Apparently after the siren, whistle and play stoppage, the ref still has to yell out."Although the referee had blown his whistle to stop the game after the last tackle was completed as time had expired, he had not yet called fulltime," a spokesman said.
What utter BS and rank dishonesty. Why did he blow his whistle? Not for a knock-on, not for a penalty. He blew his whistle because it was fulltime and when the Tiger player was tackled the game was over!!
Worst decision I can ever recall. And that's from a very big field!
STARTING FROM ……………………………………………now
KPI.# 143 653 432
I dont like refs but we should support them
if the public backed the refs they would probably be more understanding.
the game puts the ref squarely in the crosshairs and bails on responsibility even though history just repeats. The rule changes, interps, the media, the brodcasters alli interfere with the game weekly but just look to blame everyone else
imagine the conspiracy theories refs have, and fans and refs are collectively the real victims . Get em onside i say
manlyfans should start a referee support group LOL . For most it would be a tough gig . It really is the rock and hard place with both sides sweating on your demise. The enemy of your enemy kind of thing