Top 3 for me
3. Snake - Just an unbelievable player, when he was playing you just felt we had this incredible strike weapon, could score tries from anywhere. I used to love seeing him get a break.....and opposition teams just couldn't catch him.
2. BK - this will be a little controversial given he only played 2 seasons. But the Golden Period to me doesn't happen without him being there in 05/06. I must admit around the Northern Eagles debacle I basically lost interest. But he just suddenly made us tough to beat. I cannot rate him highly enough.
1. Killer - (for me of course). He was the cream. We had BK come in and instil some hard headedness.....then Killer came in and provided the extra polish in the backline. How he still gets overlooked as one (actually the best) centres of the last 30 years is beyond me. He went through a period whether it was 5/8 in the 08 season or a centre in other seasons where he was close to the worlds best player. But because he turned his back on rep duty....never got the credit.
(BTW Fulton is obviously no.1, but I'm just talking about my favorites).
And special mention to Tooves...phcen legend!