well, i hope you're right. i want koula to play well but ive been following him since he came to 1st grade. One look at lehi and immediately see talent there, not so with koula. Against the bulldogs, the bulldog player ran at koula and koula got him high and the bulldog player just spin around . had it not been for Turbo, that bloke scores. Koula cant defend, he cant punch holes, he aint the ball player nor has the skills like Hoppa. I must been watching a different game to all the koula supporters. I am the first to want to see Koula play well, but in my humble opinion, he is the least talented player in the 17 lineup. people say koula is still young at 21, but hoppa is just 19 and just oozes class. and throughout the bulldogs game, koula made no impact. he is stopped in his tracks when he runs. he is only good when there is open space. Koula playing fullback would be the biggest disaster since white star line struck an iceberg in 1912. The way the manly fans describe koula would fit perfectly for Lehi. he scored 2 great tries, saved another by tackling JAC over the sidelines. If only Koula play like that, then he would earn the accolades you guys bestow upon him. maybe I am in the twilight zone and there really aint any praise for koula at all in the real realm. koula only position is a reserve winger (not mocking him nor an insult) just how i see it. i rate Vaega over him.