Journey Man
What saddens me that a simple pastime like watching footy, is constantly under attack. Its such a great diversion from all the other challenges of life.
News Ltd is forever to blame IMO. But the nastiness that their raid introduced, has spread like cancer among all the Clubs. We, the Supporters are always expected to accept whatever is being dished up.
Feeling sad about the endless Club office shenanigans🙁
Ready to release my inner Matai and sitting out the coming Seasons.😡
What Team is Cliffy coaching next year 😛
News Ltd is forever to blame IMO. But the nastiness that their raid introduced, has spread like cancer among all the Clubs. We, the Supporters are always expected to accept whatever is being dished up.
Feeling sad about the endless Club office shenanigans🙁
Ready to release my inner Matai and sitting out the coming Seasons.😡
What Team is Cliffy coaching next year 😛