Tommy One Man Team Corso puts the soft into soft tissue. But the fact we have mindlessly numbed ourselves into believing we can’t win without him is more devastating than his hammies. (BTW, are his hammies screaming out “I don’t want this responsibility”?)
DollarEvans is being exposed for the myth he is. He’s had a lot of apologists protecting him and propping him up for a long time (as he goes on cashing in). And the above-mentioned myth perpetuated around Tommy has let Dollars off the hook, along with the odd spectacular golden point drop kick.
Moneyball Des is another enigma, bordering on myth. I’m all for innovation and thinking outside the box. The only saving grace for Des atm, is that I suspect/hope he is pushing the boundaries and exploring something that may just yet come through. I shudder to think he has given up and going through the motions. I tend to believe he is playing some new and different game in his strategy to coaching (maybe he needs to go back to the calf’s blood?)
Team Marty can move on. As impressive as he has been in certain regards, I get the impression Marty will never be part of a successful team. He just doesn’t come across as one who is committed to a cause beyond his own. I can’t substantiate that and admit it is more intuitive than based on logic.
Walker? Classic problem child. Been shunted all over the field unfortunately, but having said that, I would expect so much more from a gifted player. Respect that he is in there doing what he can (as opposed to Tissue on the sidelines), but he has underwhelmed and it has been a big disappointment he couldn’t adjust to new positions and shine.