My first brush with technology was a Sloppy Jallopy set as a young kid.
Then I discovered television, records, cassettes, telephones, walkman's AM-FM radio, Beta, VHS, Commodore Vic 20, Commodore 64, video games, remote control cars, dot matrix printers, remote controls, my older brothers hidden porn videos, ATM's, 464 computers with a turbo button, laser printers, inkjet printers, CD's, DVD's, CCTV (I worked security for a few years lol), mobile phones (when they were actually just a phone long before they were a personal computer and mobile television studio), laptops, the internet, MP3, MP4, Napster, Pornhub, EFTPOS, tablets, apps, and information overload.
Technology in sport will always be a double edged sword and unfortunately you simply can't please everyone all of the time. But just remember this. The camera does not lie. Unfortunately the person making the decision is only human and they will stuff up occasionally. You'd think they would get it right more often than not, but ... no. And why? Because at the end of the day regardless of what the technology shows, its up to the interpretation of the rules of that said person making the decision. And while there are some rules that are pretty black and white, a lot of them have a few different shades of grey that are open to different interpretations. Hence another issue (that I won't get into here ... thank God I hear you say
), inconsistency.