persons standards but my point is it's happening often enough that we've lost a lot of interesting contributors to it.

I don't think old people are useless ****s and I tried to articulate that by pointing out my own flaws and sarcasm. I'm not talking about woke crap, I'm talking the actual toxic stuff - real talk identity politics is a red herring and woke is a lazy generalisation up there with "kids these days".

Apart from that talk about whatever you want, personally I want Trump back as president just for the entertainment aspect. That's not exactly the most woke view but that's not what I'm talking about getting rid of.

Meet me in the middle, we've gotta build something to conserve here!

Edit: I also never claimed to know everything, I know that I know next to nothing. I'm ultimately trying to be constructive because I've proabably spent 20 years or however long this place has existed in all its forms and want to see it grow.

To clarify I'm not talking about moderating topics of discussion, if anything they should be expanded and the websites capacity utilised with content worth leaving "The Stands > Rugby League Forum" for. I'm just saying there are some people that could have their say and a "janitor" could come along and take out the part that hypothetically describes what they'd do to said persons mother in their thought out, well enough reasoned response to keep things civil.
Last edited:
I don't know if it's mentioned but why don't you guys just make a private sub forum for your what appears to those on the outside of it, a frankly exclusionary clique in its own rights. It's fair enough too, a lot of you were MWTS.

If I can be honest though it's the internet, you literally know what you're in for when you "login". But please forgive me if I'm wrong but you're close to, if not closing in on your 70's. Given that, and probably some shared experiences with other demographically similar users who have been here since the "official" forum days - sorry was only a lurker, too young then - but I know there's a few "older" members getting around now. Is it not unreasonable to give yourselves a space in the forum - because everyone should be, and is welcome - allowing you to more pick and choose when you make contributions which might illicit the devious response of a (not so) anonymous keyboard warrior such as myself?

I think most people who jump on here occasionally enough from the toxic (@The Royal Soup, kidding love it) to the average Joe enjoy most people's contributions to an extent. If not merely as another digital content distraction which actually allows this forum to exist (monetarily) but a sometimes thought provoking place, especially when someone like @Mark from Brisbane, or even @Woodsie (up the Woods!) posts the occasional gem, who I have both called a boomers on numerous occasions. Personally he has been an obvious mainstay and masthead to a casual contributor like me as a fan coordinator, leader, inside man for rumour threads, and most importantly just a normal supporter with an opinion, like myself and everyone else here. As a nearly 30 (****) year old brought up in the digital age, opposed to the pub or wherever else you guys trolled each other.

There's first and other highly graded and experienced people here whilst my claim to fame is playing for school and on the weekend with and against future NRL stars William Hopoate and Clinton Gutherson. I "retired" at 15 after getting steamrolled by Will in a semi against Manly Cove, faked an injury in a game we eventually lost - I think you guys would call that being a cat haha. I'd respond with saying I was a footy smart, yet to fill out kid starting to take on physically developed Pasifika boys, I know you guys had it tough but fuark those boys could f**k your year up - it's on another level now and statically it's a fact, I ain't generalising. I then briefly took up the relatively light pastime of Oztag and retired as a captain, with as many trophies as seasons played, a couple of dislocated fingers, but most proudly having representing Manly-Warringah in a key ballplayer position, the dream of any wannabe superstar halfback. I guess apart from my fond trip down memory lane, our experiences are relatable in their own way to some point 🤷‍♀️

If anyone's being directly denigrating I reckon it's not out of line to start kicking people off for the day or week with a temp ban, then weed out the repeat, vitriolic people over time who just can't help themselves. I think with a simpler, more defined set of contributing rules and maybe a few more mods outside the very real clique which exists, who can moderate discussion to a point and temp ban could help bring a more inviting environment.

Personally I've administrated many internet communities on many platforms from early to mid 2000's vBulletin forums with over 100K registered members, to 2020's Discord servers with tens of thousands at anytime, active, real-time contributors on an Australian focused ASX stock and options trading, financial and business analysis and other degenerate discussions that have attracted enough mainstream (AFR, SMH, etc) coverage and reporting that I'll actually rescind that claim for legal reasons 😂 I guess my point is they all took a diverse inner sanctum of sorts that remained aligned in what community they wanted to participate in and help maintain. There are probably other relatively mature, rehabilitated terminally online people here like myself that could make more of a contribution to content and progressing the site into a safe and sustainable (let's face it) niche environment, which is essential for the place to survive long term, we all know it ain't cheap. Personally I like checking in and worry if the way things are now will end when @Dan and whoever else hang up their mice with no plan for succession, there won't be a chance to re-establish a place like this against the reddits (🤢) and other social media hubs which lack the authenticity a place like this provides on the internet today.

Who knows but I think the website could always do with a shakeup since it's an obviously uniquely valuable platform that seems to exist solely within this subforum. I don't think a place where like-minded people can get together and shoot the **** should die a slow death through people giving up. Full credit to @Dan on the technical improvements implemented over the years (fr impressive stuff) but I think with some fresh discussion and ideas taken with a more collaborative approach between disrespectful youth like myself (I'm not 30, yet!) and the older, genuinely knowledgeable and by virtue, interesting members could revitalise the place a bit, if not at least churn out a bit more content and influence the media narrative which we all know they trawl places like this to form.

I'm not proposing myself personally because I feel that would be a bit arrogant and uncalled for given my relative obscurity, but I wouldn't be against the idea of members of more diverse demographics having an opportunity to seriously engage with and guide this website to the next stage. I think the truth is a lot of us agree with the sentiment and are about as rusted on as it gets about the joint, given that I reckon we could find at least a few reasonable members to hammer out some new ideas which might revitalise the place.

Just a small IMO but a few more active mods with a metaphorical list of 10, straight forward commandments (rules) they're allowed to enforce to prevent people from feeling like they can't express themselves without abuse which is what this is all about might be an idea? Call them janitors til they've demonstrated they're responsible enough to earn the title of moderator or staff, such as the existing prestigious council of Silvertail overlords 🦅

And Blocked.


But seriously Some excellent points made, please post more. Very refreshing.

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