Has anyone watched the Aussie TV series hit Mr Inbetween?
I think Manly has bragging rights over any other NRL team (except Souths) in that we have 2 ex Manly players who feature in the series in which it is becoming a global hit worldwide.
( I better put a spoiler alert in here for those that haven’t watched this excellent series)
Yeah, it’s buried somewhere in the whats worth watching on the TV thread. Although I can’t find it, I know it was there, as I posted it. I was reading that the American FX series producers have not ruled out a fifth series. Apparently it has (and deserves) a cult following in the states. I liked it better when Brooke Satchwell was in it. Just because he thru her brother thru a glass panel, which he thoroughly deserved, was no reason to split. And dimmies. Never been much of a fan, but I bought a cpl a while back. And to my astonishment the chick serving me says , Ahh a Mr Inbetween fan are you? Ended up she was also a big fan also. We had a good 5 minute chat about the series, much to the dislike of those waiting to order (yes, I was that guy. The one you want to throttle because he thinks it’s a great time to have a chat to the only employee at the time.lol)
If you like that one, you might like the mini series Les Norton. Especially if you have read any of the late, great author Robert G Barretts books of the Les Norton series. One of those ex-Manly player you alluded to is in this as well.
And while I’m on a roll, the last King of the Cross is excellent viewing in the same sort of Aussie 80’s genre. And that one has the other ex-Manly player in it a lot. Tim Roth gave it that touch of international class also.