[Resurrected] Lol @ Parra

If an adult mind is closed, it is vertually impossible to open it.
I understand your analogy, it just doesn't apply in this case.
It is easy to throw out lines and insults like your fellow member blewhisarseoff or what ever the old codger calls himself, it is harder to prove your point.
So you can use that hackneyed saying about digging holes, you just need to justify it.
I have never turned from going against the mob, I will make my case and will not fall into line with popular opinion. People want to hear what they think from all sources, it reinforces to themselves they are correct, it makes for a boring social discourse.
By the number of you Manly fans lining up to have a shot at me, I have at least stimulated many replies, some of you have had a think about it and made your arguments in a coherent manner, while some have just mindlessly thrown tomatoes.
You can keep making your case all you want, but eventually we will tire of it and just flick you from the site.

With that said, the most simple analogy for your argument is "If your friends jumped off the harbour bridge, would you do it too"

So saying other teams have pulled some dodgy deals here and there, justifies cheating and being caught?
If they are doing it we should too? Is that right?

I mean I understand where you are coming from, that other teams do it to, like the Roosters and Broncos, they both seem to have fairly loose applications of the salary cap. Sure there is no denying they have been able to put together some incredible teams, that doesn't mean I want Manly to go do the same, and it certainly wouldn't justify it.

The key difference in what your mob have done, and what the others are doing, is actually a lot worse.
For one you were caught, the reason you were caught was both complete and utter incompetence and blatant disregard.

There is bending rules and there is systematically and deliberately breaking them over several years.

I pity the Eels fans, but if it were Manly I wouldn't be going around crying foul and pleading my very weak case to opposition fans, I would cop it on the chin, say that sucks, have a lot of anger at those in charge and then hope that the people left were intelligent enough to cop the punishment and allow the club to get on with rebuilding, say like Melbourne did.

Whilst I am on it, I hate Melbourne and love the rivalry, but I respect them for the way they went about proceedings after being caught. They didn't whine, they stood together, took the punishment, expressed their disappointment and got on with it, and they are competitive again, almost immediately.

Now, if I were an Eels fan, what would really really irk me, and I mean I would find it almost impossible to digest, is that despite systematically cheating, you failed to actually do anything with that cheating. Your recruitment was so bad that you paid extra money and cheated to create some of the most forgettable teams in football history and had to endure Sticky as coach. I can almost feel sorry for you there, thats just heartbreaking.

I say almost feel sorry for you, because I can't feel sorry for you. You show the same stupidity and misplaced arrogance as the people that got your "great" club into this in the first place. Which means I can only conclude one thing, you kind of deserve the situation in which you find yourself. You can continue to try to justify things all you want. The NRL is going to help you out of the hole, the same way they helped Titans out of the hole they got themselves in, Why, because the perceived need to have you to secure the game, a foolish notion, when fans are fairly inconsequential to the TV networks.
It's fairly evident that the NRL is interested in having Parra do well this year, despite the issues that have occurred. I would say you will be playing for points on Friday too, and good luck to you, but please spare me the hard luck story, finger-pointing and hollow justifications, they have no power here.

You see, my wifes family are all Eels supporters, its a hard pill to swallow, but you know what, they all treated the incident with dignity. Copped it on the chin, were disappointed but laughed it off. They didnt try to justify anything and they didnt try to make excuses. As a result, I just empathised with them,told them it sucks and hard luck and just got on with it, it was quite nice seeing a pack of westies acting rationally, you should try it. However you may want to start with this http://www.dictionary.com/ just to get you somewhere toward comprehension......Good day to you, you poor Eels supporting soul
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If an adult mind is closed, it is vertually impossible to open it.
I understand your analogy, it just doesn't apply in this case.
It is easy to throw out lines and insults like your fellow member blewhisarseoff or what ever the old codger calls himself, it is harder to prove your point.
So you can use that hackneyed saying about digging holes, you just need to justify it.
I have never turned from going against the mob, I will make my case and will not fall into line with popular opinion. People want to hear what they think from all sources, it reinforces to themselves they are correct, it makes for a boring social discourse.
By the number of you Manly fans lining up to have a shot at me, I have at least stimulated many replies, some of you have had a think about it and made your arguments in a coherent manner, while some have just mindlessly thrown tomatoes.

I love tomatoe's, and never throw them !!
Because you guys have been caught red handed cheating and all you seem to do is to try and rationalise your club's actions by continually saying it's not fair because other clubs do it.
That approach makes you sound like some whinny kid in kindergarten.

