Now for the reality check!!

Yes, I remember that...(not that I ever watched WWE of course)

How bout those idiots who think it's fake hahaha muppets
Yes. The win on Friday was just that. A win. Αnd considering what we've had to endure over the past 9 months, it's worth celebrating.

Jumping on here when you haven't been sighted all season just to put the slipper in to the team and rain on everyone's parade is just sad. Like a said, he's the type who'd give healthy snacks to kids at Halloween.

I really rate the Titans this year. If we can be competitive, it'll be an achievement. But, in reality, I'm not expecting to win. We're building and refining the roster. It'll take a year or two but we'll get there.

Fifita is more devastating than Taumalolo and by a fait bit too. He'll terrorise us but it is what it is. If we lose by less than 12, I'll be impressed.

As long as we can beat the Cows, Broncs, Dogs, Tigpies and the lesser likes, I'll be happy this year.
Titans have a habit of losing when they are expected to win, like a lot of the mid tier teams. I expect a pretty close tussle simply because Tommy is back and a bit of confidence. It’s easy to suggest how to stop Fifita; it’s a helluva lot harder to do it. Strongest back rower I’ve seen since big Gordy.

Brimson is just as big a danger as well and the coach is canny so he will target our obvious weaknesses on the edges. Unfortunately that’s where their strength lies.The big downer for me was Walker injury. Was really looking forward to him getting a crack in his best position and feeding off TT.

I expect a competitive game and dirty it’s in the bush actually. Brooky with a few more happy fans after last week would have been good to see. I think most fans felt exactly like the players did when we grabbed the win.

Might have been a good home crowd.with TT coming back.
I’m pretty sure my daughter shed a tear when that drop goal went over! She takes the losses harder than
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Titans have a habit of losing when they are expected to win, like a lot of the mid tier teams. I expect a pretty close tussle simply because Tommy is back and a bit of confidence. It’s easy to suggest how to stop Fifita; it’s a helluva lot harder to do it. Strongest back rower I’ve seen since big Gordy.

Brimson is just as big a danger as well and the coach is canny so he will target our obvious weaknesses on the edges. Unfortunately that’s where their strength lies.The big downer for me was Walker injury. Was really looking forward to him getting a crack in his best position and feeding off TT.

I expect a competitive game and dirty it’s in the bush actually. Brooky with a few more happy fans after last week would have been good to see. I think most fans felt exactly like the players did when we grabbed the win.

Might have been a good home crowd.with TT coming back.
I’m pretty sure my daughter shed a tear when that drop goal went over! She takes the losses harder than
Titans can be hot and cold , hope they are feeling the chill this weekend.
Titans have a habit of losing when they are expected to win, like a lot of the mid tier teams. I expect a pretty close tussle simply because Tommy is back and a bit of confidence. It’s easy to suggest how to stop Fifita; it’s a helluva lot harder to do it. Strongest back rower I’ve seen since big Gordy.

Brimson is just as big a danger as well and the coach is canny so he will target our obvious weaknesses on the edges. Unfortunately that’s where their strength lies.The big downer for me was Walker injury. Was really looking forward to him getting a crack in his best position and feeding off TT.

I expect a competitive game and dirty it’s in the bush actually. Brooky with a few more happy fans after last week would have been good to see. I think most fans felt exactly like the players did when we grabbed the win.

Might have been a good home crowd.with TT coming back.
I’m pretty sure my daughter shed a tear when that drop goal went over! She takes the losses harder than
Well put. Win, lose or draw, I just want to see us compete like Friday night. We do that, our losses won’t be as bad and if we keep it close until Tge 60min mark it can go either way. For mine the Titans team is finals bound for sure this year. I think our game plan v Warriors should roll over work hard and kick early when the wingers are up. Fafita and proctor are both big backrowers who I believe we can nullify by keeping them moving. Although this game is attack oriented these days, it ain’t our strength - clearly. I think if we can keep any game closeish we might be a chance late. Your daughter sounds like my son! He’s extremely competitive in everything he does. Unfortunately that’s not boded well for his support of the team this year. Friday night he was over the moon.
Well put. Win, lose or draw, I just want to see us compete like Friday night. We do that, our losses won’t be as bad and if we keep it close until Tge 60min mark it can go either way. For mine the Titans team is finals bound for sure this year. I think our game plan v Warriors should roll over work hard and kick early when the wingers are up. Fafita and proctor are both big backrowers who I believe we can nullify by keeping them moving. Although this game is attack oriented these days, it ain’t our strength - clearly. I think if we can keep any game closeish we might be a chance late. Your daughter sounds like my son! He’s extremely competitive in everything he does. Unfortunately that’s not boded well for his support of the team this year. Friday night he was over the moon.
Waz yep She’s a fierce netballer. Just gets stuck in every time.
I’m taking her to Gambaros in Caxton Street then the Broncos game for magic round.for her 18th. Was so good to get a win just to lift the spirits for that game. Was starting to look real ugly but she’s got a kick back in her step now.... at least for a week anyway. Lol All her mates are Titans supporters so a lot on the line this week.
It's a fan site to express opinions, timing shouldn't even come into the equation.

