Earnie the Eagle said:
Most memorable Manly game in your lifetime
Can you remember something that was not in your lifetime?
On the topic – there are so many memories of wonderful Manly victories that it's almost impossible to choose one. Following the fortunes of the mighty Sea Eagles has been one constant in my life since childhood. In fact it has been in my life longer than practically anything else - longer than my kids, my job, my relationships, my home … no wonder we get emotional about our footy!
Oddly, one match that stands out is one I never saw. It was 1971, I was a kid with Saturday arvo sporting commitments, but Manly were playing the match of the day against the might of Souths, who back then really were a genuinely mighty side. But we had been building, and that year had brought in Mal Reilly to join the other superstar we had in Bobby Fulton.
This day I went to the lengths of asking my mum to tape record Frank Hyde's 2SM commentary so I could listen when I got home. When I got home and listened I wasn't disappointed, we scored a clear cut win. And Frank's call of our 2 superstars combining down the left for a couple of classic tries always sticks in my mind. Reilly had chipped and ran through and Bozo was beating players with a subtle swerve and speed. Frank was in awe of these guys, he said Reilly doesn't so much run, he lopes along like a gazelle.
Anyway I later saw a couple of highlights on the tv news, but never got to watch the whole match. Though we didn't go on to win our first premiership that year, everyone knew from then on it was just a matter of time.