Let's Hate Manly Again

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Under the Sticks

The spirit of Mooney 🦅
Premium Member
Okay I'm not good at writing in the third person thing but stay with me.

We all know and love the "Don't Worry, Manly Hates You Too" mantra but I feel we are not hated as much as we used to be and that is impacting our onfield performance and motivation. I think what has led to this has been:
  1. the Dessie "fly under the radar" days
  2. the lack of recent premiership success
  3. the emergence of the loveable Trbos
  4. the attractive style of footy we played in 2021
  5. the bravery / stupidity of the club during rainbowgate (which other club would go there)
  6. the meekness of late 2022 and a lot of 2023 (other clubs just laugh or don't care).
There may be more and I'd be happy to hear suggestions.

It feels that the club has recognised this and has started to deliberately address this in a number of different ways.
  1. upgrading Brookvale Oval and encouraging attendance to make it feel more of a fortress
  2. maintaining DCE as our captain (which he deserves to be) as he is such divisive and outspoken figure in the game outside our club e.g. his role in the RLPA
  3. getting a whole club offside in one go by recruiting Luke Brooks
  4. getting some hated hard heads into the team i.e. Matt Lodge and Nathan Brown
  5. clearly roughing and hardening up established players attitudes such as Saab and Schuster with the latest boxing thing
  6. being ruthless with recruitment in moving on known mistake ridden players
  7. Being more pushy with the NRL to get compo for SOO Trbo injury (and not spend it) and being part of Las Vegas in year 1
  8. changing the club's logo to be more agressive
I'm sure there is more but it just feels that the club is trying to "reinstate the hate" as we know that usually works for us. I personally thnk the biggest contributor of that hate is regularly winning as shown by the panfers and storm and by us under Arko.

In this new era of "everyone must like me" I am personally looking forward to being hated a bit more again as a Manly fan.


Everyone hates Penrith right now because they keep winning. We were hated because we kept winning. Now we don't win anything so there's no reason to hate us.


First Grader
Premium Member
Incorrect! I have about 100 reasons I hate the squeels and we all know that’s got nothing to do with on field success!
Yeah but that is born out of a succesful period for the Eels where we played them a bunch in GFs.

Then breeds a rivalry that then gets passed down through the generations

Will on the hill

Tipping Member
Yeah but that is born out of a succesful period for the Eels where we played them a bunch in GFs.

Then breeds a rivalry that then gets passed down through the generations
And it lasts so long that most of our fans were born after it started, yet it carries on.


Journey Man
Tipping Member
On field success is the only thing that leads to hatred
Spot on feathered friend !
Here are the Facts ...
Rivals Envy Winners
Rivals are Jealous of winners
Rivals resent winners
The Majority of the people want the underdog to win
The Funny Fact is that People like to Win but they Hate Winners

The moral of the story ...
If We want People to Hate us Again
We have to start Winning Again
Last edited:

Will on the hill

Tipping Member
Spot on feathered friend !
Here are the Facts ...
Rivals and Tall Poppies Envy Winners
Rivals and Tall Poppies are Jealous of winners
Rivals and Tall poppies resent winners
The Majority of the people want the underdog to win
The Funny Fact is that People like to Win but they Hate Winners

The moral of the story ...
If We want People to Hate us Again
We have to start Winning Again
You might want to google what a tall poppy is.


Journey Man
Tipping Member
You might want to google what a tall poppy is.
You are right . I stuffed up
Tall Poppies was the wrong word
Thank you feathered friend
All fixed !
Rivals Envy Winners
Rivals are Jealous of winners
Rivals resent winners
The Majority of the people want the underdog to win
The Funny Fact is that People like to Win but they Hate Winners

The moral of the story ...
If We want People to Hate us Again
We have to start Winning Again

Ron E. Gibbs

First Grader
Everyone hates Penrith right now because they keep winning. We were hated because we kept winning. Now we don't win anything so there's no reason to hate us.
Yep, sadly we are no longer hated because we are no longer relevant. We are not a genuine premiership threat and have not been a genuine premiership threat for a long time.

Year after year, there are a handful of teams who are always in the "Who's going to win it this year?" conversation. We are not one of those teams. We are one of the also-rans: teams who might have a good year if everything goes their way.

Like fans of every other also-ran NRL team, we are entitled to hope for the best, but it will take a lot of change for the "premiership window" we are supposedly in to be believable in any way.

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