Does that mean the above mentality translates to my behaviour at a game full of people wanting to enjoy themselves---no.

The performance was not that great and made to look better against a poor performing Warriors---Warriors playing poorly wasn't a result of Manly playing well---that is what i need to see.

At least Manly tried a few things in that game defensively and attacking wise and some small patches of form within the forwards. Garrick had some strong incisive carries and is better when he floats around and can pick his moments to run through the middle off momentum not standing starts.
Its clear that Technical Coach has some great insights into the game. His analysis of the teams performance is generally very sound. However, like all of us he can also get things wrong. The effort and determination shown by the Manly forwards was a huge improvement on the first four rounds. They clearly outperformed the Warriors pack. Obviously the Warriors pack was missing go forward (AFB & Bunty out) and their defence was also substandard. Our forwards took them on, put them under pressure, and made them look like that. This was based on a much improved performance, by the majority of the Manly pack. I would argue that the "small patches of form" mentioned by TC, actually translates to "greatly improved performance" by ALL of the Manly forwards. (Except maybe Croker 😎 ). I disagree with TC that the Warriors playing poorly wasn't a result of Manly playing well. Yes it was far from perfect BUT Manlys improved effort and determination as a team was IMO the difference between the two sides on the night. This might not be reflected in the stats, but efforts plays are often not quantifiable, and therefore not subject to technical analysis. Go Manly.
Waz yep She’s a fierce netballer. Just gets stuck in every time.
I’m taking her to Gambaros in Caxton Street then the Broncos game for magic round.for her 18th. Was so good to get a win just to lift the spirits for that game. Was starting to look real ugly but she’s got a kick back in her step now.... at least for a week anyway. Lol All her mates are Titans supporters so a lot on the line this week.
Haha nice. Yes I’ll be there I think too. My boy turns 11 on Anzac Day and wants to go to magic round with a mate. I’m thinking of that or surprising him with a flight to Sydney on his birthday morning to watch us play wests at bankwest on Anzac Day. I’m bummed we are not at brookie for that one or would have jumped on it in a heartbeat. I think I’ll go Tge magic round option,
Waz yep She’s a fierce netballer. Just gets stuck in every time.
I’m taking her to Gambaros in Caxton Street then the Broncos game for magic round.for her 18th. Was so good to get a win just to lift the spirits for that game. Was starting to look real ugly but she’s got a kick back in her step now.... at least for a week anyway. Lol All her mates are Titans supporters so a lot on the line this week.
Gambaro’s.......nice one!!
@Technical Coach and I got into a bit of unneeded argy bargy last night and whilst I’ll stand by what I said as to his statements straight after a win which I strongly thought should have been left to later in the week he did have some very valid points as to the performance.

He’s far better at the technical stuff than I ever could be , so yes despite the disagreement I still value his opinion ( although not always do I agree ).

To me it was a vast improvement and I think should do ( if nothing else ) our confidence wonders as we move through the season.

Nevertheless the fact we were so **** in the first month against 3 of the contenders does show that we are a long long way from being competitive week after week.

So everything that I’ve read in the last 6 months does still ring true , we still need a mild clean out AND I still don’t believe Des is the one to take us forward in this modern game.

This weeks game will be a reality check against a side that’s going quite well and have added some real firepower to their armoury , our performance in Mudgee will probably tell us a lot more of where we are now than last nights game.

