Got it in one, TC. The No campaign was all about fear. And yes, racism.
So as a proud No voter, where are you moving on to, exactly?
Or did you just mean, "Phew, lucky I don't have to think about the problems of First Nations people any more"...?
Warranted fears backed up by the dialogue history behind The Heart. Are you suggesting "fear" is not an allowable reason/element to be considered before making a decision especially when there is recorded history of the mindset.
For most the no vote had zero to do with the "racism" angle you seem to be inferring and more about cost blow outs, over representation and influence, favouring a specific race of people over others yet funded by all and if it is funded by all Australians the groups make up should be voted on by all Australians.
There is already per capita extra financial assistance to indigenous people along with the added cost of implementing funding due to location.(and i support the extra per capita funding to help try and close the gap)
How do you think The Voice will improve outcomes when there is already large funding and a large representation in parliament of indigenous leaders. Maybe the one potential advantage would be "better targeted funding" "if" the group gets it's decision making right which will probably be nullified by the huge expense of funding the voice.
Cultural differences, different priorities and preserving traditional ways are the biggest causes and hurdles of reducing the gap in my opinion. The Voice will have little impact in this area. Sure racism and stereotypical based mindsets in non indigenous Australians exists (less now than in the past) which will impact or make it more difficult for some to be employed that is for sure but this is not limited to Indigenous Australians either.
In my experience all people who work hard and come across in a respectful manner to others for the most part flourish in life, you don't see race when you just get along.
Trendlines in poverty rates over more than 20yrs reveals(according to GPT-4) that in almost all cases poverty rates for indigenous populations fall more slowly than for the non Indigenous which means the gap seemingly gets worse even though improvements are made, now do we view this as improvement or not.
If you dwell on the past you are not appreciating or enjoying the present and delaying a happier more prosperous future, i say this to all areas of life and world conflicts----(for example i don't support Poland seeking more reparations from Germany)
There comes a time when you have to move on otherwise you just reverse the issue and create hatred and animosity in the present population over things they did not contribute to, struggle to relate to but are paying for. Some will argue "but you still benefit from the actions of the past" so you have a duty to pay back, who gives them the right to judge or have the moral high ground.
I'm born in Australia just at a much later part of history, i had no choice in the same way the indigenous of years gone past, are we not equals and only time is our difference.