Oh my they're now rock spiders.
of coarse it has gotten worse if you are negligent in putting in the infrastructure needed when its needed then this will get worse before they can get better. These things take a lot of time, its the same way that howard has been riding the long term economic policies that went in when keating was Treasurer, and now that their effect is reducing and he hasnt done anything good things are turning to ****.
Are you honestly that gullable that you think the government can turn thiings around in a year or two??
Roads like the M2 and M7 should have been put in 15 years ago before they were needed, but the fat cats in goverment then were pissing in each others pockets at the time. In other words you should blame Greiner for lack of action.
So i take it but your little snide remark that your saying i have a far better understanding than yourself since you feel i should be involved.