Someone who calls himself "Technical Coach" pretty much tells you all you need to know about the guy. F****** seriously?

"we still need a mild clean out AND I still don’t believe Des is the one to take us forward in this modern game"

Spot on sir.

We need to clean out the players who we know can't cut it and stop sending out the message that Manly is a home for sub standard rejects who would not get a game at any other team. (Parker, Garrick, Croker, Goswieski)
That would be enough.
Its clear that Technical Coach has some great insights into the game. His analysis of the teams performance is generally very sound. However, like all of us he can also get things wrong. The effort and determination shown by the Manly forwards was a huge improvement on the first four rounds. They clearly outperformed the Warriors pack. Obviously the Warriors pack was missing go forward (AFB & Bunty out) and their defence was also substandard. Our forwards took them on, put them under pressure, and made them look like that. This was based on a much improved performance, by the majority of the Manly pack. I would argue that the "small patches of form" mentioned by TC, actually translates to "greatly improved performance" by ALL of the Manly forwards. (Except maybe Croker 😎 ). I disagree with TC that the Warriors playing poorly wasn't a result of Manly playing well. Yes it was far from perfect BUT Manlys improved effort and determination as a team was IMO the difference between the two sides on the night. This might not be reflected in the stats, but efforts plays are often not quantifiable, and therefore not subject to technical analysis. Go Manly.
Such is life, people have differing point of views no problem with that, i just don't think the improvements were big enough against a weak opposition to make much difference in the results previously.
We held Fifita pretty good last season when he was playing for the Donkeys.

A good chance for Guaca to nail a backrow position with a good game.

Peachey is the one to watch, playing better in the middle, takes some pressure off the halves
Peachey is the one to watch, playing better in the middle, takes some pressure off the halves
Peachey, Fogarty, Brimson, Fifita (obviously), and Thompson on the wing is on fire. They have multiple threats, are in form and will be confident and relaxed, and their game is solid based on a pretty much all-representative forward pack.
It will be a mighty challenge for our guys, no doubt.
If Guaca can contain Fifita and have a good game with the ball he might finally find the coach's favor. I am however more concerned about our defence out wide. If Gauca and Sirro are available I would seriously be thinking of putting Schuster in the centers. He is a strong defender achieving a high tackle count each week in the second row and he will get the job done in defence and terrorize them in attack. Imagine the space he could create for Turbo.
It’s easy to suggest how to stop Fifita; it’s a helluva lot harder to do it. Strongest back rower I’ve seen since big Gordy
Older fans would remember Les Boyd, who just seemed to be stronger and more powerful than everyone else for some reason. Fifita seems like a bigger faster version of Boyd. Boyd maybe had a bit more skill, definitely a lot more intimidation value although that didn't do us much good in the end!
The best way to contain Fifita is to dominate possession and run their big forwards out of gas whilst scoring plenty of points.
😛 😉 And the WORD of the DAY is:


re·sil·ient (rĭ-zĭl′yənt)
1. Capable of returning to an original shape or position, as after having been compressed. See Synonyms at flexible.
2. Able to recover readily, as from misfortune.
[Latin resiliēns, resilient-, present participle of resilīre, to leap back; see resile.]
re·sil′ient·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

resilient (rɪˈzɪlɪənt)
1. (General Physics) (of an object or material) capable of regaining its original shape or position after bending, stretching, compression, or other deformation; elastic
2. (of a person) recovering easily and quickly from shock, illness, hardship, etc; irrepressible
reˈsiliently adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

re•sil•ient (rɪˈzɪl yənt)
1. having resilience; able to spring back to an original form or position after compression, stretching, etc.; flexible.
2. recovering readily from illness, adversity, or the like.
[1635–45; < Latin resilient-, s. of resiliēns, present participle of resilīre to spring back =re- re- + -silīre, comb. form of salīre to leap, jump]
re•sil′ient•ly, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Thank you @Jethro for highlighting the word of the day

Resilience is a very formidable characteristic to have

Resilient people have no fear as they always step up that extra gear and defy the odds against them

Resilience overcomes many adversities in life and on the football field

Resilient football teams are always competitive and never get flogged

Resilient teams are not intimidated by their more brilliant opponents

Because RESILIENCE is capable of beating Brilliance




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