Just put your hand in the air, own up to your mistakes and accept the punishment...that's what grown ups do.
Possibly you have not seen the posts where I say our punishment is fair but harsh. I have said yes our board cheated, you lot seem to think we are al Capone in this. I wonder how you guys will react when the NRL looks into the Foran TPA with Manly, or the drugs your team was alleged to be on in.
You can arrive at whatever conclusion you like MYKNOB fact is you will be forever known as cheats. Even if you manage to win the GF this year or the next, nobody except for Parra supporters will give you any credit for winning, it will be a hollow victory. Smack a cheating team 40-0 in a GF and then you can come back and preach about how your innocent.

You guys are the Lance Armstrong of the NRL. Best of Luck!
Actually Lance Armstrong won everything. Dumb analogy.
Possibly you have not seen the posts where I say our punishment is fair but harsh. I have said yes our board cheated, you lot seem to think we are al Capone in this. I wonder how you guys will react when the NRL looks into the Foran TPA with Manly, or the drugs your team was alleged to be on in.

You do know the drugs that moron is saying he put into the water without the players knowing is actually not banned and is found in most sport drinks like redbull right? Of course not, you're a Parra troll.
As for Forans TPA, he should be chasing the third party, not Manly.
Possibly you have not seen the posts where I say our punishment is fair but harsh. I have said yes our board cheated, you lot seem to think we are al Capone in this. I wonder how you guys will react when the NRL looks into the Foran TPA with Manly, or the drugs your team was alleged to be on in.

That you Steve Sharp?

Oh yes, the drugs deemed so ssrious that the NRL has not even commented on, and the mysterious Foran TPA that no paperwork exists for....you flog.

You guys CHEATED, accept it and stop coming and commenting on a supporter site that absolutely hates your club, and think you are going to win people over, patricularly when you have failed spectacularly to put any cogent, justifiable reasoning behind it.
Well it looks like they will need to lose 3 players - Ryan Morgan, Watmough and another one. It will be interesting if any club will take the other player. If the clubs don't want the Eels in the semis then they don't take the third player until it is too late for the Eels to get the 12 wins they need to play in the semis. Simples.
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Hey MYOB....why bother coming here and trying your best door knocking Jehova impersonation ? Your mighty glow worms have now joined the list of cheats headed by the purple scum and bullgrubs....any results this year are tainted..and the whipping with a feather you guys are copping from the No Reality League just makes the situation laughable.....go back to your oneeyedtrousersnake page and wallow in your group denial over there....just remember you guys voted your tard management in for the last few years...and since when did squeel fans care what manly fans think, ' cause obviouly you've mistaken fans on this page for people who hive a f@ck about the plight of revisionist delusionists like yourself. ....do youself a favour....fork off and get a life....maybe buy an RBB membership and new pair off uggs to make youself feel better about the cheating squeels....maybe punch a few dozen cones before work if you have a job or need to put your dole form in....you're pissing in the wind here and I for one , can believe that uppity tards like you do exists just from observing the denialist parra turds at my workplace....go back to greystanes...they are missing their village idiot.....FFS.
You can keep making your case all you want, but eventually we will tire of it and just flick you from the site.

With that said, the most simple analogy for your argument is "If your friends jumped off the harbour bridge, would you do it too"

So saying other teams have pulled some dodgy deals here and there, justifies cheating and being caught?
If they are doing it we should too? Is that right?

I mean I understand where you are coming from, that other teams do it to, like the Roosters and Broncos, they both seem to have fairly loose applications of the salary cap. Sure there is no denying they have been able to put together some incredible teams, that doesn't mean I want Manly to go do the same, and it certainly wouldn't justify it.

The key difference in what your mob have done, and what the others are doing, is actually a lot worse.
For one you were caught, the reason you were caught was both complete and utter incompetence and blatant disregard.

There is bending rules and there is systematically and deliberately breaking them over several years.

I pity the Eels fans, but if it were Manly I wouldn't be going around crying foul and pleading my very weak case to opposition fans, I would cop it on the chin, say that sucks, have a lot of anger at those in charge and then hope that the people left were intelligent enough to cop the punishment and allow the club to get on with rebuilding, say like Melbourne did.

Whilst I am on it, I hate Melbourne and love the rivalry, but I respect them for the way they went about proceedings after being caught. They didn't whine, they stood together, took the punishment, expressed their disappointment and got on with it, and they are competitive again, almost immediately.

Now, if I were an Eels fan, what would really really irk me, and I mean I would find it almost impossible to digest, is that despite systematically cheating, you failed to actually do anything with that cheating. Your recruitment was so bad that you paid extra money and cheated to create some of the most forgettable teams in football history and had to endure Sticky as coach. I can almost feel sorry for you there, thats just heartbreaking.

