Hi everyone!
Many thanks for you wishes, it truly is appreciated. Sorry for not being back on here sooner but things have been kinda busy.
To catch up in the light of a new day.... I (and better half) had the plan of surprising the family. My other sister and niece were already in Australia (they live in Canada) and I thought it would be a wonderful surprise for mum to turn up at their house 'unannounced.'
Mum also wanted me to travel, so all those adventures (not just with hat - took better half as well) I had also kept as a surprise. I had put together a slide show of the best pics from the adventures (better half and myself this time....easier to explain than hat pics) and was going to surprise mum with that as well, knowing that as a mum who wears a heart on her sleeve there'd be tears of joy at seeing her only son (and wife) and knowing that we had been on many adventures.
However, maybe just tears now....no joy.
I now think I've had one of the biggest backfires imaginable (worse for my mum) so, damn it, she never got her surprise nor shared in our travelling joys. Lesson - best not to wait to surprise people!
We were literally 2 hours from leaving home when 'the' phone call came through. Since then I've either been waiting in terminals or on 15+ hours flights - there was no real time to myself. (Being a Manly man and all).
Guys, I actually started reading this thread waiting for the boarding call but your thoughts, especially to a stranger was that touching, plus the obvious sadness started to bring tears to my eyes...and not wanting to blub in the terminal...I stopped. I've read them all now and thanks again.
I've been on the other side here, thought "will saying condolences after 30 people have said it mean anything to the poster who has suffered loss?" The answer is yes, and I thank each of you for taking the time to reply.
@Ryan I can still only imagine the pain you've felt, and indeed feel after suffering through twice what we normally have to deal with, and I thank you for your kind offer.
To answer the questions re the titans game, I don't think I'll make it. Ironically I think we're in Sydney. Another reason for our trip was that the better half had some important business dealings to take care of in both NZ and Sydney. Although she's graciously, and immediately said to organise everything else first I want her to get these things done. Mum would want her too as well. She's already cancelled the first NZ thing she had to do so I want her to do the rest.
However, I am looking at the dates and games and hopefully September may bring me a game or too.....if things go well...maybe October??
So I don't break the computer, time to finish, but again to all of you too numerous to mention individually, thanks again for your condolences, and thanks to the PM'ers.
Party on!
(Oh whilst waiting at vancouver airport there was a couple, man was in a Manly polo. Spoke for 10 mins or so, nice couple!)
Go Manly!