1. Johnny Warren was right.
2. Anyway, the reasons why soccer has taken off is partly due to demographics. People who migrate to Australia are usually of a soccer fan background.
3. People grow up following a certain sport. They don't necessary suddenly become a fan of a new sport unless it's as great as Rugby League. Most people whom has never seen Cricket and migrated to Oz says it sucks and unbearable to watch. You've got to grow up following Cricket to want to like it. Rugby League has one advantage: It's a great gladiator spectator sport. It can draw new Aussies to our game.
4. The current Admin is hurting the game with some of their decisions.
* kicking the ball to the ref and get 6 more tackles??
* awarding tries that are blatantly forward in Grand Finals?
* rewarding players that are not loyal to the game with money to come back??
* NOT rewarding players who are loyal to their clubs (having played 10 years) to allow them to stay (Kite, Gifty, etc.) ...and many more.
5. We need songs in the crowd to build atmosphere. Much like Liverpool with their song. If only Manly has a jingle/tune/song that can get the crowd going all throughout the game. It'll make opposition teams hate coming to Brookie even more.
6. ** new point ** There are
too many teams in NSW. Expand the game like VFL, not contract and don't bring back the Bears unless if it's in Adelaide!