I say almost feel sorry for you, because I can't feel sorry for you. You show the same stupidity and misplaced arrogance as the people that got your "great" club into this in the first place. Which means I can only conclude one thing, you kind of deserve the situation in which you find yourself. You can continue to try to justify things all you want. The NRL is going to help you out of the hole, the same way they helped Titans out of the hole they got themselves in, Why, because the perceived need to have you to secure the game, a foolish notion, when fans are fairly inconsequential to the TV networks.
It's fairly evident that the NRL is interested in having Parra do well this year, despite the issues that have occurred. I would say you will be playing for points on Friday too, and good luck to you, but please spare me the hard luck story, finger-pointing and hollow justifications, they have no power here.

You see, my wifes family are all Eels supporters, its a hard pill to swallow, but you know what, they all treated the incident with dignity. Copped it on the chin, were disappointed but laughed it off. They didnt try to justify anything and they didnt try to make excuses. As a result, I just empathised with them,told them it sucks and hard luck and just got on with it, it was quite nice seeing a pack of westies acting rationally, you should try it. However you may want to start with this http://www.dictionary.com/ just to get you somewhere toward comprehension......Good day to you, you poor Eels supporting soul

Well Dan, it's is pointless arguing with you, as you say, you will just flick me from the site because you are the administrator.

Your arrogance is clear in your post. Your ignorance is clear as well and that's OK as we are all ignorant of something, it's when people overlay their ignorance with arrogance as you have that it's just pathetic.

I have been surprised by the poor me attitude of some of you lot, the conspiracy theories you subscribe to, that the NRL is propping up the Eels, giving us a soft penalty, in some way to shore up the game against the AFL & Soccer.

So your "pack of westies" inlaws accept the penalty, so do I and so do most Eels fans, we just reject the ludicrous notion that our club should be arseholed out of the competition this year and thankfully the majority of non biased commentators and ex-players agree with this.

Thank you for the tip on comprehension Dan, maybe you should work on yours, by referencing the SMH article, I was not justifying our cheating, I was attempting to show that there is a major problem with the NRL, one that your great club and it's great culture are not immune from.

Hopefully Manly make the semis and hopefully the Eels do as well, it's good for the game, it's a great rivalry, if we lose to you we will say "oh well", if we beat Manly you can comfort yourself with tears over beers, saying we cheated.
Hi All, @Rex , @Mark from Brisbane , @niccipops. Just come in to say hi in this popular thread. Hope you're all well. Hope you all have been treating @MYBOB with the same courtesy you treated me. He's a great guy, so be nice. As you can expect, it's not an easy time for us. On the bright side, at least you won't have to worry about playing us again this year (unless you make the semifinals of course, which you should 😉 ).
Hi Eelectric. I'm sure @MYBOB's a good bloke who's very passionate about his team. He is trying to convince the wrong crowd about his point of view though. I'm mucking around with him most of time. I'll be nice to him but I'll be even nicer if he follows your club's lead and gives me some cash in a brown paper bag.:giggle:
Hey MYOB....why bother coming here and trying your best door knocking Jehova impersonation ? Your mighty glow worms have now joined the list of cheats headed by the purple scum and bullgrubs....any results this year are tainted..and the whipping with a feather you guys are copping from the No Reality League just makes the situation laughable.....go back to your oneeyedtrousersnake page and wallow in your group denial over there....just remember you guys voted your tard management in for the last few years...and since when did squeel fans care what manly fans think, ' cause obviouly you've mistaken fans on this page for people who hive a f@ck about the plight of revisionist delusionists like yourself. ....do youself a favour....fork off and get a life....maybe buy an RBB membership and new pair off uggs to make youself feel better about the cheating squeels....maybe punch a few dozen cones before work if you have a job or need to put your dole form in....you're pissing in the wind here and I for one , can believe that uppity tards like you do exists just from observing the denialist parra turds at my workplace....go back to greystanes...they are missing their village idiot.....FFS.

Hey @WESTIE i think you should tell him how you really feel mate, that was a little soft .......lol
So your "pack of westies" inlaws accept the penalty, so do I and so do most Eels fans, we just reject the ludicrous notion that our club should be arseholed out of the competition this year and thankfully the majority of non biased commentators and ex-players agree with this.

Oh please spare me, go have a look at your own fan forum over at 1eyedeel, most of the so called fans are in denial and seem to think they shouldn't have to shed any players and blame the NRL etc etc. It's sickening.
Meh...I keep telling you guys...why bother but you all seem to lap it up like a dog on dropped ice cream (to each their own I guess.)

All it does is post garbage here....runs back to its own forum to post:

see? see? see what I did? I'm a goooood booooy everyone gimme some more attn. fap fap fap fap.

It's just posting on a loop now. I'd suggest save the bandwidth.

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You do know the drugs that moron is saying he put into the water without the players knowing is actually not banned and is found in most sport drinks like redbull right? Of course not, you're a Parra troll.
As for Forans TPA, he should be chasing the third party, not Manly.

Even better is that the body synthesizes its own inositol...

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