I attended the meeting with approx 300-400 others. familiar faces included Geoff Toovey , Des Hasler , Grant Mayer , Max Krilich , Cliff Lyons , Zorba , Tom Kenneally , ChuckWood amongst others. (haha) Apology was sent on behalf of Ken Arthurson, who I believe lives on the Gold Coast these days. I would have liked to have seen Arko there , but obviously he had legitimate reasons for non attendance.
Bob Reilly (Chairman) and Peter Spray (Financial Controller) spoke outling the proposal & pledging the Boards support for the purchase of Club & car park by The Penn Group.
The floor was then thrown open to Members to have their say. 6 or 7 people got up and had their say. The 1st elderly gentleman made a valid statement which I agreed with in saying \" it's not the best deal , but the only deal\" . The next speaker was Phil Franks. Long term supporters may be familiar with Phil Franks (developer) association with the club in previous years. He has a close affiliation with Max Delmege and he spoke at great length opposing the sale to Penn Group. Bob Reilly (Chairman) and Phil Franks had a few verbal disagreements & Bob Reilly had to cut him short. He would have spoken for hours if he could have & he was fired up.
Peter Peters then got up and stated that his conflict of interest should be ignored and that the Board has made the correct decision for the betterment of the club and the football team. He spoke well & it was becoming apparant that he had massive support. Once again , plenty of banter & quite a fiery , passionate speach.
Then the show of hands took place. I would estimate it was between 80-90% in favour of the sale to Penn. Phil Franks was 1st to leave the room & yelled \"Rest In Peace\" as he left.
So there you have it , quite an interesting Tuesday night at Manly Leagues Club. Before leaving , the Auditorium bar was opened up for 45 mins for Members to enjoy .....wait for it \"FREE BEER\". I certainly enjoyed 2 icy cold Tooheys New.