"On rare occasions, the Match Review Committee will not recommend a grading because of the seriousness of an incident. In such instances the charge will be automatically referred to the Judiciary"
This is an extract from BEs explanation thread today.
Asked around to clear this up and this generally means that a player will receive at least the maximum and maybe more if deemed appropriate.Cases like Hoppas finger job,Danny Williams punch are the sort that come into that category.I was told if the judiciary thought it was worth grade 5 or less they would have done so and by referring it they are of the belief it may warrant more serious attention.It is not referred simply because they cant make up their mind
General consensus is Blair and Glen will get 5 or 6 weeks,maybe a touch more with loading.Absolutely ridiculous suspension so those going off about fairness from Gallop might want to have another look.
Tigers would be happy with Blair.Looking at 8 or more by the look of it.
This is an extract from BEs explanation thread today.
Asked around to clear this up and this generally means that a player will receive at least the maximum and maybe more if deemed appropriate.Cases like Hoppas finger job,Danny Williams punch are the sort that come into that category.I was told if the judiciary thought it was worth grade 5 or less they would have done so and by referring it they are of the belief it may warrant more serious attention.It is not referred simply because they cant make up their mind
General consensus is Blair and Glen will get 5 or 6 weeks,maybe a touch more with loading.Absolutely ridiculous suspension so those going off about fairness from Gallop might want to have another look.
Tigers would be happy with Blair.Looking at 8 or more by the look of it.